Nothing fancy, it's pretty much this year's old bottom of the line model, but it'll beat my current laptop, and it's a desktop, so I can actually tinker with it, rather than having to plunk down a thousand bucks each time I need to upgrade something. I'm hoping that it'll be able to run World Of Warcraft better (and World of ColbertCraft, but that's not as big a concern).
Also, this'll free me up to ride my laptop a bit lighter, hopefully enabling it to be more of the portable-utility computer it was designed, rather than a 24-7 main machine. Of course, I'm still taking my laptop on vacation, but after that, I'm putting it up for a while, and letting it rest. I'll probably rest it by draining it's battery all the way down, which should be fun to watch. "Nooo help me.... Can't... turn... hard drive... or... talk... at... normal... rate... ugh."
So anyway, that's all great and stuff. But then, why haven't I already done this? Well, that's the catch. I'm sure you're all wondering how I got it. I mean, being the penniless no-gooder I am, I can't afford to buy $400 computers at the drop of a hat. I buy $40 DVD box sets at the drop of a hat. (Oh boy, I loves me some House M.D.) So where'd it come from? It's a long story, which I shall retell now, because I like telling stories, the longer the better.
Last Friday I was awoken by my mom. I was needed for babysitting duty again. I got to tag along with her to keep her company while her mom and mine go do adult things like shop at Hobby Lobby. It doesn't help me with MY hobbies. Luckily, the Toys'R'Us across the street does, so I take Clara in there, and, despite my money-hemmoraging ways, I manage to keep from buying anything, and so does the three-year-old that's NOT me. Well, that's something of a bum trip, but it's still better than going to Hobby Lobby and not buying anything.
So, after a good half-day of shopping, we ended up going to Michael's, which is another hobby store, so by everyone, I mean everyone but me. I elected to visit the nearby Best Buy. Clara decided to stay with the ladies because last time she visited Best Buy someone (okay, it was me, accidentally) left an iPod on too loud and people started yelling in an episode of 24. So now she's scared of the place, and I got to go alone. After about 10 minutes of browsing I saw that they have pretty much the same titles for movies and games I didn't want last time I was there, about a week or two earlier. Having no new software to check out, I decide to go look at the hardware.
Lemme preface this by saying that I'm much more of a software guy than hardware. I value content over substance, if that makes any sense. You could have all the technological advances in the world, but if you just use it to show Christian Moral Pagents from the 14th century, or play Pong in high definition, I could care less. That's why I didn't really care for the Star Wars Special Edition edits, for one thing. They didn't add anything but fluff to the story (and giving Greedo the appearance of a complete twit, instead of just a halfwit, by letting him shoot first and miss and point blank range).
That said, the hardware didn't really impress me. I went and looked at the new Blu-Ray DVD player. Okay, so now the pictures a little clearer. Maybe I need new glasses, but I don't really see the difference there. So all I was looking at was a shiny box hooked up to a TV. Not really interesting, especially considering the only movie I'd consider buying for it is Underworld 2. So I moved on, and started browsing the computers. I saw the high end one I wanted, for about $600 without a monitor, and since I've already got a monitor, I'm good on that front. But I walked around a bit and see that they got even cheaper, and if I knocked out the extra bits I don't want or need, like hard drive space or memory card readers, and focus on the good stuff, like RAM and video cards, I would be able to save a bit. So I found the bugger, and it's $350 apx. That's about $300 more than I have to spend, but I decide that I'd been a good guy, and I deserved a treat. So when Mom arrived to fetch me, I put on my sad puppy face and showed her the one I wanted. I figured I'd go for broke, since I was already there, and if that didn't work I'd ask for the West Wing or House on DVD, or maybe just a PS2 game if that failed.
Anyway, I showed her the one, and she asked me, "What are you gonna do for it?" I replied that I'd get great grades in school the next semester. She apparently thought that was fair, with one caveot. I had to apply to ACC before I could hook it up. That sounded fair enough, it takes maybe a half hour to sign up no problem. We get it, and then I hop online right away to find.... The site said Fall Registration wouldn't open until the 14th. I had to wait a week, and even then, I was going on vacation right afterwards, so I wouldn't get to test out my new box until the very end of the month when I get back. And so I decided, okay, I'll just apply at midnight and have it set up before I leave in the morning.
Which brings me to why I'm writing this now. This page shows that I probably won't be able to apply until some time in a week or two. X_X. Oh well, either way I'm still getting to use it after vacation, so yay me!
Okay, end of story. I've figured out how to include movies in images, I think. Gimme a second here. Okay, check this out.

Nifty lil' gif, eh? You can click it to bring it up on it's own, if you want. Then do me a favor. Save it
then save it again, as a .rar, and see what that does.
Edit: FUCK! Blogger saved it as a PNG? Why!? Ah, how am I supposed to show you guys my cool animated gif's now? Hrmmm... I'm sure I'll solve this dilemma at a later date. For now, though.... Just ask me and I'll send you the picture over AIM.
I am full of tricks, I am.
And just so I don't forget: "copy /b KHCOM.gif + haunted.rar haunted.gif"... I'll let you google that up and see what you get. Hehehe.
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