Anyway, I had a couple of interesting conversations today. I'll let you guys look. First was with a girl serving ISS, I met through a friend of a friend of a friend... apparently I have amazing networking skills. Anyway, this is just a snippit; we had other things to talk about. I started where I did just to give a little context, and the end is just, uh, the end, I guess. We just switched topics. Anyway, here goes.
me: I've got better things to do tonight then die!Okay, so then I got hit up a few hours later by a girl who I actively started a conversation about religion with like a year ago. I met her in a chatroom, and basically questioned her about her beliefs and such. She came back just today, after months of silence, and was ready to pick up where we left off. I really wish she'd just learn to type well. Oh well...
Her: hahaha..
me: nooo
me: its from a movie
Her: ohh..
Her: whew.
me: *nods*
me: the transformers movie
me: have you seen it yet?
Her: nope
me: well why not?
me: are you some sort of communist?
Her: whats a communist again?
me: someone who believes in communism
me: duuh
me: its like exteme socialism
Her: .....
Her: still not comprending
me: x_X
me: everyone in the nation works for the nation, and eveyone gets paid the same amount
Her: is that not true?
me: not here
me: people work for themselves
me: or for private corporations
Her: ohh
Her: okay.
Her: Im...christian
Her: :)
Her: lmao
me: good job
me: oh, i have a question i was thinking about earlier
me: if being christian means following jesus' teachings, why does it matter whether or not he was the son of God?
Her: Im guessing you aint christian
me: i dunno what i am
me: why does that matter?
Her: IDk i dont even get that question..I just believe in Jesus Christ as my personal savior
Her: it doesnt matter
Her: why are you asking about it
me: curious
me: conversation
me: like i said, i dont know what i am
me: anyway...
me: your persoal savior?
Her: yep.
me: what did he do for you personally?
Her: Died for my sins.
me: what does his death have to do with your sins?
Her: what I just said
Her: HE sacrificed his life for our sins.
Her: And why are you asking me? Why dont you talk to a preacher.
Her: I dont teach this stuff
me: cuz its more fun to talk to people i kinda know
Her: ..okay?
me: honestly, i tried asking this kinda stuff in sunday school
me: the guy kicked me out, and told my mom i was unsaveable
me: x_x
me: i believe he used the term "spawn of satan"
Her: Oh. Yeah I have another friend thats like you too.
me: in what way?
Her: Questions ppls religion or christianity..and idk he was called something like that too
me: does that not seem odd?
Her: No not really.
me: it doesnt seem odd that people who question your religion arent answered, but instead are called hellspawn and deemed unsaveable?
Her: why would it matter if yall were called hellspawn or dont believe in it the first place. and its not that i cant answer them its just that I dont know all about it its just somethign I believe in can go to my church its called Triuhmphant Love Luthern Church.
Her: Pastor Norb could answer your questions.
me: maybe I will
me: i never said I didnt believe in it
Her: You should ..I'm serious
Her: Well...hah..
me: i definitely agree with alot of jesus' teachings
Her: Okay?
me: im a total pacifist
Her: Then why have to question everything?
Her: Why not just leave it alone
Her: I mean idk Im just that way I dont like to think too hard it hurts my head pllus Im not really smart so I just ..yeah.
me: cuz im not totally satisfied with the entire religion
me: so i ask
me: Judaism encourages questioning its own principles
me: its how you learn about things
me: or at least, its how I learn
Her: Well I get enough learning in school.
me: well, why bother with religion at all then?
me: why not just say, okay, the sun rises and sets, i dont need to know why
me: im alive and on here, i dont need to know why
Her: Bc theres a reason why the sun is there and why im here.
me: so you question
Her: and that reason is my religion so im good with that
Her: no I dont question
Her: I already know.
me: hrmm
me: well i dont know
Her: Im sorry
me: so im looking for a religion that lets me know
Her: Why dont you just be aethist
me: cuz i do believe that there is something out there
me: i just don't know what
Her: OH
Her: okay
Her: Well seriously go to Triumphant Love Luthern Church and my pastors name is Pastor Norb.
me: this is in austin?
Her: Yup
Her: I think you can look it up on the internet
me: hrmm
me: do you know if they have a program for college students?
Her: HM...They have alot of differnt gettogether groups..but yeah Im pretty sure they do
me: mkay, cuz thats what i enjoy most
Her: they have kids...and youth group and senior group and my grandmas in a bible group
me: i dont get anything really out of sitting in the sanctuary and listening to the minister for an hour
Her: yeah me either
Her: Ive learned what ive learned
Her: Ive been baptized and gone thru community and I got Confirmed and I learned about each of them
Her: LIke i used to go to church every sunday since i was in 1st grade up to 7th grade then in 8th grade i went less and less idk y. I jsut felt that I knew and ect.
Her: bad excuse but still.
me: yeah, you shouldnt just go to church to learn, you go to worship
Her: oh yeah I know that
Her: Thats what I do when I goto church
Her: I worship i cant learn much b.c of my hearing dissability
Her: so like when the preacher preaches...i jsut..sit tight
Her: or read the gospel
Her: or something
me: thats good
Her: sure
Her: HAY SWEET HEART.HOW ARE U DOIN TONIGHT??So there you have it. I hid their names, because I know some of you reading this would jump at the chance to try and start something with these two over their beliefs. I might not agree with these girls, but I respect their beliefs, and I don't think I can say the same for all of you out there. Anyway, this has been worked on far too much... X_X
me: oh hey
me: long time no see
me: sup?
me: not bad
me: your caps get stuck?
me: ok
me: sup with you?
Her: The Lord is ooo awesome.i kept lookin at ur screen name but aint neva immed u .i guess the Lord wanted me too
Her: so i did
me: heh
me: i had the same feelings
me: saw it there, never had much to say
me: i actually had a rather interesting discussion with a girl earlier about religion
Her: o what religion
me: shes christian, im still undecided
Her: dont u knoo time isnt waitin on u..the next moment isnt promised to u at all
me: exactly
me: so i dont wanna make some hasty decision
Her: becomin a christian is not a hasty mistake nor mistake...the Bible sayzz theres onlt one true religino which is christianity
me: yeah, and the Torah says there is only one true religion which is Judaism
me: and the koran says the same about Islam
me: they can't all be right
Her: listen how do u think u came into this world??
Her: Gid created u
me: right
Her: im for real
me: i believe you
me: i don't doubt that god exists
me: i just dont know which interpretation is right, or if any of them are
Her: alright then why are u undecided about the religion u wanna be
me: its a personal issue though
me: i want my relationship with God to be MY relatioship with God, not the same one that 10000 other people use
me: i've never been able to get into the whole worshiping as a group
Her: the Lord said praise Him,...u cant have no relationship with God unless u are a christian first of all
me: sure I can
me: your God is the God of Abraham and the God of Mohammed
Her: God said he heareth not sinners but if any man be a worshipper of Him He hears him
me: but Jesus dined with the sinners
me: he seems to have heard them
Her: he did nt die with them but for them...on the cross at calvary
me: i said DINED. he broke bread with them and ate with them
me: one of his disciples was a tax collector
me: so if god only hears sinners, then how can the sinners become saved?
Her: People dont pray to Jesus.The Lord said pray to God in Jesus name
Her: i said God dont hear sinners but if any man worship Him thats the ones He hears
me: so what if a sinner worships him?
me: like those priests who did things to little boys
Her: 1st of all u gotta be saved....but if u are a sinner and u are prayin and u think God hears it ur just wastin ur time cuz He dont
me: so then, its not possible for a sinner to be saved?
Her: oo my goodness yes it is...What are u talkn about the Lord said if u come unto Him he will not flee u away
me: but he wont listen to a sinner
Her: the devil dwells in those that arent saved
me: how does a sinner become saved if God wont listen to a sinner?
Her: listen God dont hear a sinner unless they are sayin save me or forgive me
me: ah
me: thats the bit i was missing
me: okay
Her: yeah alright srry i shoulda told u
me: its kay
me: okay, that makes sense to me
Her: alright any mo question
me: hrmm, mostly just how does jesus dying 2000 years ago affect my sins today?
me: i have a new screen name, by the way
Her: alright.i hope u got the last thing i typed it was a whole bunch
me: uhh
me: no i did not (About here her internet connection just died on me, I think)
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