This is just hilarous, I think. My family often goes on long out of state vacations, and this is just the thing I need for my next trip out of the country. (Note: My first was when I went to China last year.) Or I could just wear it domestically for fun. That would be great, show up at class wearing a Canada shirt. ^_^
On a more serious note, I just wanna add that it is something of a sad state of affairs that Americans are so hated around the world that they need to travel abroad disguised. And no, I don't want to blame this on Bush, or at least not completely. My mom spent a year of college in Scotland, and was so polite to the locals that no one would believe she was American, she had to be a Canadian. And this was thirty years ago, about.
So why are Americans so despised? Are they just jealous of our status as the most powerful nation on Earth? Or is there something we have done to make them angry? I wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, I fear our domestic news services are in fact blinded by bias towards the US. Not just Fox News, either, though that was the channel where I heard an anchor declare, "Am I slanted and biased? You damn well bet I am." So I doubt that if we DID do anything wrong, it wouldn't make major headlines. I wish i could say that's why I started subscribing to the BBC website, but really its just because they're the only ones who've got an RSS feed, and I love those things. ^_^
In other news, I've contributed close to 1000 hours of CPU time to the SETI@home project. For those who don't know, its a program that runs in the background of your computer, using all time that would be spent idle to instead analyze incoming signals from space. Most is just normal radiation and such, the static of outer space, but the goal is to find some form of a signal with an intelligence behind it. Anyway, it's also a cool screensaver, and hell, why not, right? I'm not using those cycles anyway.
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