Okay, I'm trying to work on writing in this a little more often. I really am not doing anything major, and spend way too much of my time cycling through my webcomic bookmarks waiting for one to update, so I don't know why I don't blog more. It'd help me get rid of all this stress. I'm still really stressed out over James' deal. I wish I could just talk to him and resolve it with him, or something. I hate having it unresolved and just hanging out there. By the way, can someone check on his blog and tell me if he's updated past the 31st? I havent seen anything new from him in the past few days, and I'm all paranoid about it.
On less weird topics... Wait, I have none of them.
As I told you, I've been doing my homework on time. Part of my homework is doing peer reviews of other student's works. I did one of those the other day, and got a grade back for it. I wrote that the paper focused too much on himself, and not on the more interesting situation of his father... I don't want to into details here, cuz I can't retell it all here fairly, but basically, I got graded down because my review of it was too "personal". I guess I write too emotionally. *Shrugs.* Anyway, at least I'm doing it. I'm kinda glad I waited to do the 2nd one until after I got the first reviewed.
Another way I'm relieving stress (the first obviously being "insulting people's papers") is playing a lot of Starcraft. I think I've finally gotten at least AS good as the computer, if not a little better. Or maybe it's just the fact that I'm double teaming them with Jackie. I love siege tanks. Even more than my once ubiquitos nukes. So if anyone out there is interested in some 1v1 Starcraft (Jackie doesn't like fighting me, because I have been playing for a while longer than her), tell me so.
I'm back at college, which means I can't masturbate as much, which means sexual frustration. X_X
[MAGIC STUFF] What with the upcoming Extended rotation taking out everything before Invasion (the set I started on) I've decided to go ahead and try to get a competitive Extended deck. I'd been looking through my cards, and decided that a White weenie / control deck wouldn't be too bad. I've got 3 Blinding Angels I've been itching to use, and my 3 Dampening Matricies (plural of matrix) would go nice in a deck full of cards that just want to turn sideways. All of my other decks want things to do interesting things with activated abilities, but I really like the idea of shutting down all sorts of annoying effects, especially EQUIPMENT (more on this later). Anyway, then I found this thread on the MTG.com boards. I really hate to be a net-decker, but I really like the blue splash, and I'll switch it around enough to make it my own, like I did with Tooth and Nail. (Yes, that was a rogue Tooth build. I refused to use Tron over Post, and having a semi-solid red splash helped me fireball randomly.) Anyway, so that's what I'm gonna make. Expect a semi-solid list soon (and hopefully a physical deck shortly there-after. And I'm still entertaining the idea of an Enduring Ideal deck for Standard, simply because both the Ideal and Form of the Dragon are too rediculous to pass up.
[MAGIC STUFF] That's right, still not done. Now for my rant about equipment. I was at a draft last month. Betrayers only. For those of you who don't know, the "must have" card from the set is Uzemawa's Jitte. A 2 mana Legendary equipment that gains 2 counters each time its bearer deals damage, and then can use those counters to do pretty much anything it wants. If you play the game, you've heard of it. It's rediculous in draft, and any constructed deck that hopes to win through combat damage is running four. It's out of hand. This isn't the first equipment like this either. Skullclamp went into any deck that made a creature before it was banned. The Jitte isn't quite as ridiculous as the 'Clamp was, but its up there. It's defining the format. Decks running main deck artifact hate during Mirrodin block, the artifact block, made sense. But the Kamigawa block? Out of 621 cards, there are less than fifty artifacts. People are maindecking whatever artifact hate they can find to deal with the Jitte. And I think the flaw lies in the very subtype of equipment.
Back when it was introduced in Mirrodin, as tweaked local enchantments (now Auras) that were artifacts, it was okay. Yeah, they stayed around longer than enchantments, but in the artifact block, it wasn't too hard to deal with artifacts, so they weren't too broken. But outside of the controlled environment of the Mirrodin block, equipment run a much. Part of the problem is that the only way to deal with an equipment is to actually GET the equipment. Either that or kill every single creature your opponant would attach it to. It's simply overpowered by nature. Simple power ups aren't too bad, but even the lowley Bonesplitter is a beating in most decks. It's like a 2 power creature with haste for 2 mana that can't attack alone. Not too shabby when you look at it like that. Anyway, I guess equipment's here to stay, but it has pretty dramatically changed the face of the game. And Wizards has to look at the power of the equipments it's making.
Okay, that's outta my system. And I still have more to say. For instance, the question came into my mind. Can a man with no legs sit down? At first I thought no, because sitting down implies you started from a standing position, and the man has no legs. None. Not even stumps. He ends at the buttocks. So. This hypothetical man (we'll call him Reggie) can sit, and he can sit up, from a lying position, but I didn't think he could sit down. Then someone (two people actually) pointed out to me that Reg could stand on his arms and hands, since they now reach below the rest of him. So, from that position, I guess he could sit down. Therefore, I propose adding the following stipulation on poor Reginald. He is limbless. THIS man, therefore, cannot sit down possibly. Thoughts?
Okay, I've been writing for over an hour. Good time to stop.
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