
Sonic Cramps

Ouch. I think I hurt my hand playing Sonic Rush on the DS. Those special stages are a really cool way to use the touch screen. For anyone who doesn't know (that is, most of you), the game plays out like the classic 2-D Sonic adventures, not to be confused with the 3-D "Sonic Adventure" series, using both screens to create one very tall screen to play on. The special stages are done in a similar fasion to the half pipe levels from Sonic 2 for the Genesis. The difference here is that, instead of controlling Sonic using the pad to move him left or right, he gets dragged by the point of your stylus. This lets him move back and forth a lot quicker than otherwise, but the levels are, as far as I've played, a lot harder than the Genesis fare I'm used to, and I guess I'm holding the stylus weird, because I've got a hand cramp. x_x The boss stages are cool, too, being in 3D as well (though on the top screen, so no stylus usage here). I'm enjoying the game considerably, and glad I've got a challenge now. Kirby is still better though.

So I've got my computer up and running again. I can run WOW much better, I'm glad to say. I still wish I'd kept a list of my bookmarks. Somewhere I have a screenshot of them all, but it's old. I never checked half of them. Ah well... Easy come easy go.

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