According to this, we're down to our last Pope before Satan takes over in the end of days. Now, the page claims it wasn't edited since the 6th, and predicted that the new (current) Pope would come from the order of St. Benedict (twice, which is oddly suspicious), but I am still wary of retroactively edited prophecies, such as the "prediction" Nostradamus had about September 11th. I'd heard that one just a few days before, in a vastly different form, so I'm not too keen to note propecies. It is interesting to look at, though, especially with all the crazyness going on around the world. I feel like such an old man asking this, but is the world really going to hell in a handbasket in recent years, or did I just start paying more attention lately? I'm beginning to think Matt has it right; he never pays attention to anything. I feel that he's dumb about it, but he seems to be doing well.
Anyway, I suppose I really shouldn't care about the Pope. I'm not Catholic. Hell, I'm barely even Christian at all, I'm just too lazy to research other religions to see where I fit. I really don't like the idea of fitting, either. I like the idea that my relationship with wahtever greater power there might be is a personal thing, not just something I did because everyone else did it. I don't want to put down everyone, because I've met people who are very secure in their faiths, and that's great for them. It obviously works, they haven't been smote or anything. But I do also see a lot of people who seem to just go through the motions, and try to fit their beliefs to match an existing religion, which to me seems backwards.
I don't quite know what I believe, but I feel that, at least for me, I do believe enough. I know there's a higher power; there's too much random shit for there not to be, and a mechanical universe winding down really does seem depressing. I like to believe that there is at least something that lies outside the normal laws of the universe. Theres no reason for me to believe it, except I refuse to believe that every effect has a concrete cause, basically. I have to believe that there is inspiration and pure creativity in life. Of course, there's really no way to prove that I'm right, either way, but that's what makes a belief not a belief, really. I don't believe the sky is blue, the sky IS blue, that's empirical fact, not belief. However, I BELIEVE that a power beyond the mechanical universe must exist. In my mind, the two ideas have the same veracity, but I know in detached part of my brain that my belief will not weigh up in another persons mind the way a fact does. It will, however, in my mind. Interesting little minutae, huh?
Ok, no epic post tonite. Well... I dunno. Medium sized.
Did you mean AGNOSTIC?
1.a. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
b. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
2. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
Meanwhile, back in the post:
I don't believe the sky is blue, the sky IS blue, that's empirical fact, not belief. However, I BELIEVE that a power beyond the mechanical universe must exist. In my mind, the two ideas have the same veracity, but I know in detached part of my brain that my belief will not weigh up in another persons mind the way a fact does. It will, however, in my mind.
I don't think of myself as agnostic. I think of myself as undefined. In mathematical terms, my religion is something along the lines of "God/0."
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