Anyway, my lust for Disney-on-Squeenix action has brought my attention to the number of Kingdom Hearts 2 fan sites and rumor mills about. The new game looks interesting. A conservative estimate puts the number of new worlds at least greater than those from the original, plus the game revisits some old worlds, too. ( This, combined with a general trend of newer RPG's to be more expansive than their predesessors, means that more than likely KH2 will be a great deal more filling than the first. And hopefully more Fulfilling as well. I already covered the "I'm sorry Sora, but your princess is in another castle" aspect of the first games ending, so I won't go into that again, but I'm looking for some conclusion here. I want Sora to get his girl. I want Donald and Goofy to find their King. I want Riku to transend into some sort of world-jumping demi-god or something. I dunno. It'll be fun, and, reguardless, I'm getting this game. It is on my most wanted list. I was stoked by the news that it's slated for a Q4 2005 release. If that's true, that means I'll get to play it at least some over Christmas break. My only dilema is whether I want to put it on my Christmas list, or if I want more to have it the DAY it releases and simply shell out my $50 at Hastings or what have you. I'll prolly go for the latter; I remember how bad I felt about getting a copy of Chain of Memories in early December after adding it to my Christmas list. I think what I'll do is put the DS on my wish list, so I can actually FINISH ChoM (stupid LR buttons), and just splurge on KH2.
Honestly, this scene justifies buying the game in and of itself.
Anyway, before we move past the dorky games topic, I wanted to add that my computer can play a game that Matt's beefed out awesome computer can't: Wolfenstein 3D. Also, it has mouse controls. This game is awesome.
My nose doesn't work. I've been pondering this thought a lot recently. It makes me miss out on things. For instance, I love popcorn. LOVE it. But I've never been able to smell what everyone tells me is an exceptionally strong and noticable smell. It gives me an unfair disadvantage when it comes to finding popcorn. Also, I'm missing the smell of Jackie. Jackie is, honestly, the first thing I've ever wished I could smell. Before I met her, I was merely inconvenienced by the lack of smell. Now though, I regret not being able to sniff her hair and get a wiff of pure joy from it. Sigh.
In any case, I'm sure this has its uses. I'm like the crappiest X-Man ever. I mean, hey, Daredevil made quite a career out of not being able to see. So, what can not being able to smell get me? Unfortunately, my vision's not much better (I need pretty strong glasses, though they're supposedly within the range that laser eye surgery), and my sense of taste, which is supposedly linked to my smell, isn't too great either, though it's not dead. My hearings "okay", I guess, but still. So, 4 out of 5 senses, and none of them really exceptional. *Shrugs.* Factor in my genetic heart defect, and I'm pretty much a big loogie thrown on Darwin's grave.
And here's the kicker folks. I love children. I plan on having many with Jackie. So hah. I'm peeing in the Gene Pool during free swim. Take that Natural Selection. Plus, my hands sweat when I use the computer!!! HAH!
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