
I Don't Need An Ego When Quizzes Tell Me I'm Perfect

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is frighteningly high
You are a gamer geek
Your strength is you never need to sleep
Your weakness is electrons
You think normal people are aliens
Normal people think that you are disturbed
This cool quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 274473 Times.
Easy Money from Home! Get your share!

Though I'm not sure how my weakness can be electrons... or that my strength is that I never need to sleep. I think those two should be reversed.

I've gotta be up in 5.5 hours to drive Clara to school. What am I doing here? Bottom line, I got dragged into a WOW eventish thing. Thank GOD it fell through. But yeah. I'm a WOW addict, pure and simple. I'm also getting into the DS online scene, I just need more friends to play Metroid with me. *Shrugs.* In other news, I've got to stop spending money, but everyone tells me New Super Mario Brothers is too kick ass not to buy... Maybe I'll let Dad get it with his random gift card, instead of GTA for PSP. Okay, the savings continue.

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