I've also been watching The Power of Nightmares, a documentary on the rise of both NeoConservatives in America and Islamic Terrorists in the Middle East, and how both parties use fear and scare-tactics to attempt to control the masses. I think Grand Moff Tarkin said it best:
Governor Tarkin: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.
General Tagge: But that's impossible. How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.
If you're not afraid of something by now, you're not paying attention. The trick is to not be afraid of what they tell you to fear, but rather the ones who use fear to their advantage. Fear them, and do everything in your power to stop them.
I had a weird rant planned out, but the gist is a hypothetical situation. The Union lost the Civil War, and was eventually conquered by the Confederacy. For the next 140 years America was ruled by a tyrannical dictatorship until the European Powers decided to "spread democracy," expecting that freed Americans would all be the same, not noticing the differences between Red- and Blue-Staters, and then violence broke out between the two groups and.. well, anyway, that's what Iraq is like.
Lets do it again! In Iran this time, okay?
1 comment:
Master Chief is a girl?! And a goth Asian at that... I'd raep it.
Also, "If you're not afraid of something by now, you're not paying attention." I guess I'm not paying attention. At least to our politics anyway. I'm afraid of our crazy generation trying to top the high score of the last school shooting (actually, if school shootings became an epidemic, I'd probably be pretty happy). I'm afraid of the fact that we're spending so much money in research on global warming and we still don't know shit (as far as I can tell, we don't even know if the weather is going to get extremely hot or extremely cold). I'm afraid of Arabs conquering the world BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE HIGHEST BIRTH RATE (Europe averages at, what, 1.3? Germany is less than 1. I forget what America is). I'm not afraid of politicians because I'm waiting for the age of anarchy in this country so I can slit their fat throats. I seriously think it will come because of how ridiculously divided this country is. Not into two groups, like the North and the South, but innumerable groups, all based on countless factors (race, religion, social class, political standing, etc. You know what I mean I don't have to explain this part).
In my novel which I will never finish for 7825630486 years, the hypothetical nation occupying the continent of North America is an oppressive dictatorship at war with the "United Democratic Nations," being all of Europe, Russia, and China. I can't figure out how to really plausibly link that to the preset day, so I won't. Nobody remembers why the war broke out because it started too long ago. The current dictator just picked up where the last one left off. That's what makes writing fiction so easy!
Also, HD remake of the first Bloodrayne would be awesome. No one needs anything other than Nazis, sexy vampires, and tons of blood. Mmmm... blooooood...
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