
Interesting Developments

In our dorm room, we leave our shades up almost year round, because we have box fans in the windows. If you happened to be passing by my room just a few minutes ago, you would have seen an interesting sight. A six foot tall guy in blue boxers and nothing else was doing crunches, push-ups, and, most visibly, jumping jacks. Yeah, I was exercising. (You know you're outta shape when you don't even know how to SPELL that word.) *Gaps. I did 20 crunches, then 10 push-ups, and finished with a good hundred quick jumping jacks. Yeah, 100. I need more aerobic exercise, my heart is gonna kill me if I don't. In any case, I think I'll start with that plan, and just go up in incriments in five if any given number starts to be too easy. Sound good? Just for reference, my KaJuKenBo lessons started with something like 100 each pushups and crunches, and 1000 jumping jacks. And that was just a warm up. O_O

Also, note to self, try not to wear loose boxers. They were falling off your ass, Greg. x_x

Lesse... Just a quickie before I go. I've been talking to a few people the past few days about relationships and such. It seems like lots of people are asking me "What can I do to make him/her/you love me?" I wish I could give the answer. I was telling one person about how I manage to be completely irresistable to anyone, without even trying, and he asked me how I did it, and I honestly don't know. Of course, in a few minutes HE was completely taken with me too. I'm scary powerful. But that's my own problem. For most people, it seems to be the opposite. No matter what they do, they can't seem to get some person to like them. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

At the back of my head, I'm reminded of one strip of Megatokyo. Something was said, talking about dating sims, Piro's favorite kind of game, along the lines of "Say the right words, make the right choices, and any girl will be yours." I just can't find it. This is the closest I've come (bottom frame). But yeah, that seems to be the attitude a lot of people are taking. All I have to do is say or do the right things and I'll have the one I want. Unfortunately, life is rarely that simple, and people aren't defined by simple cut and dry choices. For starters, just think about how boring that would be? Seriously though, I hate having to say this, but more often than not, there ISN'T some magic phrase that will woo a girl off her feet. I believe that if the love is there, you won't need anything else, but if the love isn't there, well... and the worst part is that usually you don't find that out until it's too late.

Love stinks.

Edit: ...sometimes.

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