
Free Money!!?

Probably not.
(11:10:32 PM) effervescence: hey look!
(11:10:53 PM) TriFrog77: NOOOO
(11:11:00 PM) effervescence: guess what today is!
(11:11:03 PM) TriFrog77: i just got rick roll'ed
(11:11:08 PM) TriFrog77: april fools
(11:11:21 PM) effervescence: international rick astley appriceation day
(11:11:28 PM) TriFrog77: waht? really?
(11:11:40 PM) TriFrog77: pop-up video lmao
(11:11:47 PM) effervescence: of course not
(11:11:49 PM) effervescence: its april first
(11:11:58 PM) TriFrog77: lmao
Happy April First! ((EDIT: Whoops! I'm on central time! X_X!!?))

Also, I need someone with Pokemon Diamond or Pearl to IV battle me. Plz?

And finally, I've decided that "!!?" is the best punctuation ever. Reminds me somehow of "Iie", which is Japanese for "No".


I Miss My Old "Blog This" Add-On...

Ah, for the days when I could simply right click a page, rather than hunting for a bookmark to bring up a tiny little blog-writing-window. Anyway, on to more pressing issues.

Child maths prodigy 'working as a prostitute' - Telegraph
...10 years on, Miss Yusof now earns £130 an hour working as a prostitute from her flat in Salford, Manchester
Hey, she was a math prodigy. I'm guessing she just did and realized that while probably no one was going to hire a 16 year old college graduate, she could easily earn tons of money (£130 is about $259USD according to xe.com) in the world's oldest profession, and for far less real work than most other careers. I suppose she's got plenty of time to pursue other interests. Math is cool!

(This Blogger in no way endorses the criminal act of prostitution.)

Nifty Video Game Stuff

Kings of Power 4 Billion - Not quite a video game, but a movie based on one. It's cool. Direct link to the movie here. I don't think it's on YouTube.

Watching that made me think of all the movies I've got in the air. Watch as I count them down:

Prince of Persia - I'm stuck in this one stupid room and I hate it, but I love the gameplay. If I can't figure the room out from the inside, I may just restart the game entirely. It's been a while since I played though... Eh.

God of War - I'm pretty sure I'm almost done with it, I just got distracted. I always do that. But maybe if GoW2 goes Greatest Hits, or Chains of Olympus comes down in price, I should have finished the first one.

La Pucelle Tactics - I barely started this one. It's supposedly either a prequel to Disgaea, or more likely, a precursor, along the same lines and such. I never got too far, but I suppose I'll play it later, if I ever hit it big, and have tons and tons of free time or something.

Final Fantasy X - I need to level grind. For hours. But I think I'm almost near the final boss. /me shrugs.

Final Fantasy X-2 - I kinda started this, but I suppose I should finish X(-1?) first. It's very silly, but I like it somehow.

*Final Fantasy XII* - Yay for bizarre sequencialism. I talked about this a lot earlier, but I still find it silly that I'm about 7 hours in, and so far, my character has been tossed into, and broken out of, prison. Twice. IN THE FIRST SEVEN HOURS of a FOURTY + HR GAME! O_O! I'm a jailbird.
GameCube (Ya, I picked up a few for my Wii.):
Pokemon XD - I keep looking at that "XD" and thinking its a smiley face. I'm playing it for the Lugia. I should probably go through and finish that. I wish there was a way for me to transfer my other Pokemon in. That would rock.
Okay, so I just picked up two games for it, and I already beat Sonic Adventure.

*Super Mario Galaxy* - I'm very close, and the game is a lot of fun. I'll probably pick some time I've got a lot of spare time, but it should be easily and doable.

Trauma Center: New Blood - This game is monumentally hard, but I love the co-op play. Co-op makes EVERYTHING better. Actually, now that I think of it, I never REALLY beat the first game either. That one mission where you've gotta heal 4 people in ten minutes kicks the shit outta me. Even with help. (I traded controllers off with a friend between patients.)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I've still gotta unlock Star Wolf, but honestly, "meh". On the other hand, maybe Nintendo will eventually fix their Wi-Fi system and I can battle some friends. Anyone wanna go against me?
Xbox 360:
Mass Effect - I already beat this, but the unleashed a downloadable content episode, so I'm gonna go back and play through that bit, and probably leave the game open for later missions. I also plan on finishing up the other sidequests I never got to. I THOUGHT I HAD MORE TIME! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THERE WOULD BE ONLY FOUR STORY WORLDS!!?

Dead Rising - Yay Zombies. Honestly, the saving system is kinda annoying. I need to actually get through to the end of the first set of cases one of these days. I'm gonna get so tired of seeing the same cutscenes over and over again.

The Orange Box - Or specifically, Half Life 2 and Episodes 1 and 2. I beat Portal, it was great, and I'm waiting for more, either DLC or a sequel. But Half Life 2 is great fun. Never played Half Life 1, though. Wonder if I should try it...?

DOAX2 - In the long form, Dead or Alive: eXtreme Beach Volleyball 2. Cuz hey, it was like seven dollars. Yay bouncing boobs. I mean bikinis. I mean hot wet bodies. I mean... uh, nevermind. I don't think I'm going to "beat" this game, mainly because it's just ridiculous. Literally. I purchased it for Ridicule. But now, Fuck this game. Seriously.

Rainbow Six: Vegas - Yay peering around corners and shooting people repeatedly. Boo being shot at by enemies in a bizarrely over-ful room. I hate that one room. I should go back and beat it maybe, but... nahhhh.
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - I've been a fan of SRPGs, or whatever whatever this style of game is supposed to be, since FFTA. Apparently Final Fantasy Tactics Period is the "best game EVAR" according to the Final Fantasy Fanboys, but FFTA was just the perfect mix of strategy and whimsical story without the bizarre emo-epic-save-the-world stuff. And Disgaea is just wacky enough that I like it too, but I'm not enjoying the fact that, once again, I have to level grind. I HATE levelgrinding. I'll probably tough it out though, and usually once I get into a stride, I'll do okay.

Jeanne d'Arc - It's like Joan of Arc! With demons! And on a "Tactics" style grid! AGAIN! I play a lot of these. I may end up with this on hiatus until after FFTA2 comes out and is beaten.
I also noticed I'm missing my UMDs for Terminator and Spiderman. :(

DS: (I got a lot, so I'll just list the titles)
Pheonix Wright: Justice for All, as well as the 3rd title in the series, and then I'll buy the fourth when it comes out.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - I hate that central temple X_X!
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Final Fantasy III - Actually I'm just gonna restart and try to get past the first two towns. I seem to get stuck on some weird area I need to shrink to get into? (Or is that my problem with the first???)
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Sonic Rush
Professor Layton and the Curious Village - ...just the downloadable extras, though.
Phew, that's quite a list. And don't get me started on the BOOKS I've got to get working on... X_X!!?


I Can't Tell If This Is A Joke....

...Or he really thinks that's how the game works: You’re Not My Real Big Daddy
“Don’t shoot me!” said the Little Sister. But was she lying?
Can a request be a lie, really? The only example I've thought of is this:
Please don't hit me with your penis, madam.
...and even then it's circumstantial.

Oh, and if you haven't played Bioshock yet, you should. Seriously, do it. I'm tired of sitting on these spoilers.

WTF YouTube #3

Look! This time it's not a Disney Channel Starlette (yet)!

Anyway, I actually have the manga based off this game (.Hack//GU+ or something). Maybe I should read it and see how much shouting I endure.

WTF YouTube #2

I'm gonna overload. But seriously. Miley needs to stick to the writing by Disney.

Also, this:
In her movie, Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert, there is a scene where she and her dad did not put their seatbelts on and, was labeled by some newspapers as a "bad role model".[38] Billy Ray Cyrus later apologized for this, and said

"We got caught up in the moment of filming, and we made a mistake and forgot to buckle our seat belts ... Seat belt safety is extremely important."
Apparently, I'm weird amongst my friends in that I always buckle my seatbelt. It's not that I'm scared about anything, it's just a habit formed since I was a kid. I feel weird riding a car without a seatbelt.

Oddly enough, I never had a problem with the school bus.

WTF YouTube?


I may make this a recurring theme.

Also, I remember reading about this movie before in Maxim, but I didn't remember seeing any ads or anything for it, so the ABC logo in the corner confused me. Had the movie flopped so bad it was already on Broadcast? I scooted over to IMDB and found that it's not out till this September. So... why the ABC logo? I'm guessing the clip made it on the news. Cuz, hey, its Lizzie McGuire with a scorpion in her pants!

Cool Stuff

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right. I like reading about people doing the nice thing. I enjoy being nice.

Yesterday, while playing FFXII, I managed to steal a rat pelt from a rat before I killed it. I'm confused. Did I steal the rat's own pelt while it was still alive? Or was the rat some sort of fashion cannibal, wearing the pelt of another rat.

Speaking of bizarre questions on my mind, I've been watching Voyager and had a few. For instance, how does food work on the holodeck? Is it replicated, and thus edible, or just an illusion? Does it taste good? For that matter, why do people keep using the holodecks. Every time you get on, they seem to malfunction. More trouble than they're worth, if you ask me.

This dude won't take a hint. I made it seem like I was going to leave the keyboard to do something, and he won't believe that I'm really gone. I mean, I'm not, but still. How long can this chatlog continue before he takes the hint?
(3:41:24 PM) bubbyaka14411: k
(3:41:43 PM) bubbyaka14411: what he say?
(3:43:29 PM) bubbyaka14411: brb
(3:46:32 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what he say?
(3:47:02 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:48:46 PM) bubbyaka14411: u still there???
(3:49:40 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what u doing????
(3:49:42 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:51:40 PM) bubbyaka14411: u there, hello??????????????
(3:52:29 PM) bubbyaka14411: u still there????
(3:53:27 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:57:48 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what u doing
(4:04:00 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:06:04 PM) bubbyaka14411: so are we going to talk still or no????
(4:07:20 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:16:51 PM) bubbyaka14411: hey u on, whats going on
(4:18:34 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:22:53 PM) bubbyaka14411: hey whats going on
(4:24:17 PM) bubbyaka14411: u there

Finally, I leave you with this image. I wish my phone looked like it.

Oh, and I had to show you guys this thing. It's awesome. SHEEEEEEP!!!

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

And then this too.

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

If you start getting bored, it'll go 6km before it stops.


It's TRUE!

It's So True! (And, looking at the date, I'm like a year and a half behind the times.)

So yeah, I bought a copy of FFXII. Not sure why. I'd seen/heard a few old reviews of it, and decided I should check it out. And hey, just $20.

It's kind of interesting at the start, and I'm slightly curious about the storyline. One of my primary... I guess I wouldn't say complaints so much as just "one of the things I notice"... One of my primary one of the things I notice about the Final Fantasy Series in general is that it's basically "Move through Maze, Press X repeatedly to hit enemy, Enjoy Cutscene, Lather, Rinse, Repeat." Playing FFXII feels like they somehow managed to remove like 90% of the Press X part. I'm still not sure if this is a good thing or not, but I did find it somewhat odd that the boss battles were less involving than the dungeon crawling. The Bosses were somewhat engrossing, but in the same way that it's cool to watch James Bond battle some supervillian. Health Bars go down, but I've got my heroes set to auto-heal themselves, and so the whole game kicks into autopilot. So really... I guess $20 bought me a somewhat drawn out epic movie.

I'm only about 3 hours into it, and I've already killed a rogue Tomato (O_O!), robbed a hidden treasury, and then got thrown into prison. And I haven't even discovered that the mysterious beautiful warrior is really the princess who supposedly took her own life years ago. I'm in for a while ride. And by ride I mean series of approaching enemies and watching them get killed.

Oh, and speaking of Penny Arcade: their new XBLA game has been priced. I'll definitely end up buying it, I just wish they'd release a date to go along with the price. x_x