It's So True! (And, looking at the date, I'm like a year and a half behind the times.)
So yeah, I bought a copy of FFXII. Not sure why. I'd seen/heard a few old reviews of it, and decided I should check it out. And hey, just $20.
It's kind of interesting at the start, and I'm slightly curious about the storyline. One of my primary... I guess I wouldn't say complaints so much as just "one of the things I notice"... One of my primary one of the things I notice about the Final Fantasy Series in general is that it's basically "Move through Maze, Press X repeatedly to hit enemy, Enjoy Cutscene, Lather, Rinse, Repeat." Playing FFXII feels like they somehow managed to remove like 90% of the Press X part. I'm still not sure if this is a good thing or not, but I did find it somewhat odd that the boss battles were less involving than the dungeon crawling. The Bosses were somewhat engrossing, but in the same way that it's cool to watch James Bond battle some supervillian. Health Bars go down, but I've got my heroes set to auto-heal themselves, and so the whole game kicks into autopilot. So really... I guess $20 bought me a somewhat drawn out epic movie.
I'm only about 3 hours into it, and I've already killed a rogue Tomato (O_O!), robbed a hidden treasury, and then got thrown into prison. And I haven't even discovered that the mysterious beautiful warrior is really the princess who supposedly took her own life years ago. I'm in for a while ride. And by ride I mean series of approaching enemies and watching them get killed.
Oh, and speaking of Penny Arcade: their new XBLA game has been
priced. I'll definitely end up buying it, I just wish they'd release a date to go along with the price. x_x