In current events, I turned on the O'Reily Factor just now, talking about border security. I'm often surprised when I agree with him, but in this case, I do. He was saying that it was for supporters of a stronger border to be called anti-Hispanic. That's true enough. Wanting to secure the US border doesn't make a person anti-Hispanic. It just means they want to preserve the laws of the nation. Illegal immigration is in fact ILLEGAL, and anyone who does it is a criminal, hispanic or not. I do wonder about the rarely covered U.S./Canadian border, though I suppose that both nations there are vaguely similar in standing, there's not much reason to immigrate. Each seems to see themselves as superior to the other. *Shrugs.* Back to the matter at hand though, I think that while the current border situation seems to be out of control, using the military to patrol the border seems a bit excessive.
Why not, and I'm just spitballing here, a fence. A good old fashined, barbed wire electric fence. Or maybe concrete or something. What's more, make it dual layered, so that if someone triggers a sensor in the outer perimeter, someone can get in a Jeep, check it out, and do whatever's neccessary at the time. Fix the fence, arrest a border hopper, whatever you need. Anyway, just a thought. I wouldn't mind paying a few extra taxes one year to pay for a fence. Cuz, you know, it's a fence. Anyone else got any better ideas?
That rambled a bit more than I wanted it. I give you now: a wallpaper I found on the Internet. I for one was impressed. What do you think?
I'm gonna hold out for a better resolution before I replace my Anakin wall, but it's not a bad wallpaper in my mind. And on that, sleepytime. I'm hungry too, but w/e.
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