No, no, the real threats are in swarms. A swarm of retarded guy's with knifes would be a reason to run. Luckily, retarded people with knifes don't have a swarming instinct. But most zombies do. So there is a pretty good chance of finding a swarm of zombies. In my experience, the only way to deal with a swarm of zombies is either to run as far as you can and trap them, or, and this is perferred, use a bomb or some sort of mass removal. Or maybe both. Yeah, that.
While a swarm of zombie is indeed scary, really, a swarm of ANYTHING would be scary. Zombies, retards, bees, rats, mongeese, regular geese, poodles, anything. My worst nightmare is to wake up and leave my dorm, only to find a swarm of furbies stationed outside the door. That would be scary. O_O!
And just cuz I wanted to show off:
Night all!
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