
What I Did Over Thanksgiving Break

Yep, I celebrated Thanksgiving over the past couple of days, as did most of you I'm sure. So let's see. How did it go?

Wednesday I come in and right away go out to a movie with some friends I haven't seen in a while. We saw the Spongebob Movie. Aside from the like "I Have Ridden The Mighty Hasslehoff!", it turned out to be a lousy movie, but I was in good company.

Next morning, I wake up, go shopping for some little things before the big meal. When I get back, Mom makes me an offer: The TV only displays black and white. If I bring over some techy type friends and we try to solve the problem, she offers to buy us pizza. If we FIX the problem, she buys a round of video games. So I decide to go in and take a quick look see to figure out what the problem might be. About five clicks into the investigation, I have the problem fixed. I actually felt kinda bad about this, because It meant Matt and Dan didn't get any video games. Or pizza. Next time that happens, I'm going to unfix it and invite over Matt and Dan and then together we will "Fix" it. ^_^

Thankgiving dinner itself took place at a resturaunt called Threadgills. That was fun, because I don't really like turkey. Ham though... Ham I like. So I had ham. And it was good. And so were the carrots and salad. And that's all I have to say on that.

Black Friday was surprisingly bright, actually. We went out shopping, and I'm pretty sure I have something for everyone in my "direct" family. Twelve people, if im counting right. Also, I got that game Mom promised me - Pokemon Fire Red. Yep. I'm a Pokemon fan. This game is actually really cool, though. I really liked the extra tidbits added for the Ruby and Sapphire versions. That, plus the old-school goodness of the original Pokemon storyline, fromt he old Red and Blue, makes me happy. I picked Charmander for my starter, who is currently a level 27 Charmeleon after fifteen hours. Named Piro (not pronounced "pie-row", but "pee-row", after the Megatokyo character who was in turn named after a cat from the Kanon series who was named after a Russian meat-bread o_o)... Anyway, I've taken to nicknaming my party Pokemon, a task which has gotten easier since I just recently arrived in Lavender town, home of the rename person.

Lessee... I got to see National Treasure on Saturday night, which was alright. I will say till my dying day that the movie looked like it was written for higher caliber actors, but it couldn't get them, namely Seth Green as goody sidekick and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as sexy love intrest. The funny part of the end, too, was Nicolas Cage's character stepping out from the shadows, letting the villian know he wasn't dead after all, which raised the question, can Nicholas Cage truly be killed? See the bottom for answer.

Also saw the Stepford Wives. Matthew Broderick plays a guy who is married to Nicole Kidman, and simply not satisfied. I found the premise unbelievable, ignoring also the robot wives and such. Anyway, I just found that funny.

So that's what I've been up to. I'm gonna go do more stuff.
By the way, killing Nick Cage requires three silver bullets one to the heart and each lung, plus a gold tipped spear. Needless to say, it's not an easy task. Plus, he's simply not that much of a threat.

Preview Of Things To Come

Greg's sleep schedule continues to suck. I need to work on that I suppose. Anyway. I need to tell you about several things including:

Thanksgiving - I hate turkey, opted for ham.
Pokemon Fire Red - Fuck. I gotta catch them all. Again.
National Treasure - Can Nicholas Cage truly be killed?
The Stepford Wives - For the man who won't settle for just being married to Nicole Kidman.

And more. All tomorrow. Maybe. *Shrugs.*


Unhinged Awesomeness

Yep. I finally got to sleep last night. Turns out it was OUR heater (among others) making the sound, and it did eventually end. But I still have the images of a pair of dormies beating their heater with broadswords. Anyway, I got up at noon. Not enough sleep.
Well, apparently enough, since I was able to come in first at the Unhinged Tourney! ^_^!!! Yep, I got first (out of twelve, this wasn't a normal release tournament). It was sealed deck with three rounds of swiss. In other words, everyone played three matches, and then prizes were dealt out accordingly. After opening my five packs and being startled at the repitition in them, I made the following deck.
9x Island
6x Forest
1x City of Ass
1x _______
1x Artful Looter
2x Bursting Beebles
3x Carnivorous Death-Parrot
1x Double Header
2x Loose Lips
1x Mouth to Miuth
1x Smart Ass
1x Fat Ass
3x Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made This Card To Have The Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental
1x Shoe Tree
3x S.N.O.T.
1x Stone-Cold Basilisk
1x Supersize
1x Symbol Status
1x Rod of Spanking
I have to admit I felt a little guilty, making a deck that was actually trying to be GOOD, as opposed to be something fun. Keeping in mind the different minutia of this set, I made sure to get every land by a different by a different artist and, if possible, from a different set. Being the only one to bring basic lands, I got first pick of the lands. ^_^ Anyway... Some fun stuff that happened - ummm... I can't remember. It was fun, though! And... I won!!! Yeah, I got first. Went undefeated the whole night. It was awesome. I managed to walk away from it with 13 packs worth of cards, plus 7 DCI premiums - two Ass Whuppin's, two Booster Tutors, and one each of Ashnod's Coupon, Bone Splitter, and Darksteel Ingot.

Alright, enough bragging. I'm gonna go to bed. Again. O_O.


Need Some Sleep

Okay, it's 1:48 AM, and I'm still up. I know, most of the time this isn't a big deal, I've stayed up later than that. But tonight, Matt and I decided to get to bed early. No big reason, just that he felt tired early, and since I couldn't watch TV after that, I decided to follow him (into my own bed, you sickos). So, why am I still awake? I swear, this time it's not my fault. Some jackass is banging on the pipes. I don't know where its coming from, because its coming from all the pipes at once. But it is REALLY annoying. I first heard it in the middle of a dream. I think it was about Magic and this deep, rumbling voice said "I win." I was a little shocked by this, as my opponent didn't have a deep, rumbling voice. I don't remember who it was, but I do remember that much about them. So just as I was about to ask the voice something, it repeated. And in the middle of a normal dream, it was creepy. It probably didn't help matters that the voice didn't go away after I woke up. It just got louder and less understandable as my grogginess faded. It's elevated to what was a low grating noise to a loud, repetitive clanging, coming through the pipes, which is creepy because now it sounds like it is surrounding me. Anyway, I'm going to stay up a little to try and wait it out, but it seems to just be getting louder and faster and more persistent. I may before morning be forced to seek out the source. >_< I hate this dorm right now.


I'm Weird

A conversation with my step-brother:
Jamesu san 5789: do my math work
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i seriously had no idea what the card did before i tried that
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: whats this math work?
Jamesu san 5789: stupid algebra
Jamesu san 5789: wtf? "solve pV/nT for p"
Jamesu san 5789: i didnt do that section yet!
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: solve pV/nT for p?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: theres no equal sign?
Jamesu san 5789: oops
Jamesu san 5789: R=pV/nT*
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: k
Jamesu san 5789: stupid fingers
Jamesu san 5789: i hate letters!
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: R*nT=(pV/nT)*nT
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: which equals just pV
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: then divide both sides by V
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: RnT/V = p
Jamesu san 5789: >.<
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: you wanna know whats REALLY scary?
Jamesu san 5789: what?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i enjoyed that
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: o_o
I've been in school to long. I'm starting to snap.


What is up with my hair?

I've had troubles with my hair recently. I swear I'm washing it regularly, but no matter what I do, I end up with knots in the back of my head. Only on the right side, too. It's freaky. Am I sleeping on it funny you think? Or am I just weird? Oh well. I am ALWAYS weird. ^_^

That's all, aside from the picture for my desktop being being uber-cute! Lookie!

Okay, I'm gonna finish watching the climax of Ocean's Eleven.


Another For Today

Matt wouldn't let me watch the whole Green Ranger Mini-series. ;_; Oh well. In other weekend news, I control Asia in a game of Risk 2210, though I doubt that will last until the beginning of my next turn. Sigh. Red has really conquered a bunch... North AND South America, Europoe, and both of the three island water continents. I don't think we're gonna stand any chance. *Sniffle.*


I am watching the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers now.

Instead of sleeping.

I think I'm going nuts from being up all night.

Oh well.

By the way, it's the original series.

The first episode of the green ranger mini-series, to be Precice.

It's awesome.

Especially if they run all five episodes this morning.

Okay, enough of that, later.



Sigh. I got bored tonite, so I rode down University to the 'nearby' Magic store - Challenge Games. Yes. I rode. My bicycle. In 40 degree weather. It was about a half hour, each way. I dunno if it was really worth it, either. I mean, the tournament was free, and I managed to beat a rival Tooth and Nail deck. Apparently TnN is my only Standard format deck. Anyway. I managed to win one game out of three. The first game was a rather odd matchup. I managed to counter his Darksteel Collossus with one of my own just in time, but he still was able to burn me out with a fireball, I think. It was alright. Second game poor guy, Patrick was his name, was sorta stuck. Add in that I managed to Mindslaver him twice. Once to fireball hisself for 6, and then another time when it was just a 10 mana time walk. I managed to barely squeeze out my own lethal fireball, shortly after Naturalizing a Sundering Titan as it was being copied with Kiki-Jiki. (If you don't know the names, don't worry. Neither do I ^_^) Anyway, the third game I was stuck with a lone Cloudpost after mulliganning once. I kept because I had enough mana fixers in hand that if I got one more land I would be set. Not only did I never see the second land, but when Patrick finally got enough Cloudposts on his side that I could have played a Solemn Simulacrum, he then turns around and Reap and Sow's my only post. ;_;! Ah well, so needless to say, I found my next land, a Forest, about 3 turns after I died. Shrugs. Twas a single elimination, so I went home after watching a few other games. Ah well. I'm looking forward to the Unhinged release tournament next Saturday - No not tomorrow. I'll be sure to tell you all about it.

Also in my news... .Hack Vol 3 FINALLY came out!!! It was FANTASTIC!!! I LOVED IT!!! I CAN'T EVEN... *POP*

Okay, but yeah, I like it a lot. ^_^ I'm gonna just leave it at that, and say you all must read it now. Alright, so long.


A Little Quiz For You

Feel free to E-mail / comment you're answers, whatever. I can't wait to read them.

01. Give me a nickname, and explain why you picked it.
02. Am I lovable?
03. How long have you known me?
04. When and where did we first meet?
05. What was your first impression?
06. Do you still think that way about me now?
07. What do you think my weakness is?
08. Do you think I'll ever get married?
09. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. What is my best quality?
13. How well do you think you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think that I could kill someone?
17. Who would play me in a movie?
18. If I were to be a color, what one would I be?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
21. Do you think that I am stubborn?
22. Are you going to put this on your xanga and see what I say about you?
23. Have you ever liked me as more than a friend?
24. What do you think I'm going to be when I grow up?


Time For Something With Substance

Funny thing happened just now. I saw a person log onto AIM, and briefly considered saying hi, but he beat me to the punch. I got the one word message "fag" from him. Then he signed off before I could say something back. I'm confused. But also, I'm a little flattered. The idea that someone cares enough about me to want to sign on and off again soley to offend me (I guess) is sort of an empowering feeling. Especially because I don't know what I did to piss him off. He know's I'm bi. I know I'm bi. What's he trying to prove? Ah well. I feel special, kinda. ^_^;

Lesse... I got to go back home this weekend! The internet there sucks. Terribly. Sigh. I hate that house. I've been spoiled by the T1 line here at school. However, it was good to be able to go back and see my family. I spent Saturday at the mall Christmas shopping for others, and got things for about 5 people, I think. I also picked up the last three volumes of CCS I need. Now I can finally finish Sakura's tale of whimsy and wonder. Afterwards, I got dropped off at my Aunt's house and played with Clara, my two-year-old cousin/niece. (Don't worry, my Aunt isn't also my sister, or some random hillbilly nonsense. They call me Uncle Greg, but I'm really a cousin.) After that, and a nice family dinner at the Guadalajara Mexican resturaunt, I went home, finally got in touch with Matt and Dan to go see the movie we'd been planning on seeing since Thursday, The Incredibles. While I waited for the 955 showtime, I got to go back and finally defeat Oogie Boogie, clearing Halloweentown once and for all. I was PLANNING on doing that Halloween Weekend, but travel plans sucked for me. Anyway, I did manage beat that, though only after putting the game on pause at the very end of the Boss battle to see the movie.

The movie, by the way, was GREAT! Its not really a kids movie, the way most Pixar films have been thus far. I mean, yes, most Pixar films had jokes in there that both adults and kids could enjoy, but some parts of the Incredibles, including a man suing the hero for foiling his suicide attempt, may require some delicate conversations with parents. I enjoyed it, though. I have a big interest in the field of Superheroics. Jason Lee plays the fanboy villian, and you can almost tell that the role was written just for him. It was like Kevin Smith flashbacks all over again. Also, it was sort of neat how none of them could really fly. That's the one super power that so many people take for granted in their super heroes.

So then the question remains, what super power would I pick? Hmmm... And I'm not just talking about in the ones from that movie. I'm talking about all heroes ever. (Except for ubermenches like Superman. He's just unfair.) I think I'd have to go for Nightcrawler's (X-men) teleportation. That would be cool. It's not inheriently violent, and being a pacifist, I appriciate that. It's also got a really cool sound effect, "Bamf." That's the mark of a good power. ^_^

Alright, later. Oh yeah, along with that question, I still have the question of "What famous actor would star as me in a movie of my life?" Any suggestions on this would help me out. Okay, so long.

Butt dance butt dance.....
Butt dance butt dance.....


Then They Came for Me

I was reading over CNN, and got the inspiration to seek out this poem I learned in school a few years ago:
First They Came for the Jews, By Pastor Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

For those of you who were on the winning side on Tuesday, and need a little help with the analogy, here's my modern revision.
First they came for the Arabs
and I did not speak out
because I was not an Arab.
Then they came for the homosexuals
and I did not speak out
because I was not homosexual.
Then they came for the liberals
and I did not speak out
because I was not a liberal.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.


Tyrannies of Majorities scare me. ;_;


Of Traps And Shrimp

Another link that needs immortalizing.

The ultimate wisdom of Admiral Ackbar.

Shut Up Wesley

I saw this on Star Trek just now. I couldn't resist. These links must be shared with the world!

Shut up, Wesley!

24 Hours Later

Bush won.

I found out as soon as the news broke. I woke up at 10, checked out CNN.com, and found that it was still a dead heat, with Ohio becoming the deciding state. "Oh great," I thought, "Another Florida." The debacle last election was still being contested even today, and the thought of having to go through another four years of that was almost as disheartening of the fact that my candidate lost. Then a funny thing happened. I checked out Fox News, who had early on called Ohio for Bush. They had a headline I had never expected.

"Kerry Concedes."

What? It's over? I was just getting ready for a good week at least of vote contesting. All those people who filed lawsuits are probably kicking themselves now. Oh well. Kerry conceded, and I'm sure that he wouldn't have done it unless he was sure he didn't have a chance. I have to admit, I don't see why Ohio wan't being called for anyone by CNN. It had a larger difference than some of the other states that had already been called one way or the other. I think they were just holding out until everything was settled, not wanting to make a pre-emptive call.

I've made no secret that I don't like Bush's presidency. I think that he's destroyed America in the eye of the World. I think the war in Iraq was a mistake, and I'm disheartened that now no one will make Bush own up to it. Honestly, that was the only issue that I felt strongly about. I know different people who feel very strongly about certain moral or domestic issues. I don't, really. Honestly, I respect their opinions, I really do, I just have over the past few weeks gotten tired of people who have opinions about things they really don't know about. I've met people on both sides of the fence with this problem, and I suppose the point of a campaign is to simplify complex issues into simple black and white coinflips for voter processing. And really, the Bush administration has been working on this since 2001. The Axis of Evil, himself being sent to do God's will, drawing definative lines between people, places, ideas. I think it's a little bit scary that (A) they believe they have the right to do this all unchallenged, and (B) they HAVE gotten away with this mostly uncontested. I remember watching the Daily Show, when Zell Miller was speaking at the Republican National Convention, berating the Democrats for questioning the President, which Jon Stewart then paraphrased with "How dare the Democratic party field a candidate; And during an election year!" I've seen similar sentiments expressed by far to many people. I have to admit, when the Daily Show hinted they may postpone the elections indefinitely, I only partially dismissed it as a joke, and I'm still not ruling it out for an October surprise in '08.

Gah. I need to calm down. Bush really isn't that bad a guy. The country didn't blow up over the past four years (except for that one time, but I'm not dumb enough to blame him for that). I may not agree with him, but I'm not the first time to note that there are much worse candidates for presidency. In the mean time, I've started preparing for the 2008 election: Jeb Bush vs Hilary Clinton. O_O!


Big Day, No Time For Titles

Wow, what a day. Election is still going on, so I'll save that for another day. First: IT SNOWED (a little). Oh well.

Also, I recently got invited to a forum - PSP vs DS. Since I really don't care for either of them, that makes me a perfect impartial judge. Anyway, I proceded to take an active part in the boards, and currently have 44% of the posts. I was, this evening, named moderator of their off-topic board. So I guess I would encourage you all, especially the gamers out there, to join up and voice your opinion over there. Registering is free, easy, and its a cool place to hang out and just talk about whatever. Especially my forum, where basically anything goes. I dunno what that is exactly, but its probably a lot. Alright, I guess that's it. What an election, eh? I'll voice my opinion on it when I come back.

Official Forum Plug: Voice your opinion on the war of the hand-held consoles @ the PSP vs DS forum: http://s8.invisionfree.com/pspvds or visit the easy to remember www.freewebs.com/pspds for the redirection link!!! Spread the Word

I feel like such a whore. ;_;