Greg failed to exercise any form of self-control, so anonymous posting has been banned. He didn't seem to realize why he was banned in the first place, which was because nobody wanted him posting on this journal. He has been harassing me nonstop and if he cannot see his own simple faults he will not be allowed to communicate with me.And!
That means stop trying to talk to me. This is becoming harassment.
You had your fuckin chance Greg. You had a chance to NOT argue, to hold an appropriate, positive discussion. If you were still in high school, you'd be put in Rugby for this behaviour. You will not speak to me under any circumstances. If your dad and my mom don't end up having a divorce, you will not be allowed to stay in my house, let alone my room. I want nothing to do with you anymore. I don't need to associate myself with an inconsiderate asshole.I never did find out what exactly he thought my faults were, aside from "being annoying", which is so terribly vague I couldn't do anything with it. By the way, I emailed him a responce, and I thought you'd all wanna see it, so you'd know what's going on in my mind.
Hey James-Anyway, that'll be done until he decideds he wants to talk to me. I hope he does change his mind. I really do miss being able to talk to him about things. It was fun. He was a smart guy, and had an interesting point of view. James, if you're reading this, try and talk to me. I really don't like leaving this unresolved.
You obviously have full command the "Friends-only" option. What purpose could you have for making things Non-"Friends only" if not to allow other people to read and comment on the entries? The entire world doesn't agree with you.
I like how being open-minded is a mental disorder to you. I'm sorry I have a firm belief that things are not one dimensional. I happen to think that anyone who denies the existance of other opinions is in need of education, and anyone who believes that those who disagree with them are wrong without chance for appeal doubly so. That's not a mental disorder. It's called seeing things from another point of view. It's what the free exchange of ideas is all about. The Internet doubly so. If you don't want people disagreeing with you, don't put up opinions where people can read and comment on them. Much like you've done. Good job. I hope you're very happy in your pity party.
I'm sorry I've been trying to engage you in conversation. I always enjoy talking to you, when I can, and I'd gotten the idea in my head that, until recently, you did too. Don't worry, when you get a house, I won't visit uninvited. But your mom has offered me a bed whenever I'm visiting Dad. I'll sleep on the couch if it means that much to you, though. You can be a narrow minded asshole all you want. I mean, I'm sure you'll never have to leave your room and school and have to join us in the real world. No wait, what's the opposite of that thing I just said? That's what I believe. You're gonna have to learn to deal with people of differing opinions eventually. I hope your special school teaches you that someday, because school isn't, and you don't seem to be picking up on it yourself.
By the way, I tried playing by your rules. I didn't post on that one entry where you challenged me not to post. You quickly deleted it, and went into a cavalcade of swearing, but I thought I would still try to be nice for the week you askedd. I tried posting constructive comments. They never went anywhere. You never said anything like "Good job, Greg, you're doing like I asked." The week ended, and nothing happened. And you put up the most one sided argumentative post I'd ever seen. Your entire post was a directed insult against Emily's journal, then you get mad at ME for being a little contrary? In what part of your mind does that make sense? I felt it was my civic duty as a blogger, as your step-brother, a U.S. Citizen, and as a human being,
to show you the error of your ways. Even then, until you flat out refused to listen to me, I did my best to keep it constructive. You were right that she has a terrible blog. You were right that her problems are nothing comprared to you. I did those things because you like people telling you when you're right. You're not totally wrong, you know that. But you have all your friends to echo you with "Yeah"'s and "Right on!", what's one guy telling you where you may have been a little hard on the girl? Learn to take a little constructive critisism.
You've blocked me from posting on your blog now. I guess you won't. Sorry to hear that. Good luck, friend.
-Greg Levine
In other news, Matt has the worlds longest Anime Music Video at one whole hour. It was awesome. One of these days we'll get all the way through it.
Open-mindedness is different from disagreeing with EVERYTHING. I've never seen you write about how you agree on something. You may say it, but then turn around and start debating. People who disagree with me, to such an extent as you do, I consider enemies. I made my friends because they agree with me and show some form of support, rather than disagreeing with EVERYTHING I say. My friends may disagree on certain things with me, but those disagreements are not the REASON we are friends. You say you have friends for their different opinions, but that's the reason most people have ENEMIES.
I was going to be open-minded for about one-third of your comment on my entry. That was about as argumentative as ANYONE should get ESPECIALLY when they keep assuring me they're not arguing. After that, I'd had enough. Maybe you decided your purpose in life is to contradict everyone about everything, even if you agree on it; and if you made that decision, just stay the fuck away from me.
Go ahead and believe your opinions are so God damn important. No one fuckin cares if they matter because not everyone wants to hear your opinion on everthing, especially when your opinion is completely different from anyone else's.
When I was at ADTP - that's right, the day hospital BEFORE I went to Rugby - they told me a problem I had was I debated too much. The therapists there told me it was self-alienating social behaviour that prevented me from having friends and caused people to view me as an annoying prick. I decided that maybe I should try agreeing with people, even if I disagree, but especially when I do agree. Now I don't have people hating me because all I do is argue.
So go ahead and skim through all this and say "Well James is the one in Rugby, not me, that makes him wrong." Go ahead and think there can't be ANYTHING wrong with you and that the only problem here is me. Maybe you could be open-minded and think you DO have a problem with agreeing, but I guess you already are SO open-minded that you don't have to AGREE with anyone, and that only you are right.
Go ahead and get your last fuckin word in, you dysfunctional asshole. Go ahead and be contradictory, and say you don't know how to respond to this without being contradictory. You have a problem, it's fuckin obvious. You can't hold a single conversation. NEVER. Only debates. Get your last fuckin word in if thats what you want so bad, but you better not even attempt to contact me in any way. This is the last time I speak to you. You step inside my house and you'll be dragging your bloody, broken self out. Because if words can't get you to agree with anyone, maybe getting your ass beat will. So shut the fuck up and stay the fuck away from me.
Hi James. I don't suppose you're gonna read this, but it deserves a responce. Every time I've responded to you, it deserved a responce. And yeah, my responces have been prodominately contrary, because, in my experience, that's how discussions are started. Point, counter-point, counter-counter-point, etc. Point, agree, doesn't seem to go anywhere. And yeah, I take pride in being anti-mainstream. I take pride in presenting the other side. Especially to people who are so sure they are right that they cannot even begin to think there is any other possibility. That is the biggest challenge to me. I refuse to take things at face value.
I have been a jackass to you, though. And although I wish I could say it was just an accident, just the way I am, its not. Part of it is simply because I found I could provoke a reaction from you. It seemed odd that someone should take so much offence to someone using a quote from the Lion King, so I asked why. I pestered you about it. Part of it was that I thought you were wrong in your position, and part of it was beacause I knew it was bugging you. Somewhere along the way, we (I) crossed the line between friendly/brotherly ribbing. I should have realized that you are overly sensitive about being called wrong. I have been insensitive to you. I debated the issue, forgetting who was on the other end. Heck, forgetting that there was a person on the other end. I saw your position as just the idea.
James, I outright apologize to you. What I did was wrong and mean and inconsiderate and all the other things you were saying. You were very right every time you told me I take things like this too far, and I just truged on through ignoring your cries to stop. I saw what I percieved to be ad hominum attacks and ignored them, not realizing that that was the underlying issue the whole time.
I don't want to have an enemy. I don't HAVE enemies. It's the way I am. I really don't want to have an enemy in my step-mom's house while I'm visiting. I don't have any ill will towards you, James. I really just want you to be my friend again. I promise I'll hold off on arguing with everything you ever say. I honestly didn't feel it was such a problem, but since it's hurt you so bad, obviously it is. I'll do what I can to correct it.
What I WON'T do is fear you, or let you tell me where I can and cannot go. Even if you don't like me at all, you have to tolerate me in your mothers house. When you get a licence and a car, you can drive away and leave me alone if that's what you want. If you don't want me to mediate between you and Wendy, I'll go for a walk while you to bang on doors and yell at each other. When I helped last time, I agreed, didn't I? I was there, on your side, trying to help. I'm trying to help now, too, in my own misguided way. Thanks for chatting with me. You cleared up a lot of my blocks on the problem. That's why I'd been asking for a chat to begin with.
Whatever you decide, I don't hate you. I don't dislike you at all. I've considered you a friend, even through all this. No, more than that, it's the cause of all this. If some random person blocked me, I'd let it go as someone I'll never meet, and not care. But you're a friend in my mind. I care about what you think. I don't want this between us.
I think I've said it all.
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