
One LAst Thing about the X-men

...and then I swear I'll hit the hay.

But yeah, look at the mutants running around in X-Men:

Storm: I control the weather.

Iceman: I make ice.

Nightcrawler: I go BAMF!

Cyclops: I shoot laser beams outta my eyeballs.

I could go on, but yeah...

So there's Rogue. She's cool, she absorbs peoples energy, and absorbs any mutant's powers as well. And for a lotta people it makes sense. She touches Cyclops, and her eyeballs light up. She touches Nightcrawler, and she can bamf. She can combine powers, which could make her the ultimate threat, given the circumstances. Yadayada yada...

Here's where it screws up. There is a mutant called The Blob. His mutant power is that... he's fat. Really fat, but still. Obesity is not a mutation. Its a terrible problem. I think that's just a weird thing to call a "power." But it is. I've seen Rogue grab him, and she absorbs his, uh... weightyness? She stomped the ground and made an earth quake, or something. Of course, she didn't get fat, because really, who's gonna ruin that figure?

But yeah, tell me how that makes sense. Or how she absorbs the mutant power of Angel, who has the amazing talent of, uh... Having wings. That's gonna be the one I wanna see in the next movie....

Oh Anna Paquin, you can be my angel any time..

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