
Look Yonder

(ONE)1 On the twentieth and one day He spoke to the masses, saying, 2 "Look, ye, to the left, 3 for I have left you a gift." 4 And the people looked leftward, their eyes full of hope, 5 only to discover that there was naught to the left. 6 And so they looked up to Him and asked 7 "Hey, what gives?" 8 And He looked off guard and replied 9 "Oh, did I say left? 10 I meant right. Yeah, right." 11 So the people looked to the right, 12 but still they saw nothing new. 13 And a booming voice appear'd behind them, shouting 14 "Use the scroll bar!" 15 The people began to scroll.

(TWO)1 After much scrolling, the people had finally made their way past the land of previous posts. 2 It was here that they saw something new. 3 "Rejoice," the leaders of men proclaimed, 4 "For He Who Is Great hast giv'n to us 5 a chatter box utility with which to commune, 6 even when His Presence is not with us." 7 And He looked down at the people 8 and He smiled. 9 Much was right in His world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Three) 1And then 2the people asked 2"but He who is Great! 3How do we operate this machine of greatness! 4it is far beyond our technological advances," 5and He who is Great answered them, 6"Type your name, in the 'nick' feild 7and what you see fit to communicate 8in the 'Message' field!" 9The people all came to an understanding 10and the world, 11was at peace 12thanks to the help 13of He who is Great 14and the mysterious shout box.

(Four) 1Then, when the people came to understanding, 2they thank'd He Who Is Great 3for making such a post 4which leaves readers laughing 5hysterically