
Dead Words

Edit: For some reason, both posts ended up being published, which I wasn't counting on. Oh well, they both make somewhat different posts, so I'll leave them both here. No reason to do all that writing and then not get credit, right?


Stupid Blacker...

My first attempt at this post got eaten. Oh well. And for some reason I ache all over. In my bones. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Photobucket's acting up too. Sigh. Anyway, enough pointless bitching, I'll get to the heart of the matter.

I like to write. Okay, that a revelation of Akbar-proportions, but let's all assume its a given from here on out, Kay? Anyway, the problem is no one reads my writing. I have, what, three people who read this blog without my begging. By the way, I've stopped begging, so if you're reading this, thank you. Anyway, the problem is that the written word as a medium is dead. No one simply READS anymore. It's boring. As a people, we want a visual narrative, not simply letters flying across the screen. We want pretty pictures. So, that said, I suppose I should skip to my pitch:

I want to write a webcomic (webmanga, really). If you've been paying attention, you may remember me saying something along this line earlier, but basically, the artist fell through. Story of my life, eh? So I'm stuck with these story ideas, and I want to share them, cept I can't, because I have no artistic talent, either of my own or of a friends that I can get to. I suppose this is a plea to the aspiring artists of the world. If you'd like to see your works published online, I might be able to help. You've seen the quality of my writing here, and you've (hopefully) read my two short joke stories I posted here a while ago. If not, they're back in January, I think, feel free to go look them up. Note: this new story I have will not be as silly or humorous as those were. There will be a humor element to it, because I can't stand writing something completely deadpan, but I was aiming for something of a slightly more serious tone. Anyway, if you're interested, scan me some of your work, or ask me what I'd like, THEN scan me some of your work. That'd be killer. Alright, enough delusions of grandeur for Greg, but seriously, if you wanna draw a webmanga, lemme know; my email and my screen name are linked over to the right there ->

Later. I'll go see if any pigs are flying now.

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