
Good To Know There's Someone Out There That Understands... um.. "J00"

Wow, that's a long title, and no one probably gets, either. If you DO, good on ya. If you don't, well, it's the basis for this entry.

It's a play on the greeting from an online comic I read: Megatokyo. Yeah, its a terrible joke, probably not worth the effort, but guess what: I'M STUBBORN, so it stays. Anyway, the comic, which surprisingly enough, does not take place in Tokyo (though it does go on in Japan), is an American Manga, basically a U.S. version of Japanese style comics. Not simply in the artistic style, the way Pokemon looks like anime, but really doesn't count, but it truely captures the zany sort of atmosphere most Japanese comics have. Or so I've heard.

Okay, that last paragraph was basicaly a shameless plug that anyone could say, and realy sucked. But in my opinion, it really is totally awesome. Maybe one of these days, I'll try and get a real manga and compare them. But yeah, the story is one of two Americans who fly to Japan on a whim, and find themselves stranded there, without cash. One of them finds a job and goes through the usual crazy and odd relationship problems, while his friend, probably due to too many violent video games, goes off and fights zombies and other random things, as well as unleash what he sees as the "Queen of Evil"... it's highly complicated, but truley truley awesome. Go read it. Now.

EDIT @6: D'oh, I totally forgot to mention the reason I brought all this up in the first place. I bought the paperback editions of the comics, volumes one and two. At about 10 bucks, they are well worth it. Go get them NOW, too.

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