
What I Did Today

Today was a good day for Greg-kind. I got to hang out with Jackie. We played lazer tag, something I hadn't done for AGES. The first bout ended up being odd. When we started, Jackie's gun wasn't working right. We went over to the guy, and got him to fix it. Unfortunately, something got mixed up, and Jackie's pack was assigned the same number as mine. Working together, we managed to get 2nd place out of maybe a dozen. That was impressive. The second time was a bit more of a crowd. I think there were two kids' birthday parties going on at the same time. I've been doing lazer tag for a while, and I know that means a few things.
1. Trains of kids moving along the floor. Easy targets.
2. They team up. Or think they are. See, it was a team game, and so a bunch of the "Parties" got split up, but they decide to play together anyway, so you end up with roving packs of kids, multicolored, half of whom you can shoot, half you can't. ._. It's not cool; specially when the kids on your team say "No! Don't shoot Jake! He's with us!"
He's not with us, kid. He's got blue dots on his vest. Mine are green. I hate him for his blue dots. I hate him so much. I'm sure Jake's a great kid, and when he's not wearing those blue dots, I'd love to get to know him, take him on in a friendly game of Daytona (DAAAYYYTOOOONNAAAAAA!!!!!) or something. But I'm not in the real world here. I'm in Blazer Lazer tag. I've got a lazer gun in my hand. It has one purpose in my hands, and one purpose only. Shoot at different colored lights. If those lights happen to be be on your friend, tough shit. He made his bed when he put on the blue vest. Now my hatred for him burns with the fire of a thousand suns, and it must be vented by mashing the trigger until his lights blink and my screen registers a tag.

Wow. I'm a little outta control there. I'd better calm it down. Anyway, after lazer tag, I treated Jackie to some Golden Corral. Good stuff, there. I'm thinking we may make this something of a weekly tradition. We got to talk about all sorts of things, including the amazing story ideas I've been sitting on and such. Rawr at backlog.

Anyway, then it was off to work. I had volunteered to substitute for whoever had electronics tonight. It was my one chance to utter the following phrase, and boy was it ever appropriate:
"I'm not even supposed to BE here today!"
We ended up staying until two o'clock. AM. x_x Oh well, at least we did get it all done. And it gave me some time to think about some things. One of them is a story idea I was planning on writing if we'd gotten out on time (the sister article to this post, titled "What I Didn't Today," or something like that.) Not gonna spill the beans on this one, cuz I like it a lot, and I don't wanna spoil it.

The other idea popping into my head, which I DO wanna share, is about World of Warcraft. I wanna start a guild. But more than that, I wanna start a RACE. Not like, a species race. I'm talking an amazing foot race, with players running across Azeroth in search of some prize. Basically, point A to point B, with various challenges and Hazards along the way. I'm not sure what all limits will be in place, though I know that Mage porting will be strictly no-no. Come on, that just defeats the purpose. Hearthstones, too, for that matter. But will I allow mounts? (Definitely no Gryphons) What about Aspect of the Cheetah for Hunters, or Cat Form for Druids? And what different challenges will there be to face? I'm not sure, but I bet it'll be cool. Don't you think so? HMMMM?

You should all sign up. I demand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should join MY guild. cause it's super cool.