Yup. It turns all your creatures into Nazi's. And if it leaves play, well, you get slapped with a war crimes trial. It's a pretty basic example of a card drawn from its illustration.
This is your example of the white race, as it were. Most of my pictures are of women, but I had enough cute boys running around to be worth their own army. I mean, who wouldn't be scared of an army of adorable halfnaked boys? (I think I've said too much.)
Blue got a new ablity recently - the ability to take creatures power away. It's basically all blue has in terms of combat tricks. I took that a little further and gave blue this. It's the ability to turn any creature into a wall. And I decided, what better way to make a creature into a stationary, non-aggressive being? Give it huge tits. Voila.
Blue always has really good utility creautres, but they suck at actual combat, so I decided to fix that. The blue race in my set, or whatever it is, takes captives. I'm only hoping that the discarding cost mechanic is made up for by blues superior card drawing.
Mass removal for black. Reusable. Black gets a race of Witches, pretty much. A lot of utility creatures, but that actually do things.
That's why I gave them a few vampires, too. Nothing too amazing, but they needed something on the beefy end.
Look! A LEGEND! When I come across a picture of someone who is really unique (and recognizable as such) I make them into a Legend. Sooner or later I'll make her hammer, too.
I'm making a cycle of these guys. I couldn't decide whether to make them equipment or enchantments, so I decided to do neither. Or both. Or something. But yeah, so far I have this one and a blue one, but I'll bet I can find one for the other colors too.
IT'S A KITTY! He needed a card. *Nods.* Green also has a race of "elves" though I don't really have any pictures of elves. Just take my word for it, yeah?
I hadda do something with this carrot. It's nifty. Though why a cat would like a carrot, or a beast or an elemental, I'm not sure. But yeah, the gist is that since all "civilized" races (and goblins - no, there are no goblins in my set) have two types, species and class, the ones with just one type are dumb animals.
The thing tells me that gold cards come before artifacts, so here's one. I basically decided to make a cycle of each of the 5 enemy pairing, which are supposed to be basically traitors. They all have some ability or another that makes them switch controllers.
BOOBIES! Yeah, gues what, a lot of my pictures are "NSFW." This one is one of the safer ones, actually. But yeah, another case where the picture and the mechanics converged.
It's Chi. Or Chii. I dunno. I call her Chi. I suppse both mean the same thing. But yeah, this version difers from an older version I did of her, where she could only be played from the graveyard, and was able to kill other persocoms, trying to replicate her weird security measures, like how she took out all the other PCs that tried to scan her (which didn't help, cuz I never really made any others). This one focuses on her wanting to be the one and only for you. "Dakishimetainoni" means "I want to hold only you." She's jealous.
This one, the last one, leads me into another find point. I'll do Magic card commissions. If you know about the game, or don't even but think these things were neat, send me a picture, and any idea on what you wanted (color, ability, p/t) and I'll churn out a card. This one I was just given the picture by Mike, but I think it turned out rather well. I like the idea of a 'tarp trap.'
So yeah, I'm accepting commissions. Once I've finished with the entirity of my collection, I'll move on to development, I guess, and start balancing out the set. I'm also hoping to change the names. I have a lot of cards that say "Averan Something" or "Rendarian Whatever." I think that gets kinda boring after a while. Anyway, that's for my future. Laters folks.
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