Ok well i've had this crush on this guy for nearly 4 years... (me= 17 he=15)The general consensus reched by the /b/tards (the ones who were serious) was that he should get while the getting was good. Like John himself said, he shouldn't wait too long and let the thing slip away. I also had to agree, it was one of the sweetest things I've ever read, especially for the 4chan boards. I hope they turn out okay. ^_^
I've kinda suspected he was gay or bi. When we were younger he'd play on my computer and i'd just sit on my bed behind him and watch... and occasionally he's just get up and tackle me and start wrestling without saying anything. Then he'd just sit on me and look into my eyes. sometimes he'd be sitting at the computer and just reach behind himself and just touch my arm or face... kinda wierd.
Or i'd be on the computer and he'd walk in and just put his legs on mine and there they'd stay for over an hour...
He calls and text messages me alot... i do almost anything for him. Once he called me while i was working and said he had computer trouble ( i'm a geek ) and i said id go right to his house after i finished work... when i went he was half naked ( only wearing boxers ). I went under his desk to pull out his computer and when i turned around his crotch was in my face and he had a semi boner...
I do alot of things for him... one day i skipped school and he messaged me telling me what he was eating for lunch and i told him i was skipping. He asked if i could pick him up... i said sure...He goes to a private school in a different state... i drove nearly an hour to pick him up
This is something i always thought was weird... one night last summer me, him and bunch of other guys walked to a fast food place and on the way back it rained really hard. He was soaked so i let him borrow some clothes (shirt, shorts, and boxers) He insisted on borrowing my clothes and not my brothers for some reason... and the next day he gave my shirt and shorts back but never returned my boxers everytime i'd bring them up he'd just say he'd lost them.... for some reason i always thought he made a shrine or something out of them lol.
Even though he's my little brothers friend he hangs out with me more than my little brother...
whenever he sleeps over (which is pretty much every weekend) he on occasion sleeps in my room and even in my bed.... with me in it. We did this sunday night. He and I were playing battlefield 2 till 6am and he said he was tired and jumped on my bed. I said the same and jumped into the bed with him. We talked for 10 minutes and slowly fell asleep... All night i could feel him kinda slowly inching his way towards me. Then finally he just rolled on top of me and there he stayed for at least 2 hours. I just sat there thinking should i do something? make a move? finally i had to take a piss and i got up and he rolled off of me, but all this could have been unintentional... i brought it up the next morning and just sounded suprised and said he didn't remember that... but we were with our friends so he could have just been acting.
His parents are reallllly strict. He left in the morning and the whole day we hung out. We went to circuit city to pick up a computer and when we were at the secluded pick up booth i put my hand on the counter and he put his ontop of mine... i for some reason was little suprised so i quickly moved my hand.
I'm fairly convinced he's gay or bi.. i mean he's never had a gf ever apart from a few dates here and there. Last month he went to some girls house a few times hung out with her during halloween and whatnot. The whole time i felt like crap like i've lost a battle. I went into depression i quit my job and just sat in my room and did nothing for nearly a month. Then i started to talk to this girl she said that he seemed weird and distant .... i thought that was a bit odd and a few days later they stopped seeing each other. Technically they were never going out according to the both of them. I don't know that whole relationship could have meant nothing. I mean i've gone out with a few girls and even got laid a few times. So i try not to think about it too much.
But he seems to lose all inhibition when he's drunk. We're both light weights so we get drunk fast. I can jump on him ,hold him, and touch him all i like and he won't say anything about it.
Time is ticking... In a year i'm gonna be off to college and probably never see him again. He wants to join the military and constantly bugs me to join with him, but its not my thing.
I just cant find the strength to just say something or make a move... I feel if he rejects it he'll stop hanging out with me and i'd lose a good friend also. But if i don't say anything ill always feel like there could have been something there. I go through cycles of denial and acceptance. Sometimes i have a rude awakening and i realise theres no way he can be gay and i just try to move on. Then he might sleep over say something or do something that'll make me think that there just may be a slight possibliity he's gay.
Anyone have any advice on what i should do?
Back in May 2005, when the relations between China and Japan were shakey to say the least, the picture to the left was posted on some Chinese anti-Japanese web forums. They were accompanied by this plea for help.
"Please stop these anti-Japanese hijinks. If you don't, I won't like you anymore."The girl's name is Saaya Irie. She is in a Japanese Pop band called "Sweet Kiss", which just started up last February. She has an F-cup bra-size in Japan, which state-side is about a D. Every guys dream girl, eh?
Oh yeah, one more thing you should know: She was 11 when that picture was taken. Now she's 12.
So yeah, that's a pretty weird turn of events, eh? I mean, first off, I doubt that this was a really official use of the girl. More like some prankster using the picture to try and troll the nation of China. And it worked. The girl is now an Internet sensation (despite the fact that her band has yet to release any musical works), and the tensions between China and Japan dropped off a lot. I dunno, she's definitely a cute girl, and the age thing is a bit disturbing, but remember that we're dealing with a different culture than here. The age of legal concent in Japan is only 14, for instance. I'm not saying the girl wasn't exploited for her image here, but she WAS in a pop band for that very reason anyway.
I wonder if a picture of Lindsay Lohan couldn't ease tensions in the Middle East. It's worth a shot, right?
Hmm, @ Lohan pic; dude, they censor the crap out of that stuff in the middle east, ala this:
greg ur just odd!but i do like boobs!hehehehe ahhh...good laugh!just not lindsey lohan's !grosss
i like trent's!!!
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