I was having a conversation with my brother earlier. I lost a bit of it, but I can reconstruct it a bit from memory, I think.
Brother: hey man, give me ten reasons not to sleep real quick.....
Effervescence 34: that is the number of evil ogres who will kill you in your sleep?
Brother: ok that's one
Effervescence 34: no
Effervescence 34: thats 10
Effervescence 34: each ogre is a reason
Effervescence 34: it only takes one to kill you in your sleep
Then I suggested World of Warcraft, followed by regular Warcraft or Starcraft.... I said that Adult Swim was on, and I thought South Park was redoing their Family Guy episode. I think I suggested that a roomie may have X-Box Live for Halo 2 fun or something. Moving on, I reminded him that
/b/ was always open, though I'm not sure he got the reference. I followed that up by saying that the same was true for Katz and Ihop, as well as Walmart. Then he seemed to sign off, and I closed the window, which is why I lost a lot of the convo. It picked up here:
gorawandan: more more more
Effervescence 34: you need to re-watch the matrix trilogy and determine if he really would have knocked the vase over had the oracle not said anything
Brother: i'll put star wars instead
Effervescence 34 wants to directly connect.
Effervescence 34: this next reason comes in picture form
Brother: what for this is my roomates comuter
Effervescence 34: its nothing dirty, i swear
Effervescence 34: just an 80s game screen
Brother: well yeah but can it wait, like not that i"m, afraid of a virus I just don't have the time
Effervescence 34 cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
Effervescence 34: mkay
Effervescence 34: the reason was
Effervescence 34: and theres a crazy 80s guy with a flat top and sunglasses there
Brother: haha that is pretty good
Effervescence 34: yup
Effervescence 34: how many reasons is this so far?
Brother: well six
Effervescence 34: mkay
Effervescence 34: reason seven
Effervescence 34: Bees!!!!!!!
Effervescence 34: or, conversely:
Effervescence 34: B's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brother: oh yeah
Effervescence 34: b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Effervescence 34: hrmmm
Effervescence 34: your bed may be coated anthrax, and the only way to know for sure is to sleep on it
Effervescence 34: I'd call that a reason to stay awake
Effervescence 34: reason 8:
Effervescence 34: the girl you swap support group nights with just swallowed a bottle of pills in an attempted suicide that is probably just one of those cry for help things, but either way you've gotta keep her up all night long.
Effervescence 34: reason 9: you never did catch them all
Effervescence 34: and reason 10:
Effervescence 34: *drumroll / stalling for time*
Brother: I like 8
Brother: lets go I have to get off
Brother: and you don't even know that's a pun
Effervescence 34: do too
Effervescence 34: reason number 10 to not go to sleep yet: you have to get off
Effervescence 34: easy enough
Brother: wait what was the drum roll one, although that was pretty hiariuos
Effervescence 34: that was the drumroll one
Effervescence 34: i had not thought of 10 at the time, so i was stalling
Brother: no it wasn't
Effervescence 34: fine
Effervescence 34: reason 10: your princess is in another castle
Brother: cool, tty tomorrow and tell you how it turns out
Effervescence 34: aight
Brother signed off at 12:03:04 AM.
Okay, I saved it for posterity. I feel better.
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