
Ace of WHAT?

Who the hell named the band "Ace of Base"? And why isn't it spelled Bass? Jeez... I spend my days living with two guitar players, learn to appreciate a good thumping techno song, and finally learn the difference between bass the fish and bass the musical sound, and this stupid band from the early '90s screws it all up for me! Oh well... I found it. And you know what? It's weird. I found the song "Cruel Summer" by them, and began to download it... It's taking me nearly an hour, so my comp says. I watched my download speed steadily drop down, until it was under one Kbps, and is now hovering between 700 and 900 bytes per second! Wow.

Also in the news... Today is tax day. Apparently, because I went and worked at McDonald's, I need to pay those. >.< Oh well, I should be getting a tax refund from the US Govt, so that'll be fun. I just gotta go ahead and do it... I don't get it? We have an entire department full of people trained in Tax law... why can't THEY just do it themselves? Why do innocent people have to become accountants? Heh, you know, really, I'm just lazy.

Here's a weird thought. A girl told me yesterday that I was not a goody-two-shoes. I felt almost hurt by that. I thought I was DEFINITELY a goody-two-shoes. I've done no alcohol or drugs, always followed the straight and narrow (for the most part). Hmm... I dunno, if I'm not a goody-two-shoes, what am I? I'm not really a miscreant, I'm not a stoner, or a bully or w/e their modern day equivelant is. I'm not a hacker, all fantasies aside. I'm a pacifist, I suppose, and a coward (the two sorta go hand in hand, sometimes. ). Actually, I suppose it's just that I've never found anything worth fighting for.

Someone named SushiRll just IM'ed me... Someone figure out who that is for me. Thanks.

Alright, I'm done. So long folks!

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