
Meaningless Pipes

On Star Trek, it seems that every room has specialized vents that can pump whatever they feel like into the atmosphere? Was someone literally designing the ship and thinking this:
You know what we need? Some way to pump in poison to every room on the ship at a moments notice. Yes, whenever we want. And a few times we don't want it, just for dramatic tension.
Man, we are stupid in the future.

I've got another one of my half-assed urges to create. I don't know exactly what just yet, but believe me, when I find out, you'll be the first to know.

Something else was on my mind, but I don't know quite what, exactly. Oh well. Take care. I'm sure I won't.....

Aha! Jack Thompson!!! He's being a jackass again. Here he is doing it on his own. Masturbationary assholism, I guess. This article prompted me to switch my buddy icon. You can even see him yelling at the guys from PA. Now though, someone has risen to his half-assed challenge. Actually, I'm sure a lot of people have, but the ones I saw first were the awesome folks at Old Grandma Hardcore. I've linked there before, but I just thought it was cool, and I seriously wanna play their game.

Of course, the total bullshit about the whole situation is that it costs more than $10,000 to market a full video game these days, so any company that wanted to answer Jack's shit (pun somewhat intended; it just rolls off the tongue so easily) would be better off just donating their own $10,000.

Silly (Jack-)rabbit, Games aren't just for kids.

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