
Wishes and Dreams

So I put up my wishlist blog. I'd like to say it went off without a hitch, but hitches were, in fact, involved. However, it looks like it was a problem on Blogger's end, not mine, so everything is fine now.

That said, I am left with a large empty list that needs filling, and I'm hesitant about what to put on it. I've decreed that, until Christmas, I will not buy anything I list, and I'm already kicking myself over putting the Titanium Bumblebee on there... I want it now! Maybe I'll just get two of him, since he rocks so hardcore. One MIP, the other open for display.

But that's not where the fears end. I want a Wii. I'm certain of that much. And a pre-Christmas launch is practically guarenteed. But do I want to add it to my list? What are my chances of actually getting it, when you factor in the (comparatively) hefty $250 (or thereabouts) price tag, plus the holiday rush. Everyone remembers the X-Box 360 rush, right? I'll probably have the best shot out of anyone in my family for getting one, since I work at a Target, and should have no trouble getting a hold of one as soon as they're on sale. I suppose that's what I should do, just buy it myself, and add the games and accessories to the wishlist. Of course, in any case I should wait until after I'm sure of the details of the Wii release. Plans do change, after all, and I don't wanna get stuck with a bunch of Gamecube games that I can't play yet.

I'm probably going to do better about adding books to the list, though. I was debating adding A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines, thinking that I might want to read it before the holidays, but I've decided I can wait. Oh, the artificially intelligent goodness...

Okay, I'm off to add a few touches to the list, then sleep. X_X


What Do I Want For Christmas?

It's Fall. Well, not technically, but pretty much. School is starting, temperatures are dropping, and not as many people are wearing swimsuits to Target anymore. So what does all this mean? It's time for me to write up a Christmas List.

Usually it's not a hard task. Just write up a list of thing I want and forward it to everyone in my family. But this year I have a couple of quandries. The first being that I think I got ONE thing off my list between both my birthday and Christmas. Not that I don't appriciate the one thing, or that I didn't get some other stuff that was pretty cool, too. It's just... I got a lot of stuff that, honestly, wasn't. I have the problem of liking Star Wars and Transformers. So, even without looking at the list (the real reason I have to get these things out early) all they have to do is look for a toy within whatever they've decided is their price range that's been branded with one of those logos and voila, I am satisfied.

...Yeah right. What am I supposed to do with a Darth Vader sprinkler? Or a half dozen Minicons from a Transformers series I never liked? Where's the video games I asked for? Or maybe the book? Or those movies? Why the hell did I get I <3 Huckabees?

Maybe I'm selfish. I mean, I dunno. Should I resist asking for things over $20? I can't really think of anything I want under that price range. Movies maybe, and the occasional Transformer. This year is actually pretty good in the Transformers front, between the Titanium series and Cybertron's toys being not so bad, so hopefully I'll get a whole bunch more of those.

Of course, the other problem I have this year that wasn't really an issue in years past is that I have a job and a paycheck. When there's something I want, I buy it. I no longer HAVE to wait until late December for things I want. This instant gratification is probably bad for me, though, beyond the obvious problem of metaphorically cutting the legs out from under my Wish List.

One other problem that just sorta hit me is: I want a few things that might not be the best things to unwrap in a family setting. Do I really wanna explain how a show about inner city black kids living in a white suburb (The Boondocks DVD set) got on my Christmas list? Or the adventures of four Japanese schoolgirls (Strawberry Marshmallow)? Or... well, lets just say my wish list is rated PG-13, and my family isn't, really.

What I think I'll do is start another blog. This one is going to be a Wish list only journal. I'll have the first post dated for Christmas of this year, keeping it on top until after the big day (and maybe moving it back every year and keeping it a running thing. I'll edit new posts with things I want and why I want them, but keep the main top post as a comprehensive list of the things I want, and release dates. I'm wondering if it would be tacky to post prices for the things I want? Probably. Anyway, I'll give you guys that link when I get it up and running. Bye for now.


Idle Thoughts

Wow. I was listening to Bob FM, the local "we play anything, we're like an iPod on shuffle" radio station, and The Spice Girls "Wannabe" came on. I listened to it, and, for cheesy pop, it wasn't bad. I'm not about to get their CD, or add the song to my (still pretty meager) play list, but in small doses, like once every year or so, it's okay. I think the same is true for all pop.

I have three random thoughts buzzing through my head right now. I'll get to the others in a second, but since the first is related to my opening, it gets to be first. Obviously. So yeah, speaking of pop music. I've noticed it seems to go in trends. For each time period, it all seems to mostly have the same sound, and pop music as a whole gradually shifts into differing sounds as time goes on.

So here's my question. Suppose, do to a warping of space time, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, are all caught in a time warp while recording their first album together as the Beatles. They never become the hit sensation of the sixties, and instead emerge, well, today, with a fully completed album meant for release 40 years ago.

My question is: Would that album sell today?

Obviously, if someone re-released one of the Beatles albums today, it would sell decently, simply because of the fame and reputation the Beatles have. But in my scenario, there is no popularity, or at least, it's not theirs. They have to start from scratch, basically. Would their sound play in today's music scene? Would the class of 2010 be begging for "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" on TRL Live?

I don't really have an answer, I just thought it was an interesting question. Feel free to comment yourself.

The next item on my mind came to me while I was at work. Of all the toys we sell at Target, the Bratz dolls (dollz?) give me arguably the most ethical quandries. They are, to my mind, hyper-sexed versions of Barbie Dolls, a group of friends who's primary goal in life seems to be getting the hottest clothes and strutting them around to, supposedly, impress the Bratz Boyz. They currently come in three varieties: The normal Adult / Highschooler size, Baby Bratz, which features infants wearing clothes no parent in their right mind would actually put on a baby, and now the Bratz Kidz, which are a bit more toned down, to actually look like the target audience.

Today, though, I was struck by something. No real reason for it, but I remembered something I read in the Wikipedia article on them (hey, I was really bored). Specifically, this line.
...Yasmin (based on CEO Isaac Larian's own daughter, Jasmin)...
How creepy would that be? To know there was a doll based on you, and thosands of little girls around the world were playing with you, probably lots of little boys ripping your head of their sisters dolls, who knows how many perverts doing who knows what to you.... It would creep me out. I hope young Jasmin is okay.

Finally, a hypothetical. Suppose there was a nation with not just supposed but proven nuclear powers. AND the historically proven willingness to use them on nations they consider their enemies. This nation is lead by a group of religious zealots who believe that they are doing God's work by imposing their beliefs in the Middle East. They are a good deal of the reason that region is screwed up, in fact. In addition, they are simply a drain on the world as a whole. They use a huge amount of resources while contributing nearly nothing, and are in debt to nearly every other nation in the world. Plus, their army is kinda occupied at the time.

So basically, what I'm saying is, does anyone wanna invade the United States of America? Here's how I see it. Canada can engage the northern border. I predict that a quick strike to the north-east could take out tactical targets in New England and such. Tactical nuclear missiles launched from North Korea could proably take out military targets on the west coast before we had any real chance to react. China could probably front a large invasion army on foot, and the European Union might be able to bring in its own forces. I suppose the real target would be Washington DC, of course, so that would have to be controlled by European forces. Heck, though, every little bit counts. I'll bet Australia and New Zealand could do a good job of blockading the Hawaiian Islands, and maybe even hit Southern California. Please note, I don't advocate the targeting of civilian targets, either here or abroad. But really, we deserve it. And besides, if nothing else, it will at least help pull our troops out of Iraq.

Actually, someone told me that, if we really got invaded, they'd probably start the draft. I doubt it would help if the whole world was really after us, but I doubt they will be, so yeah... Scratch that.


Random Surprise Manga!

Well, I was looking for my notebook that I used as a journal of sorts while I was on break. I figured it was time to write up all that great stuff I'd written in the middle of the night while watching the Daily Show. Even on vacation, I have no life. X_X To make matters worse, I couldn't find the notebook. However, the bug has bitten, so I shall begin writing.

Whilst looking for the notebook, I found a couple of manga volumes I'd thought I'd lost. Rosen Maiden vol 1 and Kingdom Hearts vol 3. Last time I'd seen them, I'd left them in Jersey at my dad's place. Apparently PJ and Danny managed to bring them back. So now my backlog is growing. I've got those two to read (even though I already read KHv4, so yeah...) plus I'm half way through Negima vol 9, and the first sets of Strawberry Marshmallow (I hate saying that, I wish they'd kept it as Ichigo Mashimaro) and something called Q-Ko-Chan, about an alien robot girl, or some such nonsense, by the guys who did FLCL, and you can really tell. I'm pretty sure I've already talked about Negima, just look WAAAY WAAAY back for it, but Ichigo Mashimaro I might have neglected. Now that it's been localized, I've got to recommend it to everyone I know. It is absolutely the cutest series on the face of the planet, and as near as I can tell the entire purpose of it is to be cute fluff. No epic plots, no on-going drama, just light silly fluff about four elementary aged girls and the teenager who has to watch over them. Cute, not lolicon.

In other realms of media, I've gotten my hands on a few spiffy DVD's. V for Vendetta was great. I only saw it in theaters the once, and that was all it took to make me want to own it for ever and ever. I've watched it on DVD twice now, on back to back nights. Totally worth it. Ranks up there with the original Matrix movie. I've also gotten a few cartoon DVD's, as is my want. Strawberry Marshmallow vol 1 and Teen Titans season 1. I'm watching the latter now, on my brand spiffy old laptop, which has been designated my Media Machine whilst I game or surf the Internet. It's basically what I was using my 2nd monitor for when it was in a dual monitor setup, only now it doesn't take any RAM or processor power while I'm playing WoW.

So yeah, I'm up to my armpits in manga and movies. That's all cool and fun. I'm also up to my eyeballs in work. I was working like 3 days a week, max, over Summer break. Apparently, now that school's back in session, all the high schoolers are quitting, and my work week just shot from 18 hours to the full 40. X_X~ I'd prefer 20-30, honestly. Maybe something like 25, and you call me now and again to come in and pick up hours. Ah well. So I'm working five nights a week. The money isn't too bad, and I like what I do, for the most part. Better than being in food service or clothing retail.

Speaking of writing bugs (I swear I was earlier...) I wanna do another installment in my Detective Greg Series that I love so much. I have a semi-loose story idea, and some concepts I'd like to include. I'm aiming for something a tad more epic than the previous issues, and more mature, with less random sex for the purpose of random sex. Epic, and a little real romance, maybe with just a hint of yaoi. ^_^

That's really gotten to be a pet peeve of mine. Movies / stories where people fall in love just because the writer wants them too. I was watching V for Vendetta, for instance, and that's one where I could kinda see where the romance was coming from. Evey was in love with V because of Stolkholm syndrome, and V wanted vengance more than anything. But in lots of other stories, you just see them fawning over each other for no apparent reason. Is that love? Really? I mean, I can undestand it in comedies, where "love" is a plot device and not really an important factor. But for something like the Matrix, where Neo and Trinity were only in love because they said so... I dunno, it just felt off. It worked in the first one, but fell apart for the second two. So yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

So in my story, my new one, I'm gonna show some real love. Maybe writing can do it easier than film. The written word has a tendancy to be introspective, while film shows only the surface, and, when introspection is needed, only vague images are shown, a 2D interpretation of what is usually a 4D affair of the mind. The mind does not show up well on photographs, though. It can be narrated, sometimes.

Okay, my brain is pretty fried. I bid you all farewell, for now. Hopefully I can get around to actually writing this story. And if any of you wanna draw it in comic form, that might work, too. *Shrugs.*


Headlines - Indecision 2006

Saw this on Google news. "The Republicans will exploit Joe Lieberman's defeat by painting the Democrats as anti-military and weak on national security, say Washington observers." Just so you know, Lieberman was defeated in the senatorial primaries for the state of Connecticut (I think), by Ned Lamont. I saw Mr. Lamont on the Colbert Report, and for my money, Lieberman's defeat can be at least partially linked to the Senator's unwillingness to appear on the show following his opponent.

But the part about this that gets me is how they are using Lieberman's defeat to Lamont as a sign that the Democratic party is anti-military. See, the thing is, Lamont is an Iraqi veteran. I fail to see how voting a military man into office makes you against the military. *Shrugs.* I guess this is why I'm not in politics. Or the military. (This and hundreds of other reasons.


Colbert V Wikipedia


Okay, I swear I'll have some of my own content soon. Later guys.


Star Wars Lego Symphony

Because I haven't gotten around to writing about my trip (and yes, I am back) I thought this might entertain you guys. Enjoy.