

Look at this:

her: whad if you and jackie were like...long lost brothers...sisters...twice and a half removed....grandfather in law's son/daughter's nephew's wifes uncle's.....if yall were related..?
me: if we were related
me: then our kids would be.....
me: odd..
me: like you?
me: o_o?
me: kidding
her: HEY!
her: your...face!
her: ..is retarded!
me: well, at least i didnt sleep with LUMBURG!!!
her: LMAO

Interesting, huh? Btw, that's my new end all comeback. So if you see me use that, don't worry; you're not the first.

EDIT: Turns out it's spelled "Lumbergh," so, yeah. Live and learn.

God I hope this moves my wallpaper down below the sidebar stuff.

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