
4 Pages of Midnight Rambling

Man, I've done a horrible job of keeping up with this thing. I'd use my vacation as an excuse, but as many of you know, I spend much of my time online. I guess you could say that Hawai'i is where I stay while the battery charges.

I'm writing this at 0:02 local time, so I'm gonna do some incoherent babbling now:

'Bring Me To Life' is an awesome song. Someone needs to remove the vocal track and just gimme the guitar / bass / drums / violin. Violins are definitely the coolest instrument in a rock song. And Evanescence, despite the impossible-to-spell name (mad props to spell cheque), is in general a kick ass band. I wouldn't mind receiving their CD's for a birthday.

I seem to have lost my Mini-Disk player. 4 months is a new low for me. I suck at portable electronics, it seems. This laptop is nice, tho. Speaking of which, when GS:C hits it big, I'm trading this thing in for a smaller, lightweight model with a decent battery, and a top-o'-the-line desktop machine. Then I will be l33t. And by lightweight, I mean one of those tablet things, so I can read sites all cool like, or something. It'll make watching videos a lot cooler, anyway. Hope my arms don't get tired.

Back onto Evanescence for a second: I hate 'My Immortal.' No, that's not right. It's a good song. A great song. It gets an emotional response outta me, so it does its purpose. Its just sad, you know? 'Surrender' is cool, though.

I've gotten more into Cowboy Bebop. Just saw 'Mushroom Samba.' Ein on 'shrooms makes me laugh. I'm almost curious as to what Ed's 'shroom experience would be, except that she's so weird anyway, the 'shrooms wouldn't really have an effect, possibly. Like the time she ate that thing in 'Toys In The Attic.' Maybe I have problems, but I think Ed's cute. Don't get me wrong, Faye's still the hottie on board the Bebop, but I guess Ed gets second place. Which is good, right? Because the other members are, in turn, a dog, a cyborg, and a bad-ass. ("Who is this guy, and what business does he have saying he's bi?" I'll get to that.) But yeah, I'm noticing more and more that the soundtrack to Bebop is very, very cool, and probably a big part of the show (note how all the episode titles are song names). I'm glad I got P.J. the soundtrack for his birthday. I'll have to steal it from him and rip it to disk ASAP. Look for it on the 27th! (jk)

About my bi-ness: some girl online said I wasn't REALLY bi, since I was staying loyal to my boy friend. I failed to see the logic in that argument. I also liked the argument my bf's mom gave. "If you don't do anal, you ain't bi." So, you have it from two reputable sources: I'm straight. (You KNOW I'm not gay, or you'd better, at least.) I just happen to suck some guys cock on a regular basis. And just the one! Don't come to me with your dick-sucking needs, you fruits. BTW, this is all purely online; I have never met the guy aside from AIM. But I still love him!

(I like parentheses.)

So it was announced on the 1st (and confirmed, well, today) that Wizards is making Magic: Unhinged (a.k.a. Unglued 2). This sounds like it should be some fun. As it will be released during the time I'll be living at Tech, I should be able to hook up with some other goofy players for some Unhinged action. Maybe I'll even steal a few of my mom's old Unglued packs for some UG/UH drafting. That'd be awesome. *Remembers that not all of you play Magic... yet.* I suppose I should clarify. Unhinged is not just another Magic set. You won't see me get this excited over 5th Dawn. (Unless it has some really sweet cards, of course.) But Unhinged, like Unglued before it, will be an off the wall set of cards that do really stupid things. Hurloon Wrangler - 2R for a 2/2 with Denim-walk (unblockable if the opponent is wearing denim) - is the best example of this. For that card, removal of pants was ruled to occur at a speed faster than mana production. So, people would play without pants. There's something that gets some ability when you do the hokey pokey, and something else that gets flying if you flap your arms like a chicken. Weird shit like that. Of course, that's Unglued. As for Unhinged, well, it's not out till November, so not much is known about it, but the card name 'City of Ass' intrigues me...

This Foo Fighters song - 'Times Like These' - has some funky sound in the background. Can't tell if it's the crappy headphones or my track or what. Updates as... Ah, never, really.

More on Manga: NO ONE HAS MEGATOKYO #1!!! GRRRR... I finally found a Waldenbooks here today (yesterday. Shut up, midnight.), and was shocked to discover that even 5 days after its release, they didn't have it. Or it was sold out, or something. .Hack//Twilight #3, the other manga I'm looking for, isn't out yet either, I guess, which makes me sad, because I wanna find out what happens! *Crys, anime-style* I didn't wanna look like a jerk, specially after asking the nice lady where they kept the manga, by walking out after looking at it for 3 seconds, so I pulled Love Hina #2 off the shelf, and got it. I read it before I wrote this, but I just wanna say I hate cliffhangers. Especially when they involve me not having enough money to see what happens! Will Keitome make it into Tokyo U? (Probably not yet, there are a lot more Love Hina volumes out there, but hey, if I can make it into Tech, he can make it into Tokyo U.) Is Nani really his true love from 15 years ago? (That's the part I don't get. That makes her 2 when she made him promise... WAY too young to be doing shit like that.) And what of poor Robin!? (I mean, really, poor guy, he just sits around in that boring old mansion waiting for Alfred to answer the phone so he can slip into green tights and run around with an insane man twice his age. Okay, I just put this bit in because I'm feeling silly. Hell, that explains most of my blogs, ever.) Stay toned, Greg-fans!

So Matt tells me he doesn't have a TV or gaming system. I suppose as the Fish (or whatever, I'm a year below him in school), it falls on me to equip us. I've already volunteered one of the circuit-breaking box fans from our garage, conceivably could sneak out either PJ's or Dan's television and bring it. I also could conceivably bring along the Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, and Playstation (One, sadly; the PS2s in China that were supposedly international - I doubt that claim after my experience with D2 - were too expensive. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get one one of these days!)

Hmm... I wonder why winamp only comes out of one side of my computer. I don't think I have it set for mono. *Goes and checks.* Hmm, I seem to have deleted it. Oh well! *Huggles WMP.*

OH! That was the one thing I never mentioned, really, and wanted to. Two things, really, but one at a time, here. Firstly, my uncle snores. Loudly. It sucks. Keeps me up all night, doing things like this. When I'm done here, I'm leaving my laptop on the bed, and sleeping with headphones on. And they hurt. Damn you, Uncle! I suppose I shouldn't speak badly of him. It's not his fault. The REALLY annoying thing, though, is that when he gets up in the morning, he expects me to rise and shine too. Like I haven't been kept up all night by his snoring. Does he not know? How could he miss that? Agh! Plus, he is the LAST person I think should be rushing me, since his schizophrenia medication makes him go slower than everyone else in the family. Meanwhile, I'm probably the fastest, walking, anyway. As in, I can catch up easily to him. So he has no need to rush me. And he gets on my case about random things. It's so annoying. I know he tries, so I don't want to upset him, but... uuuuuuuuu....

Oh well, at least I got a real bed for once. ^-^

The other thing that bugged me was my cousin Lena. Not the new baby from China, Lena is the 6 year old from Tennessee who loves it when I come visit. She's really sweet; for instance, today, she spotted a nifty TF shirt I hadn't seen while I was away at Waldenbooks. I bought it, though it's a size too small... Getting sidetracked. u.u Anyway, she's nearly my shadow now-a-days, especially with my brothers gone. I think partly it was the fact that Clara was getting all the attention everyone else used to give her. And partly it's that she just wants to get in my pants - I need to stop carrying around an EB Games store in my pockets. But mostly, I'm sure she's just being 6 ("almost 7!" I can hear her say). And there's nothing wrong with that. Except for one thing. Clara doesn't like her car seat. She hates it. Cries whenever we go anywhere. So, Lena decided to cheer her up by singing a happy song from Sunday School, or something. "I'm up I'm down I'm in I'm out I'm happy all the time! / I'm up I'm down I'm in I'm out I'm happy all the time! / Cuz Jesus saved my sins! / blah blah blee blee blah blee! / I'm up I'm down I'm in I'm out I'm hap-py all the time!" Problem is, the song isn't just happy; its HYPER. And Lena doesn't just sing it, she practically YELLS it. I suppose she has to, to make it over Clara's wails, but still. In my opinion, when a child is scared by something, and panicking, then fast, upbeat, LOUD songs are not the answer. Slow, low, loving ones, are. Sigh. Being buckled up next to her can be a pain.

Take also yesterdays (shut up midnight!) drive to the airport. Lena discussed her hatred of bobcats, because one supposedly ate her old cat once. I assured her that bobcats didn't eat other cats out of spite, but rather because of how their bodies work. I explained to her that her theory of leaving cat food out for bobcats would not work, because it just wasn't good for them, and besides, they need to hunt. I then did my take on the Crocodile Hunter vs. a can of cat food. It wasn't anything special, just a bad Steve Irwin impression in a life or death struggle against Tuna-Flavored Friskies. I won't bug you with it. I was going to, because I thought it was okay. But then Lena made me do it again. Then when I refused a third time, she did it. And I believe it to now be not as funny as earlier stated. Plus, Steve Irwin impressions don't translate into text.

Wow, I hit nearly 2000 words. Go me! Alright, I think I collapse now. Goodnight!

Oh, and despite what Hill says, Nelly Furtado or w.e does not suck. Give me some more of her mp3s.

Added at release time: Sorry this came out so late; I was supposed to put it up in the morning, but things came up, so, I didn't. New things: Got Love Hina #3, so that's cool, along with a couple of Transformers novels. Books one and two of a trilogy. SUPPOSEDLY the same trilogy, but I have some doubts. I guess we shall see.

*Hits spell check.*
*Cringes. u.u*


Hmm... this thing doesnt like the little brackets I usually use... I'll have to disable html or something.. I'm using **'s for now, and I'll go back later and check it out what else I missed.

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