
I'm The Worst Attack Dog Ever

No anniversary yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Lesse... I've been surfing the AIM chat rooms lately. It started with a quest for bordom relief - fast paced games of "Whack-A-Bot". Eventually I made nice with the locals, cuz you know, I'm just that awesome, and managed to pull a few new aim friends outta it. Yay me! I also managed to get hit on by this guy. That was funny:
HoT28yroldman4u: hello
me: hi there
HoT28yroldman4u: age
me: 20
HoT28yroldman4u: what u up 2
me: not much
me: just got done with my final
me: you?
HoT28yroldman4u: just got out of the shower
me: oh fun
HoT28yroldman4u: yeah its cold out
me: well put on a sweater or something
HoT28yroldman4u: yeah your right,lol
HoT28yroldman4u: so tell me about u
me: oh not much
me: i'm basically ur average college nerd
HoT28yroldman4u: what do u look like miss
me: random hobbies that'd bore you to tears
me: umm
me: im not a miss
HoT28yroldman4u: o wow sorry
me: yeah
me: i thought something was amiss there
HoT28yroldman4u: yeah ok have a great day
me: you too
me: check out profile links before you assume stuff
Anyway, part of the problem with making friends online is that you often fall into the tangled webs of politics that would confuse the cast of Friends. I've had more than one person tell me that I should go tell another person off for upsetting her. Being the doting friend, I get the screen name and start up a conversation, and ask what the problem is. Then I get into trouble, because, after the realize that I'm NOT going to yell at them like whoever told me I should, they figure out what a nice guy I am, and I've made a new friend. So now I'm stuck between two people who both think I'm on their side. Today's case, at least, has a happy story. Two girls were fighting because they both thought they were the same guy's girlfriend. It turns out that NEITHER of them were (I actually know girl number 3; she's my friend, and so was the guy, too. I'm too popular x_x), so I ended up telling them something like this:
"Hey, you guys shouldn't be fighting. XXXX played you both, you should be mad at him. You're both perfectly nice girls, and shouldn't be mad at each other."
A couple of minutes later I got the following back:
(Girl 2): wow (Girl 1) and (guy) are fighting but me and (girl 1) r cool now
So you see, I'm a miracle worker. You should let me negotiate peace in the Middle East. I'd tell them that the real enemy was the terrorists, or something. It'd be cool.

Btw, names have been hidden to protect the innocent. ^_^

Speaking of holiday cheer... These lights are awesome.

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