
Magic Stuff

Silly Legacy players...

"There are only four targets in the deck."

"What am I supposed to do - not Duress?"
Also, three threshold decks making top 8 really confused me. But at least now I know why Matt's modified precon is so good. All this time I just thought I was playing against it wrong. Turns out he was a few years ahead of Eternal Tech. Nifty.

All this talk of old-school deck-types has me thinking of the nifty story I once heard about the guy playing Sligh. His opponent was at 6 life, but he was facing lethal combat damage, and his board was a lonely Cursed Scroll and some land, no cards in hand. On what was going to be his last draw step either way, the mans eyes brightened with hope. He looked straight at the other guy and tapped three mountains to activate the Scroll, targeting the other player. "Fireblast," he named, and held out his one-card hand for his opponent to choose from. The opponent did some quick math. Two damage from the Scroll plus 4 from Fireblast would be enough to kill him, so he scooped up his cards in defeat.

He never saw that the one card in the red mage's hand was a Mountain.

The moral of the story? (And this applies outside of Magic, too.) Don't give up. Ever. If they're gonna beat you, make them earn it. Don't give up on anything you really want.

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