
"It's An Apple! It's FRUIT!!!"

Kittens don't eat fruit.

Sorry, the above conversation between myself and my kittens was too funny to not mention. Tonight I've been re-bitten by the writer's bug. Dunno why. But I do have a bit to share.

Okay, back. Hadda get my burrito out of the microwave. More on that later.

So, I dunno if I told you, but I bought a kilt. I like it. It's different. It's comfy. It feels like "me", somehow. Unfortunately, "me" is very shy. I don't do well in social situations, and so I had a hard time calling attention to the new "me" kilt. As in, I didn't wanna be seen in public wearing something like it. So the only times I wore it out of the house, I stayed in my car doing drive through.

Until last night. Yay me, I went out and bought batteries at CVS with it on. At like 945, just before they closed, so really no one was there, and I probably looked like some kinda freak who needed batteries for his camera so he could take pictures of himself in his kilt (which was totally the case, but I didn't really wanna admit to it), but I did it. I say yay for me.

Wearing the kilt makes me feel more attractive some how. I mean, no one ever sees me in it, but still. I feel sexy. Partly that's because, up until very recently, my wardrobe has been similar to that of a 10 year old boys. I love t-shirts with Transformers logos on them. And that's about it. T-shirts and cargo pants. And sneakers (Heelys now!) But a t-shirt and a kilt looks silly. And the period appropriate garment I bought with the kilt is silly as well, when not at a renaissance fair. So, I actually went out and bought some nice shirts. With buttons! Yay me again.

So, I have the wardrobe, and I'm getting to where I'm feeling brave enough to wear it in public. What's next? I need to get in shape. I mean, yeah, I'm skinny, and I know I'm dead sexy like an anorexic bitch, but I'm weak and scrawny and I don't really want to be. I don't wanna be fucking Arnold Strongman with pecs up to my eyeballs, but I could use a little meat on my bones, without getting fat. I've seen pictures of my Grandfather when he was my age. I look exactly like him. I've also seen what he looks like now. Metabolisms stop. I need to get in shape now so I won't be a lazy sack of fat when I'm his age. (Not that he's a lazy sack of fat, he's just got a bit of a gut. But I'M lazy. And when my body starts keeping more fat than it needs, I'll end up a lazy sack of fat. Or I could work out.)

Today I began my quest for fitness. I started by doing 10 pushups. It's been way too long. The first five were kinda easy, and then they got harder. Also, I might be doing them wrong. I added in some jumping jacks and crunches. All told, I got 20 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks in. Then, I decided I'd put on Podrunner (a podcast of hour long workout mixes) and go for an hour run. I ended up running about 5 minutes, then walking about 20. I grabbed my mail, and a bite to eat while I was out, though. It's a start, I say!

So here's my new years resolution. First: Buy a calendar (Yeah, I know it's November still, so what?) Second: Apply to and complete spring and summer semesters for the Video Gaming program. Third: Run a mile in 10 minutes. I know that's not very impressive, but considering I can't run a mile period right now, 10 minutes would be nice.

My doctor once told me that, because of my heart condition, I am always on my "second wind", and never really had a first one. Makes running long distances hard. I should work on that, huh?

1 comment:

Xaphon said...


lookit teh sechsy manskirtz.