Yesterday, while playing FFXII, I managed to steal a rat pelt from a rat before I killed it. I'm confused. Did I steal the rat's own pelt while it was still alive? Or was the rat some sort of fashion cannibal, wearing the pelt of another rat.
Speaking of bizarre questions on my mind, I've been watching Voyager and had a few. For instance, how does food work on the holodeck? Is it replicated, and thus edible, or just an illusion? Does it taste good? For that matter, why do people keep using the holodecks. Every time you get on, they seem to malfunction. More trouble than they're worth, if you ask me.
This dude won't take a hint. I made it seem like I was going to leave the keyboard to do something, and he won't believe that I'm really gone. I mean, I'm not, but still. How long can this chatlog continue before he takes the hint?
(3:41:24 PM) bubbyaka14411: kSigh...
(3:41:43 PM) bubbyaka14411: what he say?
(3:43:29 PM) bubbyaka14411: brb
(3:46:32 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what he say?
(3:47:02 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:48:46 PM) bubbyaka14411: u still there???
(3:49:40 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what u doing????
(3:49:42 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:51:40 PM) bubbyaka14411: u there, hello??????????????
(3:52:29 PM) bubbyaka14411: u still there????
(3:53:27 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(3:57:48 PM) bubbyaka14411: so what u doing
(4:04:00 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:06:04 PM) bubbyaka14411: so are we going to talk still or no????
(4:07:20 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:16:51 PM) bubbyaka14411: hey u on, whats going on
(4:18:34 PM) bubbyaka14411 just sent you a Buzz!
(4:22:53 PM) bubbyaka14411: hey whats going on
(4:24:17 PM) bubbyaka14411: u there
Finally, I leave you with this image. I wish my phone looked like it.

Oh, and I had to show you guys this thing. It's awesome. SHEEEEEEP!!!
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And then this too.
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If you start getting bored, it'll go 6km before it stops.
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