Those last two classes are taught by some guy from New York, as it turns out. You hear a lot about people being proud to be from Texas, and I suppose a lot of people are. Definitely, there are people like that, but not so much in Austin. Austin is the part of Texas that wishes it were in California. But New Yorkers are SERIOUSLY proud of being from New York. I don't really know why either. I mean, I suppose after 9/11, they can claim that they had planes hit their town, so that makes them tough, but they've had the same attitude the whole time. My teacher in particular, Dr. Jack Bucco, is REALLY proud of it. He's reminded us like 5 times, between the two classes, that he used to play baseball right across the river from Manhattan. It's weird, because it he's not really FROM New York. He's from Jersey City, New Jersey. That is, the part of New Jersey that wishes it was in New York. The same part that makes New Yorkers think New Jersey is nothing but a wannabe version of New York.
Oops, got on a bit of a tangent there. Anyway, so yeah, school's doing well. Also, I've gotten myself a job. Or rather, I regot my job at Target. Part time, with (hopefully) enough time between work and class for a little relaxation. I had my first full day yesterday, from 8AM to 4PM working the register (required training for stuff they should know I already know how to do), and then Japanese class from 545 to 8 that night. Yay 12 hours of nonstop work. Sigh. Still, I need the money, and it's not like its really HARD work. Especially once I get out on the floor where all I have to do is walk around and make sure stuff gets up up on shelves and customers (I mean, "Guests") can find what they're looking for. I actually enjoy that. Cashiering gets kinda boring, though. Either way, I need to get to sleep earlier than I did last night, or possibly find a time to take a nap. I was falling asleep in class just now. Not a good sign.
So anyway, the exciting news I have to share with you today: I have discovered the ultimate cure for hiccups. You see, it all started with a clinic scene from a recent episode of "House":
The patient is complaining about hiccups. House tells him it's fine, it'll go away on its own eventually, but the guy isn't satisfied. "Isn't there something you can do?" he asks. "I'd read about a new treatment for hiccups..." At this point, House notices that the guy is no longer hiccuping. "You don't actually have the hiccups, do you?" "*Hic*" comes the reply.
House walks out of the exam room and drops down the patients folder "'Drug Seeking Behavior,'" he notes. "What, for narcotics?" "Nope - ANAL STIMULATION."
So yeah, some guy was faking hiccups in hopes of getting something shoved up his ass. Now, don't worry, that's not the hiccup cure I'm recommending. But last night, my friend had the hiccups, and so I told her the story, pretty much the way you read it (I edited it some to make it more readable). After she heard the story, her hiccups were gone. I don't know how, or why. But that story about a bogus cure for hiccups is itself a somewhat less bogus cure for the hiccups. Exciting, huh?
Okay, I need a nap. It's good to be back though.
Edit: Also, Blogger changed itself around, so you may see a few new changes here, including the fact that I changed email addresses. It's a pain to switch over, though. ._.
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