


I'm bored. So, I think I'll rant here a little.

You know what I hate? Impatient people online. I hate it when people get upset about me going quiet for literally 10 seconds, because I'm either running another program, or talking to someone else, or what. I am not you're personal private friend. When I get on aim, I plan on having more than one conversation. I try to do my best to divide my time between everyone as equally as possible, so I'm sorry if you go 30 seconds without hearing from me. I haven't forgotten about you, it takes me longer than that to, even when I'm trying. If I ever AM trying, I'll make it clear to you, because that makes it easier on both of us. But I rarely do. I'm a very nice guy. Probably too nice.

I hate people freaking out about me being bi. That's right, I'm bi. And you know what, I don't care what you think. Scratch that, I do care, because I try my best to not act "flamboyant" in any way shape or form. Because I'm not. I love one guy. One. I'm not trying to get into every guy's pants out there. I'm comfortable with who I am, and I don't want a big deal made out of it. It's a rather private thing to me, actually. Oh, and if on some off chance you hadn't learned that I was bi, I'd like to thank you for proving my point that it really doesn't matter.

I'm working on getting registered for college. I should have registered in November. I had a stupid ass excuse, and I vow to never do that again. But anyway. I've got all the paperwork filled out, and I'll get myself in tomorrow. So YAY me! ^_^ It looks like I'm gunna retake English 2, along with Phsyics, Calc 2, Comp Sci 2 (I dunno) and then another course for study skills, cuz I sucked last semester.

Comp still sucks, but that's to be expected. I'll see what I can get out of Mom or my grandpa next time I'm in Austin and go to Fry's. Sigh. I'm still looking at like $500 worth of upgrades, but it'll be fun if nothing else. With my luck, my current motherboard won't be able to handle a 3.xGHz processor, and I'll need to get a new one. Snd that'll mean I'll need a new case too. So remind me again why I got this computer? *Shrugs.*

Magic has ninjas now. Wahoo!

Lesse... I made a big deal over the things I did get over X-mas break, but I didn't mention the few things I didn't get. Like the rest of the Chobits DVD's. I really wanted those. Any lesse... I suppose I was really lucky. The other few things I wanted to get aren't out yet. I'm waiting on the Transformers G1 Volume 3 trade paperback (a collection of comics), and the Volume 3 of Megatokyo. Sigh. Fucking Volume 3's....

Okay, I think that's enough ranting for today. I thought I had something else to say, but it slips my mind. Oh well. Night folks.

1 comment:

Xaphon said...

Well I usually sign on to talk to people in case I'm not currently busy. I won't talk to people unless they bring up a topic interesting enough to talk about with more than one response. So it gets annoying for me when a conversation ends and I completely stop talking, and am confronted later in real life for not even talking. Well if people want me to talk, they should talk to me, and about something interesting.

Also, who freaks out about you being bi? I guess it's different for you in college and everything. about 90% of the kids in my school are either bisexual or homosexual.

Why do you give your computers names?!
Since when did you have four computers?!