There you have it, in no particular order, the webcomics I check out at least once a week. The codes written next to them, if you hadn't figured it out, are the days of the week each one is supposed to update. They don't always, but they usually try.
And yes, I'm sure there are more out there that I'm forgetting. I thought of one just in between the time I made that screenshot and posted it to photobucket. However, if you can think of any that I might like (and I obviously have extremely varied tastes) feel free to pass it along.
That's all for today. Just a short one. Part of me wanted to do a song parody about last nights presidential debates based on "The Devil Went Down To Georgia", replacing Devil with Dubya, Georgia with Florida, and Johnny with, umm, Johnny. Anyway, I lack the skills to write a song of any sort, but if you have the inclination, I'd love to see it. My personal thoughts on the debate, as an aside, were that nothing really was accomplished. If you supported Bush before the debates, you supported him after it too, and the same goes for Kerry supporters. It seemed to me like "I'm right" "No, I'm right." Back and forth all night long, with very little actual debating going on, just reiteration of the same facts over and over again. Ah well. I zoned out for much of it.
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