


Okay, seriously, I watched the movie Dawn of the Dead today. It was cool, though the zombie baby was the scariest thing ever. Well, not really. Like, I saw it coming a mile away. Who wouldn't? Pregnant woman in a zombie movie, everyone really excited about the baby being born. Babies aren't born during zombie crisises. They are concieved during them. Then they're born 9 months later when the survivors are all living together in a lovely house in the middle of nowhere.

But yeah, so the baby was doomed before it was born. Turns out mom was "infected" (I'm not sure how the zombie thing really started in this case, but she had caught it), and ended up dying to a combination of labor and a bad case of zombie-itis. The baby was born stillborn. Seconds later, mom wakes up, fully zombie (dad was smart and tied her down), and gets a solid bullet to the head. Then comes the climax... Baby! The creep up on the well covered baby girl, and just as they pull the cloth away.... ZOMBIE!!!!! GASP!!!!! It gets shot too, though you don't see it.

Anyway, I just kept looking at the mom's pregnant belly, before the birth, and thinking... "That zombie baby is gonna pop out and eat someone, I just know it..." I kept changing the channel, cuz I'm a scardy cat, but in the end I was thoroughly diappointed that they didn't go for it. Of course, then it hit me that really, a zombie baby isn't that scary. Adult zombies can barely lurch. I doubt a baby zombie could learn to crawl, let alone walk, with its zombie brain. Especially without encouragement. Creepy, yes. But a threat? Not really.

Okay, so barring that spoiler, its a good movie. I don't wanna spoil the ending, but the end credits (which you should obviously watch through) were the best credits I've ever seen. BOOBIE!!!

Anyway, after seeing that, I now want to play with some magic zombies. Not many zombies in Ravnica, and I think exactly ZERO in Kamigawa block. Mirrodin block had some, but nothing good. But of course, if you'll look back through those decks I listed earlier, Zombie Infestation was listest in relation to the Psychatog Deck. I love Zombie Infestation. It was part of the central combo for my old infinite zombies deck, which rocked. So I may just throw in a few Zombie Infestations (2) into a 'Tog deck, and see how it goes.

As a closer, I thought of the New York motto - the city that never sleeps. It started in an episode of Kim Possible where a blackout struck Paris:

Paris: The city that frequently sleeps.

Then I moved on and came up with these, too.

The North Pole: The city that sees you when you're sleeping.
Los Angeles: Breath too much and you won't wake up.
Moscow: The city where you really shouldn't try to sleep. (Cold and all)
Madrid: The city with lots of naps.
Austin: The city where the neighbors won't let you sleep.
Lubbock: That fucking train goes through in the middle of the night.

And finally, if Ravnica had some stupid zombies:

Ravnica: The city where even the dead don't ever sleep.

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