
Disturbing Things

I've been trudging through Clone.Manga lately, and its some pretty disturbing shit. I had actually read through the Tomoyo42 stuff, which is rather odd, a while ago, and then just recently followed an Applegeeks link to the main site, and lo and behold, amazing dementedness. I finished the Nana comic, and should start Day 4 of Paper 11 pretty soon. It's all very messed up.

Also, speaking of messed up stuff... where do conjoined twins come from? I mean, do they reproduce? I think that would be the number one argument against evolution. Evolution should have canceled out conjoinism (or whatever its called) a long time ago, since it doesn't enhance our survivalism. Since it didn't, evolution is wrong.

And then here's another thing: how come when humans are born conjoined, its a semi-run of the mill thing, they seperate one or both, but when animals are born conjoined, its an omen! Either a sign from God, or a sign that some turtle was swimming around in irradiated waters. The God thing, maybe, but no one accuses a conjoined twin-set of having rolled around in nuclear filth. No one cries out about the destruction and contamination of the human ecosystem. Of course, I'm no expert on the subject. Or any subject, really. I just trudge on through as best I can.

On a less distrubing note, Katie is awesome, so good for her! And yay randomness!

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