
Notes From The Road

Evening readers. As I write this, I sit in the read passenger seat of my grandfathers' conversion van, currently en route to Memphis Tennessee, where I will crash for the night. It is currently 9:43 according to my computer clock, so I decided to write this. Actually, I grew bored. It's now too dark to read anything, and I have a history of developing motion sickness anyway, so reading never was much of an option. I don't know why computing is, tho... *Barfs.* JK. So far, when I wasn't driving (a.k.a. most of the time), I've been watching Undergrads. I've managed to watch all of them thus far, excepting episodes 7 and 8, which have erred for some odd reason.

*Searches through Start Menu*

Hrmm... I apparently had episode 21 of Cowboy Bebop all along. I'll have to watch it sooner or later. Most likely later. I'm currently running the "Add To Media Library By Searching Computer" trick, one which usually causes WMP to freeze up. It didn't this time. I'm fucking scared now. Wait, it froze on 100%. What a pisser. I'll keep you posted. At least the music is still running.

Lessee... I had something interesting pop into my head earlier, but it's gone. Instead, I suppose I'll send a happy birthday shout out to my lil'cousin Lena, who will be officially 7 tomorrow. Way to go you. I hope you like the present. (It's funny, cuz I know she doesn't read this thing. At least I hope she doesn't. So why am I writing to her? Oh well.)

Also, in case I manage to forget somehow, happy Mothers Day to all the moms I know. I hope this one 24 hour period where we all say nice things to you makes up for all the shit we put you through the other 364 days a year. ^-^;

L8r, I'm sleepy, gonna get some z's while still driving, I hope. If I don't hook up online in Memphis, I'm sure I'll get on in Murfreeseboro tomorrow (where my Aunt and Uncle live.)

Oh, and to anyone looking forward to riding with me to the 5th Dawn Pre-release: don't worry, it's still on, though I'm not sure how many extra people I can bring with me this year. My mom is planning on driving there, and attending and what not, so that's one seat less. I suppose we'd better work out a seating chart or something for the car. Seats are reserved for Matt, Dan, Jesse, and Rob, which leaves at least one extra seat empty, depending on who of that four decide to attend. We're just gonna have to work it out, I suppose. Talk to you later.

One final thought. The media search completed successfully. I'm blaming its prior failures on UG ep 7, which I deleted earlier today. I also found a volume leveling feature in the search tool, so I've used that. Let's see how that works out, shall we?

Added 10:03 - Oh yeah, I figured out what was bothering me. All this trip, I've been keeping my wireless card on, in the hopes that some random trucker will have internet access some how. *Shrugs.* I know it's stupid, but one can hope, right? Anyway, though I obviously haven't found one yet, I HAVE been bugged by something called "ajrwireless." It seems like its following me, or something, like it's in the car, or on the highway. Anyone else know what this thing is? Lemme know if you do. I'm gonna scan Google when I get a net conn back. (After reading Megatokyo and Penny-Arcade, of course.)

Added at posting time - YAY! I'm in Memphis. Sorta. And I get a real bed! W00t! Okay, sleepy time. Zzzzz....

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