
You've Got Gmail

Yeah, I broke down and made the switch to Gmail. I don't know why. Oh well. I got tired of all the junk I was getting in Hotmail. Hrmm.. not much else here... I got it working under Thunderbird, which is cool, but that's it. Make a note, I guess.


Religion Wars

Got an e-mail from Scott Adams this morning. You know, the creator of Dilbert? Anyway, yeah, I subscribe to the Dilbert newsletter. Its fun, he sends out all the stupid phrases that he gets sent in from what he calls "In-duh-viduals." I enjoy the little bursts of cynicism whenever he sends those out. Anyway, I bring it up today because today's letter included a little note: his new book, "THE RELIGION WAR" is coming out soon.

I'm sure some of you read that and thought "What an odd name for a Dilbert book." I'd have to agree. It's not a Dilbert book, luckily. It's the sequel to his other non-Dilbert book, "God's Debris." I read that book back when it came out. It was a great read. It's not a humor book, but a philosophy book. The entire story is just one long conversation between the world's smartest man and a delivery boy. It's really very interesting, the conclusions that are brought forth by the book. I don't want to spoil it, but its really great. You should go get it. And the sequel too.

Before you go though, I just want to talk about the sequel. It takes place in the future, where the religions have become polarized to the point of global ideological war. Obviously, this future is based on a somewhat pessimistic view of current events. Unfortunately, the way things are looking, it doesn't look too far off. Of course, as I see it, America is becoming polarized within its own borders. You look around, and see people who outright HATE people with political differences. I can imagine taking those maps of the election predictions, you know, red states vs blue states, and in 10 years, overlaying that onto a map of two separate nations. The battleground states will literally be battlefields, the demilitarized zones between two warring nations. I realize that this is a bleak outlook, but really, I can see this happening in a few years. Republicans vs Democrats is an argument that has almost drawn to outright hatred of their opponants. I realy hope this is just a side effect of the election. If not, I'm moving to Australia asap.

Oh, and have you seen these WTC memorial silver dollars? Which they are selling for TWENTY DOLLARS!? I really want to see the economic repercussions of trading American currency for other American currency at a ratio of twenty to one. I'll bet its bad. Alright, I'm off. Don't get yourselves killed.


Dead Words

Edit: For some reason, both posts ended up being published, which I wasn't counting on. Oh well, they both make somewhat different posts, so I'll leave them both here. No reason to do all that writing and then not get credit, right?


Stupid Blacker...

My first attempt at this post got eaten. Oh well. And for some reason I ache all over. In my bones. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Photobucket's acting up too. Sigh. Anyway, enough pointless bitching, I'll get to the heart of the matter.

I like to write. Okay, that a revelation of Akbar-proportions, but let's all assume its a given from here on out, Kay? Anyway, the problem is no one reads my writing. I have, what, three people who read this blog without my begging. By the way, I've stopped begging, so if you're reading this, thank you. Anyway, the problem is that the written word as a medium is dead. No one simply READS anymore. It's boring. As a people, we want a visual narrative, not simply letters flying across the screen. We want pretty pictures. So, that said, I suppose I should skip to my pitch:

I want to write a webcomic (webmanga, really). If you've been paying attention, you may remember me saying something along this line earlier, but basically, the artist fell through. Story of my life, eh? So I'm stuck with these story ideas, and I want to share them, cept I can't, because I have no artistic talent, either of my own or of a friends that I can get to. I suppose this is a plea to the aspiring artists of the world. If you'd like to see your works published online, I might be able to help. You've seen the quality of my writing here, and you've (hopefully) read my two short joke stories I posted here a while ago. If not, they're back in January, I think, feel free to go look them up. Note: this new story I have will not be as silly or humorous as those were. There will be a humor element to it, because I can't stand writing something completely deadpan, but I was aiming for something of a slightly more serious tone. Anyway, if you're interested, scan me some of your work, or ask me what I'd like, THEN scan me some of your work. That'd be killer. Alright, enough delusions of grandeur for Greg, but seriously, if you wanna draw a webmanga, lemme know; my email and my screen name are linked over to the right there ->

Later. I'll go see if any pigs are flying now.

Written Word == Dead

Why the fuck do I write this thing? Maybe three people out there read it. I guess four if you count myself. Does anyone really care about the things I say? Fuck, most of the time you people only read it because as soon as you pop on AIM I hit you with "GO READ MY BLOG" like I'm some attention whore. No more of that. If you want to know what's going through my mind, you can check on it yourself. I'll leave the link in my profile, but that's about all I'll do. I guess I'll try and maintain a semi regular schedule, or at least promise to put up a post once a week at the very least, so you can check it on Tuesday's or something when you've got nothing else to do.

Seriously, though, part of the reason no one cares about my blog is because quite frankly the written word as it's own medium is dying out. My own handwriting is proof enough of that. As soon as I get a scanner, I'll let you all see it for yourselves. But lets face it, not enough people really read any more. I'll admit, I'm one of them, I don't read nearly as much as I should. Which, if you think about it, is a crying shame. I used to LOVE to read. True enough, I'd mostly read Star Wars or other science fiction books, but I was at least doing something that didn't involve a cathode ray tube or liquid crystal display. And more often than not, I'd do it in silence, letting my internal narrator and my own imagined sound effects fill in the quiet as I read. It was edifying, I suppose. A good experience. Now adays, if you let me loose in the local Barnse and Nobles, I make a b-line (bee line?) Straight for the manga section. Yep, the only books I read now adays are the ones with pictures. It's pathetic. I read more intellectually challenging stuff back in the fifth grade.

Ah, those were the days. I was the only kid in my class who got in trouble for reading in school. Not for reading porn or anything dirty. Though I have very fond memories of reading a book in third grade that was aimed at adult readers (not that it had adult content, but that it was simply aimed towards non-kids; it had a highschool and over reading level). Anyway, it was a book of science fiction stories involving dinosaurs. Like any other red blooded american kid in the early ninties, I was FACINATED by dinosaurs, so I got Mom to order me the book from her science fiction book club. Anyway, so there I am, reading this absolutely HUGE hardcover book with a dinosaur on the cover (and for the life of me, I can't remember or imagine what the other kids were reading at that time) when a curious combination of letters appeared on the page. "Shit," the book said. This was not a particularly vulgar book, mind you, and the situation being discribed was a perfectly appropriate place to put the swear word. But being a third grader, I couldn't help but nudge the kid next to me: "Hey, look, my book says 'shit'!" This right young fellow, in turn, alerted my teacher. She came over, gave the book a good looking at, gave ME a good looking at, and determined that it was okay for me to read it. Yay for being the smart kid, eh?

Other times I remember being caught reading the Lord of the Rings in class, after the first movie had come out. I still need to finish that, by the way. The amazing part of this, though, is that I really only read during class. I wouldn't read outside of class, so my progress was rather meager. Coupled with the fact that despite being rather smart, I'm not the fastest reader ever. I know this, but most other people assume that because I'm smart, I must also be a fast reader. I'll admit, the two appear naturally together in my head as well. Ah well.

Now, though, the time of books is dwindling. The concept of eBooks, while a good one (basically a portable screen / hard drive for reading text files on), is trounced by the following gaping flaw: IF I HAVE WHAT BASICALLY AMOUNTS TO A COMPUTER WITH ME, WHY AM I READING ON IT INSTEAD OF PLAYING GAMES OR WATCHING VIDEO? (That probably shouldn't all be in caps, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it.) Given the choice, I've got to go with the video for my airline storytelling, if I'm going to the trouble of having electronics. If I want to read, books work fine for me. Is the thing really worth the extra trouble as opposed to just packing the books? I suppose if you're a book reviewer and need to read like fifty books in a week, and commute a lot to boot, then sure, such a device could be useful, but for the general public, its no good.

Anyway, the reason books are dying out is because more visual mediums are so much more accessable to the general public. Given the choice between paying five or so bucks for a paperback copy of the Borne Supremacy, or paying six or so for a movie ticket to SEE the movie, and in a good deal less time than the book would have taken, the average person is going to watch the movie. Personally, I went out and bought the books to read, though I haven't started on them yet, but I hadn't even HEARD of the story before the movies came out, and if it hadn't been a half interesting story, I probably wouldn't have bought the books, either. How many people out there had never even heard the name Asimov before Will Smiths face started appearing on his book? Would Jurassic Park have been a best seller without an accomanying movie? Or ANY book by Tom Clancy or Michael Crichton(sp)?

And the troubling thing is I have great stories I want to get out. You've read my detective stories, right? If not, scroll down and read them when you finish this. Or search the Archives. Maybe I'll edit link them later, I'm too lazy now. I need to finish my third story, too, but then again, what's the point? Will anyone read it? Nope. Not really. No one is going to proclaim me the next great... fuck, I can't even think of a famous comic short story writer before me. Shows you how much the world cares about writers, huh? If it hasn't been made into a movie or TV show, no one cares about it. This is why I was contemplating doing a web-manga all those months back. The trouble is, I've got what I think is an okay story idea, but no artist to draw my ideas, and definitely no artistic talent of my own to draw them. My single greatest artistic achievement, I think, was turning this into this. Sigh. Do you think I should practice? Get lessons? Go out and become an artist so I can bring you my sub-par story idea? BUY A MAC!? (No, never! One button is not enough...) Anyway, I dunno. Hey, anyone out there with decent artistic abilities but nothing to draw (and a scanner, I'd hope), gimme a ping. I'll send you some story ideas, you can tell me what you thing, etc. It'll be great fun.

Anyway, from the world of the written to the land of three readers, so long.


More Chobits Nonsense

Sorry, I know, I'm crazy about Chobits. Oh well, bear with me for a bit longer. I went out and, with the last big of money I had for this month, bought volume 1 of Chobits on DVD. No more subtitles for me! Also, I bought the display box, so now I HAVE to get volumes 2-7. *Adds them to X-Mas List* Oh yeah, that reminds me, I need to finalize and send out my X-mas list to family members. They're probably already shopping for me, and I don't wanna not get the things I wanna get, or something. Anyway, I suppose I'll do that now, or eat. But the list thing will be done.

Oh yeah, also, my new font for AIM looks like the text from the matrix, but still silver. I like that color. The font on the other hand... Switching from comic-sans, the old font I had, was quite a trick, you see, because it was an accident. I copied or pasted something, and then it was just there. And now I can't stop. I love it too much. *Huggles .TTF file* Okay, hunger. It drives me mad. Must eat. Can't complete song reference... Bye.



"I want to hold only you," for those curious. It's a line (word? Lyric?) from the theme to Chobits. I just finished watching the anime series. I liked it a great deal. Chobits was the first manga series I ever picked up, so it naturally holds a special place in my heart. It's also probably strongly related to my preference of shoujo (romance / relationship storylines) manga over shonen (action packed stuff). Anyway, I think I'll add the Chobits series DVD's to my Christmas list, as well as POSSIBLY the soundtrack. The music they picked is really nice, switching from bouncy happy music to low-key, almost classical sounding in the more delicate scenes. I wouldn't mind having them added to my playlist.

I suppose that reminds me, I need to go through and create an actual playlist. Simply running every mp3 on my computer doesn't always work.

And in other Audial matters, the TV we have is no fun. It buzzes at a really high pitched whhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorta sound. Hard to describe, but yeah, I hate it.

Oh, and the problem of Kotoko wallpapers was easily solved when I remembered that I could make my own. Here's what I got right now. Hope you like it. I'm proud of myself. I'm gonna go now, though. So long.

Oh yeah, one last quote before I go:
Madonna: "I now know that being here (Israel) is no more dangerous than being in New York."
Jon Stewart: ".... We... We gotta get the fuck outta New York."


Now With 100% More Professionality

Yep, the XP Professional installed okay. I'm so far unimpressed with the differences, but as such, while it wasn't really worth installing in the first place, its not worth uninstalling and going back now, either. The screen looks basically the same as it did before, though I haven't gotten Glass2K, the transparency program, working yet. Once I do, I'll post a new pic, along with the new wallpaper. All that shit I said about me not doing wallpapers anymore, forget it. I'm gonna ask your opinions on wallpapers yet again. Right now, I got this one, in celebration of getting XP installed and all. I dunno, though. I've been seriously reconsidering going back to the old school kitty one, cuz I really like it. I also have this yellow field that's really nice, along with a CCS paper, in honor of my current obsession with Sakura. Or I could just go with this other XP-Tan paper, which is nice and simple and white. Really pleasant if you ask me. Anyway, I'll keep a running tally in my profile, as soon as I get some votes.

The biggest issue with installing Professional was that the Hard Drive needed to be reformatted. This means that all my files had to be reinstalled. I managed to pass my documents on to Matt's external Hard Drive for safe keeping, but all the programs and settings and such need to be redone from scratch. I have XP operating basically how I like it now, including a few tweaks I found when XP reintroduced itself to me. I've gotten to rename my computer (Kotoko, the high powered laptop from Chobits), and I've found that most of the games I had on here didn't really need to be reinstalled to begin with. Plus, I can't find the CD keys for most of them, so that will have to wait anyway. I don't really play many games anyway, so that's not much of a loss. What IS a loss, however, is the cascading menus of AIM away messages I'd developed. U_U. I can't tell you how proud I was that I had 5 messages that said I was asleep, or what it was like to discover that I had three columns for the messages available. ^_^ Alright, I'll start working on them, cuz after all, they're for you, not me.

Edit: D'oh, how could I have missed this as the perfect wallpaper idea: Kotoko herself! Unfortunately, I couldn't find much, only these two, picturing her coupled with Sumomo, which I would name a lightweight, more mobile notebook computer, if and when I get one, but still. They'll do for now, but if you know of any wallpapers with only Kotoko, please send some along!

I'M GETTING A NEW DESKTOP FOR XMAS!!! (some assembly required) Yep, I'm getting $750 to build my own computer as a Christmas / Birthday gift. While that may not seem like much, you have to take into account that buying a new computer whole is a bit more expensive than securing your own parts and building one from scratch. Don't ask me why, but it is. Anyway, I'm excited. I've decided to put a copy of XP Professional on, and am debating also installing Linux on there, if only to see how it runs. It seems that as a computer science major, I should be able to handle whatever the Linux operating system can throw at me.

Okay, that's all for now, I've been at this for like... An hour and a half, ouch. *Edits time to current.* There, all better.



XP Pro DL Time: 40%, T- 11 minutes.

As I write this, I'm dl'ing Windows XP Professional. It's coming in at around 500+ kbps, so I should have it downloaded before I finish this entry. I'll let you know when it's done.

I've got to stop watching TV while I do this. Nine minutes.

Lately I've been reading a bunch of webcomics. Too many. I've got, *counts* at least 11 comics I read on a weekly basis, assuming they get updates. Most of them do, though. Right now Megatokyo has me extremely inthralled. I've talked about it before, a while ago, I suppose, but I really cant help but recommend this comic. It's simply the best story driven webcomic out there, and in my opinion the best ever. Granted there are some comics that don't really work well without a plot, and also granted, Megatokyo's humor value has taken a bit of a hit. Don't get me wrong, it still has plenty of funny comics, but as Fred Gallagher (the author) himself said in responce to complaints that people there was no joke in certain comics, "Sometimes life isn't funny."

Also, I'm working my way up through the archives of two new comics: Little Gamers and Starsomething. It's time consuming work, but I'm addicted. I don't reccommend this hobby to anyone who wants to keep a life, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

While writing those paragraphs, the DL finished. Shows you how slow I write. I'll finish this, create a system restore point, then see if I can't get upgraded to Professional. Of course, by the time you read this, I'll prolly be done already. Ask me how it went.

Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet. I've got another addiction. Cute anime and manga. I've become hooked on the Cardcaptor Sakura manga (though all reports say the American release of the anime was butchered by 4Kids to make it more kid friendly, so I'm staying outta that.) As evidence, here's my wallpaper. Here though is where I meet my dilemma. You see, CCS was released in two 6 volume series. First, a left-to-right of Sakura's first adventures. Then, a right-to-left release of her continuing adventures, after she became Master of the Cards. (Yes, its inherently silly. That's half the fun.) I bought this series first, actually. Recently, to my surprise, they have begun re-releasing the original series in classic manga format. I'm crazy, I can't read manga left-to-right. It screws with my head. I don't know why. So anyway, now I've started reading the original series. And that's the problem. In a sense, I've now bought 1-3 and then 7-12. I'm missing 4-6. Too make matters worse, volume three ends in a cliff hanger. The last chapter is part one of something. I can't in good conscious start that until I've got the next books. *Head explode.*

Also, I recently got the volume 3 DVD of .hack//Legend of the Twilight, the last of the set. My DVD box is now comlete. *Beams.* Now I just need volume 3 of the manga. For some reason, the stories are rather different, so I must get the end of both. Also, I have to say that I like //Twilight better than //Sign.

Time's running short. If I don't start the XP install now, I might be late for Calc. I wanted to say something about Champions of Kamigawaa, the new set of Magic. The pre-release was last weekend. This is the first one in a year I missed. Okay, I said something. Time to install.



Ahoy mateys! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so shiver yur timbers lest ye wanna walk tha plank. In honor of this here fine occasion, and other thing which I be gettin' to later on, I've rigged up a screen shot featuring tha festive swag I've adorned my good ship with.

In that thar pic ye'll be wise to note the large table I'm swappin' debloons on. Aye, Cap'n Greg's fallen prey to the siren song o' poker. And I ain't half bad, neither. If ye peer close to tha screen ye can barely make out that deceptikhan, that's me, has amassed quite a treasure. I took that picture nary five minutes before starting this, yet as I write this, I've got even more than tha picture shows. O'er five hundreds of chips, though it all be fools gold. Yarr. Still, tis all in good fun.

By Great Neptune, if this accursed network acts up any worse, she'll have to face my steel. Actually, nay, on second thought I'll just be done with it and plunder the local Walmart for a new router. Exceptin' I be land locked, with nary a ship to sail cross the street, let alone to Wallyworld. *Sigh* 'Tis a lonely life I be a-leadin.

O'course, me problems with tha Internet be not all my fault. I'm looking for a file hostin' site, a place to hide my vast treasures, so ta speak. Right now I'm just looking to help a friend add a touch of music to their eerily silent Xanga, but nowhere on the seven seas can I find a place that will link MP3's. If any of ye men know of a good spot for me, do the ol' cap'n a favor and point me along.

Avast! The swashbucklers at party poker have kicked me offa my table. Those rotten varmits will pay for this! To arms! Board the lot of 'em!


Killing Babies and Classmates

The current political situation has be a bit disheartened. If I haven't made it clear to you yet, I don't think Bush deserves another 4 years. I truely think he didn't deserve the first four years, but since I didn't vote in the last election, I don't really have much right to complain now. I will say that Bush got dealt a crappy hand, as presidencies go. He came in and the economy started plummetting. (I don't pretend to know anything about what causes economics, and I'm pretty sure that constitutionally, the Executive branch gets no effect on money, so that could indeed not be his fault.) The attacks on September 11th, all conspiracy theories aside, were being plotted long before Bush won his election, so those weren't his fault. However, he has managed to turn a national tragedy into what I see as a way to propel his (and his friends) own personal agenda. I don't think the war in Iraq was justified, and I don't like being lied to by the government on why we have to go to war, especially as my age is the group that's gonna get drafted if Bush continues escalating his military war on terror. I don't like his current plan of proactive war, because that leads to a state where as long as there are non-American-allied nations out there, we will be in perpetual war. And I wouldn't put it past him to, should he win this next election, start declaring elections to be unsafe in our current "terror-filled" environment. I realize that's a tad extreme, but I wouldn't put it past him.

This is not to say that I think Kerry is my supreme choice for President. I'm sure there are better candidates out there. Myself, for instance. But I agree with the concensus "Anybody but Bush", or "John Kerry's a douche-bag, but I'm voting for him anyway". That's why, getting back to my original point, I'm frustrated. You see, I live in Texas. I'm sure you know about how some states are red, and some are blue, and some are white. I'm in a red state... I think. It's going for Bush anyway. I was thinking about this the other day, and there is really very little that could cause Bush to lose the Lone Star State. As I ran it through my head, I realized that only one thing could cause Texans to swing away from Bush. He would have to kill babies. A LOT of babies. And even then, they'd have to be white babies, probably American. He could bomb a whole Mosque full of Iraqui infants and whatever Islam uses for nuns, and it would be spinned off as being a casualty in the war on terror. Hell, he could probably claim that the Mosque was a terrorist hot-spot, and he'd get praised for it. The idea is just a little sick, you know?

Texas being locked does sort of takes a little pressure off me, though, because no matter how I vote, it's not my fault what the next President does. But I am kind of upset, because I am really upset with Bush, and it looks like I'm not gonna get a say in kicking him out. U_U

Anyway, I'm voting Nader anyway. I just hope enough swing states swing for Kerry.

While I was searching for that movie I linked to above, I found another site with an interesting quote: " "If what I say is right, the whole US government should end up behind bars," Mr von Bulow told The Daily Telegraph at his home in Bonn. " Obviously taken out of context, it does raise the question: If the goverment is in jail, which is itself a goverment run institution, who's guarding the cells? I found that a bit funny, anyway.

I was sitting in Computer Science yesterday, and marveled at the stupidity of my fellow classmates. Granted, it is an entry level class, one I am probably more than qualified to skip, so their confusion is understandable, but some of the things they said made my head hurt. It's all highly contextual and technical, so I won't repeat the lines right here, but yeah, it makes me fear that I'm in for a very boring year.

Not having a car sucks. I realize I don't need one on campus. Well, I do now, cuz my bike sprung a leak in the back tire, but I can still walk to class, and the parking situation is terrible, but still. I need to be able to drive around. I couldn't get a ride to A-Kon, an anime convention in Dallas, that I'd been hoping to stop by. I can't go home for the weekend without planning like a month in advance. And worst of all, I CAN'T GO TO THE MOVIES!!! There are a lot of cool movies coming out. Watch as I list the ones I wanna see.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse - This looks just cool. Chicks with guns, zombies, and explosions. It's a very "guy" movie, but I still wanna see it. I saw the first one, and it was actually pretty bad, but this one is looking better from what I hear from friends who have seen it.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - I love the retro feel of this movie, the way it looks like something out of the Buck Rogers kind of science fiction. It's just something you dont see much any more. Today's science fiction movies are all heavily philosophical, like the Matrix and I, Robot. I want to see more swashbuckling in my movies. Swashbuckling is fun.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innosence - Speaking of philosophical science fiction... I have admittedly not seen the first Ghost in the Shell, but everyone I hear says it's a classic anime film, with a great mix of action and thought provoking subject matter. I like swashbuckling, this is true. But I also enjoy movies that make me think. I like both, depending on my mood. And so I want to see this movie, as well as Sky Captain. Yes, I'm a tad Skitzophrenic in my movie watching.

Alright, I've rambled enough now. I don't know why the clock here is set for when I start this thing. I'm changing it to when I finished, if I can.


Okay, One More Screen Shot

Yea, I promised I wouldn't show you guys my screen any more, but I did funky stuff to my screen. I made stuff SEE THROUGH!!! Oh, and I got Firefox, which is sweet, too. Check it out. Yeah, I kept the wallpaper too, that's prolly a rarity for me. Hehe.

I also wanted to make this post because I didn't like the fact that the word "masturbate" was showing up in big bold letters, so this might be lighter on content.

Nah,I wouldn't do that to you guys. I do have an interesting topic to rant about. A few days ago, I came upon this thread on the Megatokyo boards. If you don't wanna read it, the thread basically says that a large explosion and accompanying mushroom cloud appeared in North Korea, close to a supposed location of a Missile Base. While the official explanation is a forest fire, there were seismic readings of a large rumbling at the time. Most forest fires don't rumble, do they?

Anyway, so I've kept CNN running in the background while I stayed up all night and nothing better was on. Any news dealing with North Korea made me prick my ears up. So far there have been two storied. One, a quick blurb, just said that it was no nuclear reason for the explosion. The second was a larger story that said that North Korea's major threat to us was that their nuclear stockpile could be stolen and used by terrorists. I'm sorry, I was under the impression that North Korea had ICBMs that were pointing towards the west coast of the US. That seems to be a little more scary to me than the "6 degrees to nuclear holocaust" the government seems to be guarding against.

Alright, I'm tired, but I got the information that I should try and shove my schedule into synch by staying straight till tomorrow night. For your information, I went to sleep at 8AM yesterday, and woke up around 6. The other day, I went to sleep at 5AM, then slept for nearly 12 hours. My sleep schedule is fucked up. I need to fix it. So yeah, I'm staying up until around 12:30 tonight, because I gotta watch Conan. HE'S SO CUTE!!!

One last thing, I saw the Last Samurai the other day. I thought of some aspect of it more than simply the "NINJAS!" aspect, but honestly, I can't remember what it was. Oh well.

New fact from CNN - Hurricane Ivan is generating more than 5x the power that the world is currently consuming. We need to harness that... Somehow.

Also, this ban on assault weapons issue is confusing. I'm a big fan of gun control, as too many people have proven they aren't mature enough to use guns at all, and if they REALLY want to kill someone, I'm sure they can find a way. However, on this particular issue, I'm confused. What exactly makes assault weapons different from other guns? Most weapons, when used, do in fact assault someone. I shall research this, and then return with my findings. God speed friends.


Why I Can't Masturbate Anymore

What follows is my explaination to a friend as to why I can't masturbate as much as I used to. Though the subject matter may be a little off-putting, I assure you there is nothing graphic about it. It's just me being silly. I am however pissed that my fonts didn't carry over. Oh well.

Oh yea, and the names have been changed so u don't start spamming her. You can spam me, though. ^_^

xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: im really just bored
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: gime something to do
xXXxXx: your hand
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: hrmm
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: nah, my roommate wouldnt approve
xXXxXx: lol
xXXxXx: r u friends with your roommate?
xXXxXx: my sisters always had really really weird roommates
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i am
xXXxXx: cool
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: but he still wouldnt want me jacking it in the dorm
xXXxXx: lol
xXXxXx: then go take a " shower"
xXXxXx: lol
xXXxXx: hahaha
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: nah
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: its a public shower room
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: id get caught by some stranger
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: then my only option would be to have sex with him
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: and i dont want that
xXXxXx: o god
xXXxXx: lol
xXXxXx: xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: then my only option would be to have sex with him
xXXxXx: ?
xXXxXx: what
xXXxXx: hahaha
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: exactly
xXXxXx: how do u no he would want to?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: he wouldnt
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: but we'd have to
xXXxXx: y?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: and it would just be akward
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: its just the way it is
xXXxXx: uhhhh okay
xXXxXx: well what if hes strait/
xXXxXx: ?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: exactly
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: it doesnt matter, we still have to do it
xXXxXx: but y
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i dunno?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: why is the sky blue?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: it just is
xXXxXx: well what if he thinks your ugly and runs away
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i have to chase him
xXXxXx: y
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: hes not allowed to run
xXXxXx: y
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: its the rules
xXXxXx: what rules
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: THE rules
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: the rules of getting caught masturbating in the shower
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: if someone catches you, you have to have sex with them
xXXxXx: what
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: and in a boys only dorm
xXXxXx: says who
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: if it was a boy / girl, i might risk it
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: but no chance of that
xXXxXx: who made these rules?
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i did
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: just now
xXXxXx: wow
xXXxXx: lol
xXXxXx: does your room mate no these rules
xXXxXx: bcuz i dont think u should tell him
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: not yet
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: no
xXXxXx: he might get scared
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: i just made them up
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: theyre not real
xXXxXx: lol
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: im just messing with u
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: heh
xXXxXx: yeah i kinda figured
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: it was funny, tho
xXXxXx: lol it was kinda scary
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: well
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: duh
xx L33T N1NJ4 xx: hehe


Sleep Deprived

Okay, regardless of votes, I picked the Windows 95 wallpaper. I forgot, though, to take a screen shot of it. As well as this one I found later. However, I DO have a screen-shot of my current wallpaper, which I picked out after a long and thorough discussion with a friend of mine. I like it much. It may last a week. ^_^

On to more pressing issues, because, yeah, I'm tired of talking about wallpapers. If you want to see my current screen shot, just click the link in my aim profile. Or ask. Anyway, I've got a bad sleep schedule going on. Its erratic. I was deadly afraid that I'd fail my two tests today. I didn't, and they were only quizzes, but yeah. I went into both without any sleep. Then I came back and slept from 2 till 6:30. It was very nice. But yes, I can't get on a good sleep schedule. I will evetually. Alright, I'm tired again. Give me topics to rant about. I'm horny. Oh, I know. You gotta love this stream of conscious writing.

I spent the last night arguing with a friend that Playboy's spread of video game characters does not in fact signal the dawn of a new age of human decadance. He was convinced that because they could show "Cartoons" as he called them, they would continue to push the boundry of what is and isn't child porn, using logic such as this. I don't think Playboy will, simply because it's really one of the more conservative *ahem* Gentlemen's Magazines on the market. They are, as this debacle over video game characters shows, also one of the most visible brands on the market, and anything that's even possibly amazing. Playboy isn't going to lead the industry of child porn. It'll take a LOT of change, and I don't think this one video game thing is going to affect it. I'm honestly confused about the argument my friend was trying to put forward, so I probably am doing a terrible job of explaining both his and my own. Sigh.

Oh, and .Hack//Twilight is restarting. If you didn't see it the first time, start. The first ep is on now, but its every Friday at 1AM EST/12AM CST, and its good. Ima go watch it. Bai!

PS@1226 - Happy 9/11! yes, I know its not happy, thats the joke...


Welcome to the part of my blog where I check and see if you're paying attention. Even though you probably couldn't get four feet from me without hearing about this particular post... Never mind. Here's the point if you got her some other way. I want a new wallpaper. yes, I've had the old one for about 3 days, and I want another. Gimme a break, I said I was a junkie last time.

For reference, my current one.

I could just upload these to the page, but first, that will kill anyone using a 56k, and I know too many of them, and second, some are "Not Work Safe", as in, a bit risque`. Or something.

Contender 1
By the way, I'm going though these in alphabetically, because I'm lazy. This here is one of the wallpapers from the OS-Tan series, the anthropomorphism of various operating systems, mostly Windows. It's fun. I like it. It is a bit pink, though...

Contender 2
Yes, it's called AngelTits. I like the name. I don't know why, but I do. It sounds like a terrible pet-name for a lover: "Come here, Angel tits, let's snuggle." Anyone who wants me to call them that, feel free to volunteer, I think its kinda cute in a really sick way. Oh, and the wallpaper is hot, too, though I dunno if I'd wanna have it up for the world to see.

Contender 3
I dunno, I just like this one too. No real reason, except it reminds me of a techno song I used to have called "Blue Angel". If you can find me that song, this paper is a shoe-in for the slot.

Contender 4
Yep, number four is Oren-Ishii, from Kill Bill, in cat-girl form. Ain't it cute? I suppose I have a bit of a catgirl fetish. Maybe I'll show you some more of those things should you ask. >_n

Contender 5
Another of the OS-Tan ones. Its supposed to be XP-Tan, the Windows XP character. There are better pictures of her, but I like this picture for its simplicity. It's calming, if you ask me. ^_^

Okay, e-mail or AIM me with you're vote, I'll announce the winner later. Thanks for your support.


Confessions Of A Wallpaper Junkie

Hrmm.. They changed the V-Chip ratings symbol thingie. Again. Weird. Oh well. Yeah, I'm watching Whose Line as I write this.

Anyway, yeah, I'm addicted to wallpapers. I have a folder dedicated to wallpaper images. Right now, there are 408 files there, sized at 124 Megs. I still want MORE!!!
Actually, I really like the one I have now, as seen here. Still, if you feel like sharing / trading, lemme know. I prolly have something you'd like. ^_^

College life is settling down. This is day one of my first 3-day weekend, which is fun without a doubt. I have homework due on Sunday at midnight, and more due Monday at midnight. Anyway, I prolly should be working on that, but I obviously have more pressing issues. Like wallpaper. And, believe it or not, calls from the 210 area code asking if I run a government installation. I don't. At least, not at this number. My phone number, if you feel like calling, is available upon request. I don't feel like posting it here, because some crazy people are out there on the net. Anyway, I like getting calls. Makes me feel luvved.

My shift key is loose than my other keys, except maybe my spacebar. The right one, anyway.

Speaking of computer things, I have a virus hiding in my system files. C:\System Volume Information\ is hiding a .DLL with some infection in it. However, I can't access that folder. It sucks. I'm currently looking into it, but you guys need to help me.

Anyway, I'll leave you on this note: Michelle isn't ugly. If you're a single guy, IM her at AshyWater on AIM. Bye.


Kerry Alert!

I was flipping and saw the Fox News Channel. You know, the ones without a liberal bias. They have a Conservative bias... No, agenda. Anyway, I saw a bright red banner on the screen. "FOX NEWS ALERT" it read in bold letters. Naturally, my instict was to pay attention. Alert? Is something happening? It turns out, of course, that the ALERT was a speech by John Kerry. I found that funny, and put this in an AIM window:

"Yes, this is Bill O'Rielly on the scene where just moments ago Senator Kerry flipped, and is expected to flop at any time... We at Fox News advice all Americans to stay inside, stay tuned to Fox News and always, Always, vote Bush..."

Anyway, I liked it. It was that or:


So, moving on: I've been to all my classes now. They've been surprisingly better than I expected, and I'm looking forward to a good semester. I've also started up D2, which is fun. I'm currently a level 26 Amazon Archer. So.. Yeah... Anyone who wants to play... Whatever, I'm tired. I'm thinking of napping before calculus at 1. Later.