Have I gone mad? (Probably, I should be asleep for work tomorrow) Don't I hate the fact that the PSP UMD's are anything but UNIVERSAL? Well, yeah. But still, I was thinking about it, and there is ONE type of movie I could stand to put on UMD.
Popcorn Flicks.
Now, here me out, so that you know what I'm talking about. I have a tendancy to make up terms on the fly, or redefine them as I see fit without telling anyone. So, when I say Popcorn flick, I mean something that is just superficial. Baseline entertainment, and good at it, but nothing really to sink your teeth into. What I'm looking for, really, is something I can watch on a plane to keep from being bored. Something I can watch ALONE, though, and not feel like it's a waste. For instance, there are a lot of movies I have on DVD that I just never watch because I feel like I should have someone to watch them with, and I don't.
I already have the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on UMD. I feel kinda like that's a waste, but I didn't have it yet, and I did wanna watch SOMETHING on it. (At the time I thought I was going to have to be waiting with nothing do to.) But yeah, that leads to another point about movies I get for my PSP - I don't want to buy the same movie twice. That's why I'm so upset that, after buying the basic DVD of Sin City, they released a special directors cut edition just recently. If I already have it on DVD, I don't want the UMD, and vice versa.
So, before this goes too much further, here's a list of possible movies I'd want for my PSP.
X-men, Spiderman, and the Fantastic 4 - Actually, basically all the decent comic book movies here. Fantastic 4 was a bit on the low end, actually, and Daredevil, Elektra, and the Hulk are even lower, but X-men and Spiderman (1 & 2 for both, natch) were great, solid flicks. Popcorn Movies. Conversely, Batman Begins, which gets its PSP debut in just a few days, is, in my mind, too GOOD to put on the PSP. It needs to be enjoyed on the bigger screen, with friends, not crammed in an airplane seat alone.
Anime - When (and if) Ichigo Mashimaro comes out on PSP, I'm getting it. It'll be perfect. I never watch anime with anyone, really, just alone, by myself. The PSP is just what I need to watch it on. The same probably goes for any other anime out there I'd like to watch, or at least the Shoujo ("girly") series. Shonen ("boys") series, stuff like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, are usually good for a group audience, but not really my style.
Okay, sorry to cut it short, but I have work in 9 hours, so.... Wish me luck!
Oh Yeah

A De Lorian, though... Maybe...
My life's been boring lately. I've actually been enjoying working at Target. I had a good talk with one of the guests about DS games for her son. I ended up selling her Meteos, actually, which was cool. I also managed to get myself switched for a few hours. I no longer have to come in at 5AM tomorrow morning, which is why I'm still awake now (though I should be getting to sleep soon anyway). They realized that there really wasn't anything I could do at 5AM, so I'm just gonna come in at 8am again, like today. I've also managed to clear out a spot on Tuesday so I can see some therapist in the afternoon, which is good.
Lessee... other things coming up... I've been eyeing the sexy new PS2 at Target.. With the discount I'm now getting it only comes to like $135, which ain't too bad. I'll ned to clear out a spot for it first, but I think I know the place. I've got this dresser I'm not using, and I think I can talk either PJ or Danny into letting me use the TV from their rooms. If not, I'll buy a cheapo one at Target or something, or just get Matt to bring the one down from the dorm or something.
Kingdom Hearts 2's release looms ever closer. I'm waiting for it like nothing else, ever. Also, I've had some more luck with the video game news. Not really luck but... Okay, well, the reason I've been thinking about getting the sexy skinny PS2 was cuz I was gonna lend Jackie my used PS2, since she doesn't have one. Last night we held a kind of casual early birthday celebration - her real big day is on the 30th - and I decided to bring that over, plus a few games that were fun to play. I've been looking for Soul Calibur 2, but I seem to have somehow lost it in the house somewhere, which is disappointing, but se la vive. I decided to get Jackie, instead, Soul Calibur THREE for her birthday. That was a lot of fun. I was never really any good at fighting games, and I still don't think I am, but I held my own, and did reasonably well, I think. Especially considering that I chose to let the game build me a random character from scratch every round, so I couldn't really learn the moves too well. We set the game up so that both players had infinite health, and the only way to win was a ring out. That lead to a lot of interesting reactions. For instance, a few times the timer ran out just before a ring out would have been detected, which was a bit disappointing. Another time, Jackie took a dive at Justin, just when his character bent down for a low kick or something, so Jackie ended up diving right off the screen. The best part was that when her character did that, she (the character, not Jackie) was screaming "WIND!" I was laughing for a good 30 seconds at that one. And then there was the time that my random character ended up being really good at knockouts, but only by coming at them so hard that both characters ended up falling out. I ended up getting counted as the winner, because I went out last, but it was still funny to see. ^_^
Okay, work in the morning. I'm up too late as is. G'night all.
Lessee... other things coming up... I've been eyeing the sexy new PS2 at Target.. With the discount I'm now getting it only comes to like $135, which ain't too bad. I'll ned to clear out a spot for it first, but I think I know the place. I've got this dresser I'm not using, and I think I can talk either PJ or Danny into letting me use the TV from their rooms. If not, I'll buy a cheapo one at Target or something, or just get Matt to bring the one down from the dorm or something.
Kingdom Hearts 2's release looms ever closer. I'm waiting for it like nothing else, ever. Also, I've had some more luck with the video game news. Not really luck but... Okay, well, the reason I've been thinking about getting the sexy skinny PS2 was cuz I was gonna lend Jackie my used PS2, since she doesn't have one. Last night we held a kind of casual early birthday celebration - her real big day is on the 30th - and I decided to bring that over, plus a few games that were fun to play. I've been looking for Soul Calibur 2, but I seem to have somehow lost it in the house somewhere, which is disappointing, but se la vive. I decided to get Jackie, instead, Soul Calibur THREE for her birthday. That was a lot of fun. I was never really any good at fighting games, and I still don't think I am, but I held my own, and did reasonably well, I think. Especially considering that I chose to let the game build me a random character from scratch every round, so I couldn't really learn the moves too well. We set the game up so that both players had infinite health, and the only way to win was a ring out. That lead to a lot of interesting reactions. For instance, a few times the timer ran out just before a ring out would have been detected, which was a bit disappointing. Another time, Jackie took a dive at Justin, just when his character bent down for a low kick or something, so Jackie ended up diving right off the screen. The best part was that when her character did that, she (the character, not Jackie) was screaming "WIND!" I was laughing for a good 30 seconds at that one. And then there was the time that my random character ended up being really good at knockouts, but only by coming at them so hard that both characters ended up falling out. I ended up getting counted as the winner, because I went out last, but it was still funny to see. ^_^
Okay, work in the morning. I'm up too late as is. G'night all.
I don't know why I haven't said it here earlier, but guess who just got a job in the electronics department at the local Target!? Yep, my first day is tomorrow. Now I have to re-adjust my life around this work schedule. Most days I'm there from Ten AM to Five that night, but it varies a bit. Tomorrow I'll go at night, 6:30 to close (around 11), while this Sunday I have to show up at Five AM and stay for nearly nine hours! X_X Wish me luck. I need to stock up on sleep.
What Happens To Bad Games When They Die
Everyone knows that good games are eternal, and will live on in the hearts of gamers forever. But what about bad games? For instance, take the 1982 Atari game E.T., the earliest example of taking a box office smash and porting it into a terrible video game.
Stop me if you've heard this one before: When E.T. the movie started doing good, Atari bought the licence for $20 million, and promised a Christmas release of the game. This ended up giving them a scant 6 weeks to make the game. That they actually completed the game is in itself a miracle. However, it was no surprise that the game was EXTREMELY TERRIBLE. Nearly all the copies made were returned, and became unusable goods.
So, what happened to these 5,000,000 (yes, that's Five Million) E.T. games? Apparently this.

So, what happened to these 5,000,000 (yes, that's Five Million) E.T. games? Apparently this.
Blind Watchmaker
No Special Audio Effects Were Used To Alter Kevin Grevioux's Voice.
Grevioux's voice is naturally that deep.
And other interesting facts about the big black Werewolf from the first Underworld.
And other interesting facts about the big black Werewolf from the first Underworld.
iRaq The Vote
So I was watching the Daily Show tonight, as I try to often, along with the Colbert Report. Which reminds me, I found this video discussing the Taint in DC., but I can't get it to load right now. Maybe you'll have better luck?
But my main point is this: When Jon has a guest on who's conservative and seems to be an "insider," he always asks the question, "Who are we invading next?" It gets a good laugh, and it's funny. But I think it's time to ask the outsiders the same question. Who should we invade next? Now, since you are, as I said, Washington outsiders (except for my friends from the Seattle Area), I'll make it multiple choice, as well as some explaination of the options.
So there you have it. Go forth and vote (Probably by leaving a comment to this post, if you please.)
Also, here's a video of the Apple Computers "1984 Ad". I need to go read that book now.
But my main point is this: When Jon has a guest on who's conservative and seems to be an "insider," he always asks the question, "Who are we invading next?" It gets a good laugh, and it's funny. But I think it's time to ask the outsiders the same question. Who should we invade next? Now, since you are, as I said, Washington outsiders (except for my friends from the Seattle Area), I'll make it multiple choice, as well as some explaination of the options.
Iran, Syria, and North Korea - They are the current favorites in the war on terror targets. Booooring. Let someone else talk about them.
Afghanistan - 'But wait,' you're saying. 'Didn't we just leave there?' That's the beauty of it. They'd never see it coming. Just when they thought we were gone we come back for more. There's still a lot to be done in the region. This is like RISK. We can't pull out of a country there. Look where it is: just North of the Middle East Proper, and a gateway into Europe from Asia. It's got borders with China and Russia, who have always been suspect as well...South Korea - First off, it puts us in striking distance of North Korea, which could come in quite hand, but also, well... The South Koreans continue to show up America in the field of RTS video games. They wanna see who's best at war games? Let's show them. "SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?"
Canada - Look at that. Just sitting up there smugly. Yeah, it's a little cold, but they've got all the good swag. Free national healthcare, mounties, Alaska. Heck, the age of consent up there is only 14. That's gotta be worth something. I say America takes it. By force.
Hawaii - They've grown distant and aloof. We need to remind them who's Papa Fed around here.Transylvania - I saw both Underworld movies this weekend. They were good, but it only served to drive home an important point: Vampires are dangerous. Werewolves too, but I'm not sure where they come from. Besides, if these movies are any indication, sooner or later they're gonna start mating, and we don't wanna be around for that. Well, unless it's mating with this girl. That would be alright, I guess.
Chuck Norris - In case you hadn't heard about all of Chuck's amazing feats, you should educate yourself. Now. Before it's too late! "Chuck Norris is his own father." "In a fight between Batman and Superman, the winner would be Chuck Norris." "Chuck Norris does not have to mow his lawn. He simply stares at the grass and dares it to grow." With facts like these, he is growing to be a grave threat to the world. Watch this film if you still doubt his power. True, he's not really a nation, but he still needs invading.
So there you have it. Go forth and vote (Probably by leaving a comment to this post, if you please.)
Also, here's a video of the Apple Computers "1984 Ad". I need to go read that book now.
The History of Cartriges
So I was reading this, and just felt the urge to respond. Here's what I wrote for him.
Well, know you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
G.I. JOE!!!!!
Seriously, I think a chill pill is in order here. Calling your readers Neaderthals? That's not cool. Sometimes, especially at 4 in the morning, it's not a bad idea to close your eyes, count to ten, and relax, rather than think about every possible detail of the world that could cause you stress at some point in the future. Like worrying about what format different devices are going to be in when they come out half a year from now. Geez.It really was. It's all basically true, too. You can look it up if you want. ^_^ I DARE YOU!!!!
Speaking of, this struck me as odd:
"Oh and the only thing stupider than backing Blu-Ray is probably
when Nintendo backed Cartridges. We all know how that ended."
Maybe it's just me, but here's how I see it. In the 80's there was only the cartridge, and that was good. There was Atari, there was Sega, and there was Nintendo, and for a time they all used only cartriges. Then Sega released the Sega CD add-on for it's Genesis. The device sold poorly, as did the 32-X expansion. But Nintendo just kept using Cartridges. Then Atari released the Jaguar, the "First 64-bit game machine", which used the new CD's. And that tanked, too. And Nintendo, she just kept using cartridges. And then came the true 32-bit games generation. Sega released it's ill-fated Saturn which managed to somehow place third in a field of only 2 32bit machines, and Sony entered the fray with its PlayStation, which also used CD's. Nintendo laughed, because it had seen all this before, and went ahead and put out the Nintendo 64. Despite being in cartrige format, Nintendo was still able to be successful, with titles like Super Smash Bros., Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, and the first 3D platformer in Super Mario 64. And Nintendo did laugh as it saw Sega struggle to stay afloat with the Saturn, and then the Dramcast after that, sealing the fate of Mario's long time nemesis. Nintendo was gracious in victory, though, and offered asylum for the Sonic games on its next platform. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. For though Nintendo and it's cartridges had won the long haul over Sega, on the other side of the court, a new challenger was emerging. Sony's new system, using CD's, managed to attract a market that would have previously called itself "non-gamers", by virtue of prettier graphics and a higher quality of media. Nintendo saw this success and knew the day of its cartridges was over. The market had spoken. While innovative games and technology had won the battle over Sega, that alone would not be enough. And so, when Sony went to unleash its next expansion, the ever-so-creatively named PlayStation 2, and even the software giant Microsoft decided to enter the fray with it's own disk-loading game system, Nintendo relented and embraced the new technology. The game cube was born.
The story isn't over for cartriges, though. While they have all but vanished from the home (memory cards are simply highly evolved cartridges), cartridges still reign supreme in the handheld market. The Game Boy, since its inseption in the late 80's, has remained on top of other, more technologically advanced competitors, and to this day has yet to switch to a disk media. Meanwhile, Sony's PSP, finds itself paling in comparison to not only the innovative yet technically inferior DS, but also to the relatively ancient juggernaut of the Game Boy. The load times caused by the spinning of its Universal Media Disks, which are fairly far from being truely UNIVERSAL, along with a lackluster selection of games which are mostly ports of home console titles, are proving once again that disks are not always the answer.
Wow, that was fun to write.
Well, know you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
G.I. JOE!!!!!
I need a webcam. I've redone my computer setup, and come to this determination after a long and thoughtful experience. I need a webcam on my computer. Something I can turn on so I can show everyone else what I'm up to. I want to make the real time Greg experience as entertaining online as it is in real life. The secret that all you people don't know yet is that neither is very entertaining to begin with. But a live video feed to my room would still be cool, right?
It's another in a long list of things I plan on doing once I get a semi-steady paycheck. By my calculations, despite getting a lower hourly wage, I'll still be bringing in more than my mother is (except for the money she gets from her dad for the amazing oil fields that will not die... I'll tell you 'bout that later), since she only works two days of the week. So I'll have, by all calculations, more money than ever before. I think I'll use this time to list out the fun things I may or may not buy when I get the money.
So lets see... I saw Underworld: Evolution today! It was a pretty awesome movie. I won't say that it was outrageously awesome or anything like that, but it was still very good. If you liked the first, you gotta see the second. And they KINDA set it up for a third, but I don't have any high hopes for it, really. But yeah, go see Evolution, after seeing the first Underworld. It's a good solid 3 and a half hours of entertainment.
It's another in a long list of things I plan on doing once I get a semi-steady paycheck. By my calculations, despite getting a lower hourly wage, I'll still be bringing in more than my mother is (except for the money she gets from her dad for the amazing oil fields that will not die... I'll tell you 'bout that later), since she only works two days of the week. So I'll have, by all calculations, more money than ever before. I think I'll use this time to list out the fun things I may or may not buy when I get the money.
Webcam - Something simple. I don't need a whole digital camera or anything sophisticated, just something that can show a live feed of me to peoples out there.And that's just as they popped into my head. I'll prolly go into more detail as I feel like it, but the main problem at this point is... TARGET HASN'T CALLED ME BACK YET! I took the drug test. That was all they said they needed from me, until they did the background check. So either they miss read my number, in which case I'll go in monday morning to be like "What gives!?", OR.... I don't think there would be anything that would turn up on my background check without me knowing about it, right? I've never heard anything like this. I'm kinda paranoid, but I'll bet it's just my handwriting or something. I'll go get it straightened out Monday.
Computer - I guess if I get enough money, I want another laptop, cuz let's face it, this one is falling apart. Sure, it does it's job NOW, but its getting slower and slower. I'll prolly restart it after I post this.
PSP Games - It's a given, I need a few more of them. Maybe by the time I'm ready to spend money on them, they'll have something worth buying. x_x
Nintendo DS - I really did kinda want one for Xmas. I might be willing to buy it if it drops down to about $100, plus a few games (Animal Crossing, Advance Wars, etc)
Gas - Having a job means I can't go to Mom and ask for money to fill up the tank anymore, duh. I'm responsibible!
MMORPG - Having this computer setup means I'll be better able to play games. Combine that with the fact that I'll have a paycheck and a supposedly disposable income means I'll be able to afford an account for a MMORPG of some type. I'll probably discuss this later when I've done some more research on the topic, but if anyone has some suggestions about ones that are actually entertaining to play (for instance, I was considering joining one of the clans on the WOW Dark Iron server and getting into the Webcomic Wars or whatever they're called. But I'm still new to the genre, and open to suggestions.
FPS - As an alternative to, or along with, playing MMORPGs, I've been thinking about getting into a first person shooter, maybe, but I'm not sure.
So lets see... I saw Underworld: Evolution today! It was a pretty awesome movie. I won't say that it was outrageously awesome or anything like that, but it was still very good. If you liked the first, you gotta see the second. And they KINDA set it up for a third, but I don't have any high hopes for it, really. But yeah, go see Evolution, after seeing the first Underworld. It's a good solid 3 and a half hours of entertainment.
Cinderella Is A Horrible, Horrible Movie.
For those of you who may not know, I occasionally have to baby sit my cousin Clara. I'm mildly ashamed that I usually end up just watching movies with her, instead of playing with her or reading a book for her. This morning was no different. When I got there, she was watching Winnie The Pooh's "A Very Merry Pooh Year," which is the holiday DVD thing for the 100 Acre Woods. It was mildly entertaining, but mostly just regular Disney silliness wrapped loosely around a moral.
When that was finished, I asked if she wanted to play outside. It was overcast though, so it was no surprise to me when she said, "No. Cinderelli." She's in love with the movie Cinderella. I tried to change her mind. First I pulled Shrek out of my pocket. She hadn't seen that one before and I wanted to try to expand her movie horizons, so to speak, but she was scared of the big green ogre on the cover. ._. Next I tried to trick her a little. Aladdin was sitting right on top of the Cinderella DVD, and since the boxes were the same color, I thought maybe she wouldn't notice it was a different movie until it was too late. (Muwahahaha.) Turns out she liked that one, anyway, which was good. I think Aladdin is a much better movie than the other Disney Princess movies (namely, Cinderella and Snow White). Those are BOORING.
Take the take of young Cinderella. She's got a rough life. Her mother dies when she was just a baby, and then her father dies later on, leaving her in the care of her wicked step-mother and step-sisters. And she takes it in stride, like a true trooper. She does all the chores while Anastasia and Pricilla reap all the rewards, and doesn't speak up. Even the cat, Lucifer, taunts the poor girl. (Who in their right mind names a kitten after Satan!?) She just takes it. Like a pussy. And then she gets invited to the ball. She's excited. She could meet the prince. IF she gets her chores done, plus some extra things thrown to make it harder for her, AND she can find an elegant dress to wear. She DOES manage to finish her chores, but its up to the mice to make her a pretty dress, which is promptly ripped by her step-sisters anyway. So what does she do? Does this girl shout and scream and tell them she's mad as hell, and she's not gonna take it any more? No. She just runs off and cries. Again, like a pussy. And guess what. Because she cries, because she gives up so totally and falls into the dispair, her fairy godmother appears to make it all right as rain. The squeaky wheel gets her grease, and then she can go to the ball and have her happily ever after. You all know the rest: She stays late, and loses her slipper in a mad dash to leave the palace on time. When the king's men arrive at her house to try the shoe on all the ladies, Cinderella ends up locked in her tower, and once again, the mice have to save her, so she can go have her happily ever after.
What a bunch of rubbish, am I right? She doesn't do anything in that movie, things just happen to her. The first half of it is almost like that one part in Spiderman 2 where they're trying to show you how pathetic Peter Parker's life is. And you just go, oh, give me a break, that's just REDICULOUSLY awful. Same thing here. Cept Cinderelli isn't swinging through the kingdom fighting crime. That would be cool. But no, this poor girl just drifts through life, and accepts whatever it gives her. When her father dies and she ends up doing chores, oh well, that's cool. Then she goes out crying, and THAT's when she gets the dress. She isn't rewarded for being a good girl and being nice to everyone who was mean to her. She's rewarded for giving up and sobbing. And That's Terrible.
Look at Snow White, too. (I've done too much thinking about this.) She goes off to pick flowers and finds out that her step-mother tried to kill her off. (BTW, did Walt Disney have some issues with step-mothers? Did his dad marry a real bitch or something?) She goes off and hides with the Dwarves, and then is stupid enough to eat the apple. But really, she doesn't do anything. Things happen to her, and she just runs away, or falls unconcious. Lame.
Now, here's how I would have done it, knowing what I do of feudal societies (my mommy helped me! :) Snow White is the princess, and the true blood heir to the throne. Her assassination was an attempt by the Evil Queen to get the power for herself. So Snow White goes into hiding, but not in a cabin in the woods. She seeks the protection of a nearby nobel, probably the father of the prince she sees earlier on. The nobelman has 7 knights (the 7 dwarves, and yes, they're still silly and probably short), who will aid Snow White in overthrowing her Stepmother. There's amazing action and adventure, and at the end of it all, the step-mother, instead of turning into an old hag, turns into a ferocious beast which must be slain. Now, Malificent turned into a dragon in Sleeping Beauty, so that SHOULD be out, but who knows? I'll get more done on that later. Looks interesting.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, I applied for a job at Target. The managers are gonna interview me later today, it looks, and I'm gonna start working ASAP. ^_^ YAY EMPLOYMENT!!! I'm also looking into an internship with a gaming company, but that may take a back seat to actual employment. Wish me luck peoples!
When that was finished, I asked if she wanted to play outside. It was overcast though, so it was no surprise to me when she said, "No. Cinderelli." She's in love with the movie Cinderella. I tried to change her mind. First I pulled Shrek out of my pocket. She hadn't seen that one before and I wanted to try to expand her movie horizons, so to speak, but she was scared of the big green ogre on the cover. ._. Next I tried to trick her a little. Aladdin was sitting right on top of the Cinderella DVD, and since the boxes were the same color, I thought maybe she wouldn't notice it was a different movie until it was too late. (Muwahahaha.) Turns out she liked that one, anyway, which was good. I think Aladdin is a much better movie than the other Disney Princess movies (namely, Cinderella and Snow White). Those are BOORING.
Take the take of young Cinderella. She's got a rough life. Her mother dies when she was just a baby, and then her father dies later on, leaving her in the care of her wicked step-mother and step-sisters. And she takes it in stride, like a true trooper. She does all the chores while Anastasia and Pricilla reap all the rewards, and doesn't speak up. Even the cat, Lucifer, taunts the poor girl. (Who in their right mind names a kitten after Satan!?) She just takes it. Like a pussy. And then she gets invited to the ball. She's excited. She could meet the prince. IF she gets her chores done, plus some extra things thrown to make it harder for her, AND she can find an elegant dress to wear. She DOES manage to finish her chores, but its up to the mice to make her a pretty dress, which is promptly ripped by her step-sisters anyway. So what does she do? Does this girl shout and scream and tell them she's mad as hell, and she's not gonna take it any more? No. She just runs off and cries. Again, like a pussy. And guess what. Because she cries, because she gives up so totally and falls into the dispair, her fairy godmother appears to make it all right as rain. The squeaky wheel gets her grease, and then she can go to the ball and have her happily ever after. You all know the rest: She stays late, and loses her slipper in a mad dash to leave the palace on time. When the king's men arrive at her house to try the shoe on all the ladies, Cinderella ends up locked in her tower, and once again, the mice have to save her, so she can go have her happily ever after.
What a bunch of rubbish, am I right? She doesn't do anything in that movie, things just happen to her. The first half of it is almost like that one part in Spiderman 2 where they're trying to show you how pathetic Peter Parker's life is. And you just go, oh, give me a break, that's just REDICULOUSLY awful. Same thing here. Cept Cinderelli isn't swinging through the kingdom fighting crime. That would be cool. But no, this poor girl just drifts through life, and accepts whatever it gives her. When her father dies and she ends up doing chores, oh well, that's cool. Then she goes out crying, and THAT's when she gets the dress. She isn't rewarded for being a good girl and being nice to everyone who was mean to her. She's rewarded for giving up and sobbing. And That's Terrible.
Look at Snow White, too. (I've done too much thinking about this.) She goes off to pick flowers and finds out that her step-mother tried to kill her off. (BTW, did Walt Disney have some issues with step-mothers? Did his dad marry a real bitch or something?) She goes off and hides with the Dwarves, and then is stupid enough to eat the apple. But really, she doesn't do anything. Things happen to her, and she just runs away, or falls unconcious. Lame.
Now, here's how I would have done it, knowing what I do of feudal societies (my mommy helped me! :) Snow White is the princess, and the true blood heir to the throne. Her assassination was an attempt by the Evil Queen to get the power for herself. So Snow White goes into hiding, but not in a cabin in the woods. She seeks the protection of a nearby nobel, probably the father of the prince she sees earlier on. The nobelman has 7 knights (the 7 dwarves, and yes, they're still silly and probably short), who will aid Snow White in overthrowing her Stepmother. There's amazing action and adventure, and at the end of it all, the step-mother, instead of turning into an old hag, turns into a ferocious beast which must be slain. Now, Malificent turned into a dragon in Sleeping Beauty, so that SHOULD be out, but who knows? I'll get more done on that later. Looks interesting.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, I applied for a job at Target. The managers are gonna interview me later today, it looks, and I'm gonna start working ASAP. ^_^ YAY EMPLOYMENT!!! I'm also looking into an internship with a gaming company, but that may take a back seat to actual employment. Wish me luck peoples!
Boobs Could Bring Peace To The Middle East
So yeah, I was searching around /b/ and found a couple of cool things worth noting. Yeah, that's right, I'm back to my amazing history of linking. First this little love story by John384:
The OTHER thing I found in my searches of the forums was a link to this article, which prompted me to do a little extra searching of my own. For those of you who don't wanna click the links, lemme relate the story.
Back in May 2005, when the relations between China and Japan were shakey to say the least, the picture to the left was posted on some Chinese anti-Japanese web forums. They were accompanied by this plea for help.
Oh yeah, one more thing you should know: She was 11 when that picture was taken. Now she's 12.
So yeah, that's a pretty weird turn of events, eh? I mean, first off, I doubt that this was a really official use of the girl. More like some prankster using the picture to try and troll the nation of China. And it worked. The girl is now an Internet sensation (despite the fact that her band has yet to release any musical works), and the tensions between China and Japan dropped off a lot. I dunno, she's definitely a cute girl, and the age thing is a bit disturbing, but remember that we're dealing with a different culture than here. The age of legal concent in Japan is only 14, for instance. I'm not saying the girl wasn't exploited for her image here, but she WAS in a pop band for that very reason anyway.
I wonder if a picture of Lindsay Lohan couldn't ease tensions in the Middle East. It's worth a shot, right?
Ok well i've had this crush on this guy for nearly 4 years... (me= 17 he=15)The general consensus reched by the /b/tards (the ones who were serious) was that he should get while the getting was good. Like John himself said, he shouldn't wait too long and let the thing slip away. I also had to agree, it was one of the sweetest things I've ever read, especially for the 4chan boards. I hope they turn out okay. ^_^
I've kinda suspected he was gay or bi. When we were younger he'd play on my computer and i'd just sit on my bed behind him and watch... and occasionally he's just get up and tackle me and start wrestling without saying anything. Then he'd just sit on me and look into my eyes. sometimes he'd be sitting at the computer and just reach behind himself and just touch my arm or face... kinda wierd.
Or i'd be on the computer and he'd walk in and just put his legs on mine and there they'd stay for over an hour...
He calls and text messages me alot... i do almost anything for him. Once he called me while i was working and said he had computer trouble ( i'm a geek ) and i said id go right to his house after i finished work... when i went he was half naked ( only wearing boxers ). I went under his desk to pull out his computer and when i turned around his crotch was in my face and he had a semi boner...
I do alot of things for him... one day i skipped school and he messaged me telling me what he was eating for lunch and i told him i was skipping. He asked if i could pick him up... i said sure...He goes to a private school in a different state... i drove nearly an hour to pick him up
This is something i always thought was weird... one night last summer me, him and bunch of other guys walked to a fast food place and on the way back it rained really hard. He was soaked so i let him borrow some clothes (shirt, shorts, and boxers) He insisted on borrowing my clothes and not my brothers for some reason... and the next day he gave my shirt and shorts back but never returned my boxers everytime i'd bring them up he'd just say he'd lost them.... for some reason i always thought he made a shrine or something out of them lol.
Even though he's my little brothers friend he hangs out with me more than my little brother...
whenever he sleeps over (which is pretty much every weekend) he on occasion sleeps in my room and even in my bed.... with me in it. We did this sunday night. He and I were playing battlefield 2 till 6am and he said he was tired and jumped on my bed. I said the same and jumped into the bed with him. We talked for 10 minutes and slowly fell asleep... All night i could feel him kinda slowly inching his way towards me. Then finally he just rolled on top of me and there he stayed for at least 2 hours. I just sat there thinking should i do something? make a move? finally i had to take a piss and i got up and he rolled off of me, but all this could have been unintentional... i brought it up the next morning and just sounded suprised and said he didn't remember that... but we were with our friends so he could have just been acting.
His parents are reallllly strict. He left in the morning and the whole day we hung out. We went to circuit city to pick up a computer and when we were at the secluded pick up booth i put my hand on the counter and he put his ontop of mine... i for some reason was little suprised so i quickly moved my hand.
I'm fairly convinced he's gay or bi.. i mean he's never had a gf ever apart from a few dates here and there. Last month he went to some girls house a few times hung out with her during halloween and whatnot. The whole time i felt like crap like i've lost a battle. I went into depression i quit my job and just sat in my room and did nothing for nearly a month. Then i started to talk to this girl she said that he seemed weird and distant .... i thought that was a bit odd and a few days later they stopped seeing each other. Technically they were never going out according to the both of them. I don't know that whole relationship could have meant nothing. I mean i've gone out with a few girls and even got laid a few times. So i try not to think about it too much.
But he seems to lose all inhibition when he's drunk. We're both light weights so we get drunk fast. I can jump on him ,hold him, and touch him all i like and he won't say anything about it.
Time is ticking... In a year i'm gonna be off to college and probably never see him again. He wants to join the military and constantly bugs me to join with him, but its not my thing.
I just cant find the strength to just say something or make a move... I feel if he rejects it he'll stop hanging out with me and i'd lose a good friend also. But if i don't say anything ill always feel like there could have been something there. I go through cycles of denial and acceptance. Sometimes i have a rude awakening and i realise theres no way he can be gay and i just try to move on. Then he might sleep over say something or do something that'll make me think that there just may be a slight possibliity he's gay.
Anyone have any advice on what i should do?
Back in May 2005, when the relations between China and Japan were shakey to say the least, the picture to the left was posted on some Chinese anti-Japanese web forums. They were accompanied by this plea for help.
"Please stop these anti-Japanese hijinks. If you don't, I won't like you anymore."The girl's name is Saaya Irie. She is in a Japanese Pop band called "Sweet Kiss", which just started up last February. She has an F-cup bra-size in Japan, which state-side is about a D. Every guys dream girl, eh?
Oh yeah, one more thing you should know: She was 11 when that picture was taken. Now she's 12.
So yeah, that's a pretty weird turn of events, eh? I mean, first off, I doubt that this was a really official use of the girl. More like some prankster using the picture to try and troll the nation of China. And it worked. The girl is now an Internet sensation (despite the fact that her band has yet to release any musical works), and the tensions between China and Japan dropped off a lot. I dunno, she's definitely a cute girl, and the age thing is a bit disturbing, but remember that we're dealing with a different culture than here. The age of legal concent in Japan is only 14, for instance. I'm not saying the girl wasn't exploited for her image here, but she WAS in a pop band for that very reason anyway.
I wonder if a picture of Lindsay Lohan couldn't ease tensions in the Middle East. It's worth a shot, right?
A Hint Of PSP
What I Did At Borders...
I know, you half-expected that title to read "What I Did On My Winter Break." I'll write about my vacationing tomorrow or something. But for now, I just wanted to brag about my new swag. When I went to get Danny to and from his bass lesson, I ended up with like 45 minutes in a near-by Borders. I went straight to the manga section because I'm a nerd. Well, first was actually a bathroom break, and then I had to check for mis-priced Magic Booster Boxes like that one time (long story that, for whatever reason, I didn't blog about; I'll fix that later.) Anyway, I made my way to the manga section, and found Mahoromatic vol 8, the last in the series, so YAY ME for finishing what I started there.
Next, I started looking around for other books, like the political ones publisized on the Daily Show. I always feel bad because 1) I can never remember the titles; and 2) even when I do, they're always more expensive than I'm really willing to pay. *Shrugs* At the request of Jackie, I looked up I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, by Tucker Max. They didn't have that, either, which is a shame, but I DID find this - Boondocks: Because I Know You Don't Read The Newspaper, by Aaron McGruder. I'm reading it now, and it's great. I'm addicted to comics, apparently. X_X
Okay, enough of this, I need to get some real work done.
Next, I started looking around for other books, like the political ones publisized on the Daily Show. I always feel bad because 1) I can never remember the titles; and 2) even when I do, they're always more expensive than I'm really willing to pay. *Shrugs* At the request of Jackie, I looked up I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, by Tucker Max. They didn't have that, either, which is a shame, but I DID find this - Boondocks: Because I Know You Don't Read The Newspaper, by Aaron McGruder. I'm reading it now, and it's great. I'm addicted to comics, apparently. X_X
Okay, enough of this, I need to get some real work done.
Back From Lands Afar
Okay, so I guess this officially ends my month of traveling. Time to settle in and get some work done. And I'm off to a great start... I'm sick. X_X It really sucks, because I was just getting pumped to doing what I need to get started on. For starters, I need to enroll at ACC for classes this semester. Then I needa get some sort of job, either (hopefully) one working as an intern for a gaming company, or, failing that, just a regular job as a clerk or something. Anyone wanna hire me? Please? You know I'm awesome at stuff like that.
I got a book on games programming, something I should really put more time into, but the one bit I read was a little hint about how to get into E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo: start an online review site. I think I'll do that, if only for the fun of it. I've got something in mind, a PSP blog, aimed at the more casual user, or something. I think it'll be fun to do, even if I don't make it to E3. *Shrugs*
I've got SO much to do I don't even know where to begin. It's really frustrating. Hopefully I'll be able to get into a good rhythm so I can get online more again. Sorry about not taking my laptop to NJ, though it WAS easier to travel without it. I'll be sure to fill you all in about what exactly happened while I was out there. Nifty as the PSP is, I wasn't able to use it very well for blogging. Now that I have a real keyboard, I should be able to get more in depth stuff done here. Gotta go now. Older brother ferry service rides again!
I got a book on games programming, something I should really put more time into, but the one bit I read was a little hint about how to get into E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo: start an online review site. I think I'll do that, if only for the fun of it. I've got something in mind, a PSP blog, aimed at the more casual user, or something. I think it'll be fun to do, even if I don't make it to E3. *Shrugs*
I've got SO much to do I don't even know where to begin. It's really frustrating. Hopefully I'll be able to get into a good rhythm so I can get online more again. Sorry about not taking my laptop to NJ, though it WAS easier to travel without it. I'll be sure to fill you all in about what exactly happened while I was out there. Nifty as the PSP is, I wasn't able to use it very well for blogging. Now that I have a real keyboard, I should be able to get more in depth stuff done here. Gotta go now. Older brother ferry service rides again!
PSP Fun: part 2
The title's a lie. I've just gotten the hang of typing on this, but other issues are limiting my browsing. I'll tell you about it when I get to a real PC. Just wanted to check in. Later folks!
Ok, I made it in to Philly in one piece, so yay me. I was actually a little worried for a bit. When I checked in at the airport, I managed to switch my seats, which were pretty terrible to begin with, for a couble of window seats in the emergency exit row. It was a little scary, sitting there with a little lever that would launch the door away,most-likely with me right behind. If that wasn't enough, I think Sunday was the closest I'd ever flown to a thunderstorm. It was pretty, but I kept a close eye on it.
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