

Greg'll: It's the contraction of the words "Greg will". But I dont like it. It sounds like a verb. Greggle. Greggul. Something. It's goofy sounding. Griggle. It needs to have a meaning. Lemme know if you think of one.

Speaking of goofy things. I beat Pokemon this morning. Early this morning. I went to sleep at like 11 or 12 last night (early for me), then got woken up by partying college students at 3AM. Jerks. So anyway, I pulled up my SP with Pokemon Fire Red in it. It's a remake of the original Red version, with the updated graphics, Pokemon moves, the new monsters, what have you. It's spiffy. You should buy it. But moving on. I had bought it in... September? October? One of my trips back to Austin in my first semester, I'll bet I wrote about it earlier. So yeah, I've had it for a while. And I played it through, catching them all, beating the shit outta the gym leaders. Then, somewhere along the way, I hit a snag. The first legendary bird: Articuno. The first time I played through the original Red (I had to twice, someone stole my GBC in my Freshman HS year), I didn't realize she was one of a kind, and didn't capture her, so catching her now kinda held a soft spot in my heart. And... I couldn't. The last time I played it really was over Christmas break. (I gave my cousin a copy of Leaf Green, and was busy trying to find female versions of all the starters. I think I ended up with a female squirtle for my hours of trouble. X_X)

That is, until that Pokemon RPG thread I mentioned. I pulled out both versions of the game to compare maps and Pokedexes, and realized how close yet far I was from beating both games. And so I picked up Fire Red where I left off, just off the coast of the Seafoam Islands. I figured out half the maze, enough to end up face to face with the legendary bird. And so I saved my game and attacked, and killed her. Over and over again. Something was wrong. I could paralyze her, leave her with just about one HP, and she'd bust out of the ball. What was I missing?

Sleep. I'd used Bublasaur as my starter both times in the original version, complete with Sleep Powder. This time though, I wanted the Charizard. You know he's the coolest. So anyway, that means I have to look elsewhere for sleep powers. I had a Haunter in my party, but he'd missed learning Hypnosis somehow. So! I ran back to the tower in Lavendar, got a fresh, low level Gastly, and raised it to Hypnosis level. Then I ran back to the cave, confronted the Ice Queen and... BAM! I caught her. I was sooo happy after all that work.

Anyway, then I went to sleep. And here's about where I came in at 3:30 AM, I think. off and beat the crud outta Blaine, the Fire type gym leader, easily with one tough Water type. And then a funny thing bappened. I got sent to some far off islands for a mini quest for no apparent reason. Stupid lost girl. Then back to the mainland, and in two swift mooves, I ran through Giovanni (final Gym leader) and the pre-Victory Road rival battle. And from there... I had to continue! I forced my way through Victory Road itself, in the process leveling my team up between 44 and 50, respectable ranges for a Elite 4 Challenge.

Now, in all my times I've played against the Elite 4 (and I've played through 3 generations of the Elite Four) I have never once gotten it all in one go the first time. So I prepared for the worst.... Assuming I go down to the last Pokemon every battle, worst case senario, I'm thinking, I'll need 20 revives and 20 full restores to return my party to perfect health. I don't know where I got that math, but yeah, that's what I did. And so I went through, and I barely made it, but I made it. I don't care what you say, it's an accomplishment for me, and I'm proud. ^_^

And then theres some other stuff where you get to go to those islands again, and enable yourself to link up with Ruby and Sapphire, plus there are a buncha guys from the other versions besides the original 151. So yay me. I dunno. I'm done with it for the most part though. Now I gotta beat the Ruby Elite Four.... x_x. Oh, and I need to find someone with another Game Boy Advanced., so I can trade pokemon around. AND I NEED A DITTO! Yes, you see... Now that I've unlocked the islands, I can breed pokemon, and Dittos are sex machines. Usually you need a female of the thing you want more of, but since Ditto is nifty in its own goopy way, you get Pokemon's of odd types. So yeah, I'm gonna start breeding Eevees and Charizards and other rare delicacies. It will be... Magnificent.

Speaking of rare delecacies - Is nintendo still giving out those giveaway things? Original Red and Blue Mew, I suppose, is right out. I managed to get him on my old games anyway. A friend used hacks. I'm really mostly opposed to that, though, so in the future... Like, you can get Deoxys, and a couple of special tickets to a couple of special islands with special Pokemon on it. I need to know if Nintendo is still giving this kinda stuff out anywhere, like at the Nintendo Store in New York. Oh well, don't suppose any of you know about that.

One more thing about the Pokemon world here. Now that I can trade Pokemon between Ruby and Fire Red, I can trade items, too. Namely the one Master Ball I have left, between the two games. And, off the top of my head, the legendary pokemon I have yet to catch:


Mew-Two (I know I can catch him with an ultra ball, or at least, I've done it in the original versions.)

Suicune (No clue what this is, apparently he's running randomly around the map. Joy.)

Ho-oh, Lugia, and Deoxys (apparently I need the tickets for these islands, so I'll prolly never meet them. u_u)


Latias/Latios (One of them depending on my version, like Suicune, he's running around the map having fun.)

Regi thingies (3 more 'Mons that'll run around the world randomly. WHY LORD WHY!?)

Raquaza (I think he's at least stationary. Supposedly a really powerful thingy, but ist stationaryness makes it look like it can be ultraballed easier. I hope.)

Okay, enough geeking out. I await your comments. Night.

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