
Wishes and Dreams

So I put up my wishlist blog. I'd like to say it went off without a hitch, but hitches were, in fact, involved. However, it looks like it was a problem on Blogger's end, not mine, so everything is fine now.

That said, I am left with a large empty list that needs filling, and I'm hesitant about what to put on it. I've decreed that, until Christmas, I will not buy anything I list, and I'm already kicking myself over putting the Titanium Bumblebee on there... I want it now! Maybe I'll just get two of him, since he rocks so hardcore. One MIP, the other open for display.

But that's not where the fears end. I want a Wii. I'm certain of that much. And a pre-Christmas launch is practically guarenteed. But do I want to add it to my list? What are my chances of actually getting it, when you factor in the (comparatively) hefty $250 (or thereabouts) price tag, plus the holiday rush. Everyone remembers the X-Box 360 rush, right? I'll probably have the best shot out of anyone in my family for getting one, since I work at a Target, and should have no trouble getting a hold of one as soon as they're on sale. I suppose that's what I should do, just buy it myself, and add the games and accessories to the wishlist. Of course, in any case I should wait until after I'm sure of the details of the Wii release. Plans do change, after all, and I don't wanna get stuck with a bunch of Gamecube games that I can't play yet.

I'm probably going to do better about adding books to the list, though. I was debating adding A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines, thinking that I might want to read it before the holidays, but I've decided I can wait. Oh, the artificially intelligent goodness...

Okay, I'm off to add a few touches to the list, then sleep. X_X