I don't trust that thing. Yeah, the new X-Box. Just look at it. It's white. There hasn't been a white video game system since the Playstation, and honestly, the first one was just a little suspicious. And really, the PS1 was just grey. The X-Box 360 is pure white. It's like an Imperial Stormtrooper. And they're all wireless... No, no, nothing about this adds up at all. I may go for the stately silver Playstation 3.
On which I will play Kingdom Hearts 2!!! Actually, I hope to beat KH2 before the PS3 comes out, but still... Here's a list of all the things I'm excitied about for Kingdom Hearts 2:
-Tron World!
-Steamboat Willie World! (Go go retro goodness)
-Disney castle! (Yeah, I'm a dork)
-PIRATES! (Seriously, they got Jonny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightly for the POTC world)
-More storyline development!
Seriously, I've already ranted about how awesome the first one's story was. And there was a lot left unfinished. Riku and Mickey were locked on the wrong side of the final doorway, Kairi was left alone on their home of the Destiny Islands, and Sora, Donald and Goofy were alone wandering in the middle of nowhere. Apparently something else happened to them for the game Chain of Memories, but it seems that game was something of a removable sidequest. Important things happened, but nothing that'll be missed when KH2 starts. I've been looking at way too many rumors for the game, and I'm not sure I want to.
All I REALLY wanna know is the release date, and maybe watch a few preview videos. The commercials that made it to TV for the first game were really good. I hate to admit it, but half the reason I bought the game was because the "Simple and Clean" PlanetB remix was stuck in my head. (This was the same major reason I got FFX and X-2; the "Real Emotion" commercials got to me)The other reason was that I have a big nostalgia spot, including Disney characters, from Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, on to Aladdin. So that made the game actually look like it would be fun to play. Plus I had a bunch of extra store credit (I wrote about it a while back), so I got it. And I have not regretted it. It's a great game. Have I told you to buy Kingdom Hearts enough yet? Do you have it? Why not? Go! Now!
And Chain of Memories. Man my DS can't come soon enough.
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