So I've been thinking about it, and I need to go back to see The Empire Strikes Back another time. You see, I don't think that they really intended for Yoda to truely speak in his odd backwards talk. At least, not completely. Here's what I think happened. When Luke lands on Dagobah, looking for a "great warrior" of a Jedi Master Yoda appears as an old crackpot alien. He certainly looks the part. Short, green, dressed in rags, and talking crazyspeak.
Luke plays along, since the little green man says he will take him to Yoda, but eventually loses his temper. "I cannot teach him," Yoda says. "The boy has no patience." He's speaking fluent English (Basic, for all those SW Fans out there), no longer in the backwards talking manner of the crackpot. If he were, the structure would look more like "Teach him I cannot. No patience has the boy." Something like that, anyway. Nope, here we see Yoda speaking the way we expect a wisened old Jedi Master to speak.
However, he does slip up a few times. Nothing major, and still in proper grammer, barely, but enough to reinforce the idea that he can't talk. "Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?" "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny; consume you it will." If you wanna stretch it, that "forever" could be "for ever", and in that sense it works. But I think that someone at Lucasfilm heard the idea that Yoda would be speaking funny for the first bit of his appearance, and just missed the fact that it was only his first bit. That's why we get classic lines like "Your father he is," and "Around the survivors a perimeter create!" X_X
Anyway, join me next time when I explain which Spiderman movie was better and why.
Hand Held HIjinks
Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged. Sorry about that... Geez, like a week. And I've had all this stuff bouncing around my head that needs talking about, and now it all seems to just slip by. Part of the problem is World Of Warcraft. I seem to be devoting a lot of my free time to it. You'll note, I'm not addicted to it. I've got a buncha other things going on, too. Its just that World of Warcraft is something I can tool around in for an unspecified time and always enjoy, especially when I'm with my friends. Speaking of which, if any of you guys wanna get on Runetotem and quest with me, feel free. It's not exactly lonesome, but the more the merrier, right?
Currently, Tareisa, my Night Elf Hunter (Huntress?) is just a few exp shy of level 20, at which point, I should be able to dual weild daggers, which will be fun. ^_^ It's still another 20 beyond that until I can use a mount, at which point I shall be unstoppable... Maybe. Anyway, I'm winding down the quests in Auberdine, about to head on into Asheton or something like that (I hate the random names x_x), and my next step into a larger world.
The big news for this past week, though, isn't about WOW. I got some new tech on my hands, literally. A Nintendo DS, to be exact. I probably went a bit overboard, and got 4 games to go with it, too. Kirby: Canvas Curse, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars DS, and Animal Crossing: Wild World. Speaking of which, if you're looking for a town to visit, just send me your friend code. My house is Wi-Fi ready, so yay for that. ^_^ Mario Kart is more of the same classic goodness that is Mario Kart. I never got into the double dash stuff. Two drivers is just too complicated for me. I haven't done much in Advance Wars aside from a cursory glance at the multiplayer (why oh why isn't it online?), but I enjoyed the GBA iterations of the series. However, the current star of my DS collection has to be Kirby. It's great.
I also picked up GTA: San Andreas. I'm not planning on playing it any time soon, but Target had it on sale for that week only ($15), so I hadda get it while the getting was good. (This is the same reason why I now own Spiderman 2 on DVD; it was $10.) Like I said, I don't plan on playing it now. I've got a lot on my gaming plate. Aside from World of Warcraft, I've still got to beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories before the 28th. At least, I've gotta beat Sora's story. I'll do the reverse/rebirth another time, maybe. *Sigh.* Can anyone help me make a deck that'll beat the last Riku battle? Or maybe just a killer deck that'll kill everyone in the rest of the game? Does anyone else even play the game? ^_^?
Also, I've been getting back into Pokemon, sorta. I haven't played the games since around Christmas time (I still can't beat the electric trainer in Emerald! x_x), but I've still been drawn by the allure of the franchise. Target sells a Game Cube Pokemon XD Bundle. That's the newest game in the series, for those of you paying attention. And the whole package is just $100. I swear, I'll clean up my room soon enough, and buy a TV, Slim PS2, and one of those G'cubes to put in it, and then I'll be able to sit here and never have to leave for anything, EVER! o_o... Course, it'll cost about $500, but it'll be worth it.
As if buying a Game Cube for the Pokemon games wasn't enough, I've got another level of the odd obsession. Despite having vastly inferior Pokemon, I wanna go to one of the local (as local as Dallas and Houstin are, anyway) Pokemon tour dates next month. I'll have to double check the days, but the chance to get a Celebi on one of my carts is too much to pass up. *Drool.* I've never been to one of these gatherings intentionally. The closest was when I randomly showed up at the mall with my family to find that the place was full of Poke-fans, and me without my Game Boy. This time, though, I'll be prepared. Hyah! o_o
Okay, I think that's about as far as I can go on that route... I'm looking forward to next month also because it means that there will be a different preview DVD at work. Hopefully, it'll be less annoying. *Prays for an English KH-2 preview...*
Currently, Tareisa, my Night Elf Hunter (Huntress?) is just a few exp shy of level 20, at which point, I should be able to dual weild daggers, which will be fun. ^_^ It's still another 20 beyond that until I can use a mount, at which point I shall be unstoppable... Maybe. Anyway, I'm winding down the quests in Auberdine, about to head on into Asheton or something like that (I hate the random names x_x), and my next step into a larger world.
The big news for this past week, though, isn't about WOW. I got some new tech on my hands, literally. A Nintendo DS, to be exact. I probably went a bit overboard, and got 4 games to go with it, too. Kirby: Canvas Curse, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars DS, and Animal Crossing: Wild World. Speaking of which, if you're looking for a town to visit, just send me your friend code. My house is Wi-Fi ready, so yay for that. ^_^ Mario Kart is more of the same classic goodness that is Mario Kart. I never got into the double dash stuff. Two drivers is just too complicated for me. I haven't done much in Advance Wars aside from a cursory glance at the multiplayer (why oh why isn't it online?), but I enjoyed the GBA iterations of the series. However, the current star of my DS collection has to be Kirby. It's great.
me: hes likeThat's really the whole game. There were times where it almost felt like I was playing Sonic again, only with more whimsy. I'm talking Sonic as in the old-school Genesis and Game Gear Sonic, not the new 3D one... bleh.
me: a little ball
me: that you poke with a rainbow
me: whats not to love?
Mel: that was the best description of anything ever
I also picked up GTA: San Andreas. I'm not planning on playing it any time soon, but Target had it on sale for that week only ($15), so I hadda get it while the getting was good. (This is the same reason why I now own Spiderman 2 on DVD; it was $10.) Like I said, I don't plan on playing it now. I've got a lot on my gaming plate. Aside from World of Warcraft, I've still got to beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories before the 28th. At least, I've gotta beat Sora's story. I'll do the reverse/rebirth another time, maybe. *Sigh.* Can anyone help me make a deck that'll beat the last Riku battle? Or maybe just a killer deck that'll kill everyone in the rest of the game? Does anyone else even play the game? ^_^?
Also, I've been getting back into Pokemon, sorta. I haven't played the games since around Christmas time (I still can't beat the electric trainer in Emerald! x_x), but I've still been drawn by the allure of the franchise. Target sells a Game Cube Pokemon XD Bundle. That's the newest game in the series, for those of you paying attention. And the whole package is just $100. I swear, I'll clean up my room soon enough, and buy a TV, Slim PS2, and one of those G'cubes to put in it, and then I'll be able to sit here and never have to leave for anything, EVER! o_o... Course, it'll cost about $500, but it'll be worth it.
As if buying a Game Cube for the Pokemon games wasn't enough, I've got another level of the odd obsession. Despite having vastly inferior Pokemon, I wanna go to one of the local (as local as Dallas and Houstin are, anyway) Pokemon tour dates next month. I'll have to double check the days, but the chance to get a Celebi on one of my carts is too much to pass up. *Drool.* I've never been to one of these gatherings intentionally. The closest was when I randomly showed up at the mall with my family to find that the place was full of Poke-fans, and me without my Game Boy. This time, though, I'll be prepared. Hyah! o_o
Okay, I think that's about as far as I can go on that route... I'm looking forward to next month also because it means that there will be a different preview DVD at work. Hopefully, it'll be less annoying. *Prays for an English KH-2 preview...*
Video: VP Firearms Mishap Analyst
"He shot that dude!"
I'm sure you've all heard about how Cheney shot a friend in the face. If not, well... That's basically the whole story there. He was hunting quail, and missed, spraying his 78-year-old friend with shotgun pellets. I'm glad this video exists, for it is good. I really have nothing to add.
At some point, maybe tomorrow or so, I'll put up a post about the little things that drive me mad. I need to get a picture of that crazy Bratz laptop with the word "ADVERB!" in the screen on the box. It's deliciously inappropriate, I feel.
Also, I must kill the breezies. Later though. Good night.
EDIT: found a good one. ADVERB!
I'm sure you've all heard about how Cheney shot a friend in the face. If not, well... That's basically the whole story there. He was hunting quail, and missed, spraying his 78-year-old friend with shotgun pellets. I'm glad this video exists, for it is good. I really have nothing to add.
At some point, maybe tomorrow or so, I'll put up a post about the little things that drive me mad. I need to get a picture of that crazy Bratz laptop with the word "ADVERB!" in the screen on the box. It's deliciously inappropriate, I feel.
Also, I must kill the breezies. Later though. Good night.
EDIT: found a good one. ADVERB!
More Stuff, Actually
"We will find a cure for 'shot-in-head'". I love the Colbert Report. Anyway, I wanted to also share this clip, similar to the "Brokeback to the Future" I linked earlier.
Also, I wanted to say something about the Attorney General's little spat with the legislature. Not sure what I wanted to say. I've gotta stop writing these things while I'm sick. x_x
Actually, nah, they're more fun when they make no sense. Earlier today I randomly made the word Intelligision, out of the illness-induced combination of "Important" and "Television." This may sound stupid to you, but at the time I found it pretty hilarious.
Okay, head hurts. Gonna go now. Bye.
Also, I wanted to say something about the Attorney General's little spat with the legislature. Not sure what I wanted to say. I've gotta stop writing these things while I'm sick. x_x
Actually, nah, they're more fun when they make no sense. Earlier today I randomly made the word Intelligision, out of the illness-induced combination of "Important" and "Television." This may sound stupid to you, but at the time I found it pretty hilarious.
Okay, head hurts. Gonna go now. Bye.
So, I was installing World of Warcraft on the family PC, hoping it would run better with the better computer. It's still installing. so, I'll let you know how that turns out.
Oh wow, I'm watching Harrison Ford on the Daily Show. He's awesome. He's really hilarous, it's awesome. Seriously, I want to be his friend now. I mean, I'll just be a drooling fanboy, I'm sure, but still... Anyway, he was talking to Jon about his new movie, and Jon talks about how he did all his own stunts.
Now, for the REAL reason I'm posting this: KINGDOM HEARTS TWO RELEASES MARCH TWENTY-EIGHTH. Perhaps you didn't hear that. Lemme try again.
It'll be awesome, I'm sure. I'm gonna spin in circles around spazzing out about it. I've already told Jackie about my Kingdom Hearts 2 sound. It's something like... GHABLOGASHBOL!
Okay, that didn't come up well. But yeah, I'll see you guys later.
Oh wow, I'm watching Harrison Ford on the Daily Show. He's awesome. He's really hilarous, it's awesome. Seriously, I want to be his friend now. I mean, I'll just be a drooling fanboy, I'm sure, but still... Anyway, he was talking to Jon about his new movie, and Jon talks about how he did all his own stunts.
"Well I had to. They gave me so much money. It would have just been rude...That cracked me up.
Now, for the REAL reason I'm posting this: KINGDOM HEARTS TWO RELEASES MARCH TWENTY-EIGHTH. Perhaps you didn't hear that. Lemme try again.
It'll be awesome, I'm sure. I'm gonna spin in circles around spazzing out about it. I've already told Jackie about my Kingdom Hearts 2 sound. It's something like... GHABLOGASHBOL!
Okay, that didn't come up well. But yeah, I'll see you guys later.
Brokeback... to the Future.
Random Link of the [insert time period here]. This thing is really well done, and goes on to prove my theory about what happens when you change a soundtrack.
John Doe 101

Here's what you do. Get in a car, and make sure you've got some cash. Head to the South East corner of the island (this is Vice City, btw), and stop next to the sidewalk. Eventually, a good looking young woman will walk up, and say something in the language of the Sims, and get in the car. drive her to a secluded spot (I usually went to a dune on the beach). The car will start to shake, your money will go down, and your health will go up. I'm not gonna say what exactly is supposed to be going on, but I guess that the hooker doesn't do rough stuff. *Shrugs.*
So, now you're healthy, and out a chunck of change. What next? Well, wait for the hooker to get out, then pull a U-turn to run the bitch over. Take her money, and you'll end up with more than you started out with. Yay capitolism!
In other news, I don't have work tomorrow until 4, and by morning (or sooner), I should have all the RVB videos availiable to mankind. w00t!
I just finished watching the Colbert Report from last night, thanks to TiVo. He signed off by telling me
I went to the mall tonight. Didn't do much, met some nice people though, and that was fun. And then, as I was leaving, the theme to Back to the Future came up. If you haven't heard it, here's a link. Anyway, I was all excited, cuz it's nice driving music. It's all like... whee!!! I dunno, but yeah, it makes you feel like you're going the 88 miles per hour and flying and everything. I have this thing about how my music ends up functioning like a soundtrack for my life. Like that old Starburst commercial... You ever get the feeling that sometimes, everything just comes together? Well yeah, I start the car to the music, and things are just synching up. It's going great. Each gear shift (cuz I'm driving stick) goes along with it's musical cue. and when I get to the stop light, the music turns really soft. Then things took a turn for the worse. The music went up again, but the light was still red, so I just had to sit there, wishing I was moving, but I wasn't. It was kinda akward. By the time I got moving again, Mariah Carey was singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
Well lessee... I got another day off tomorrow. It's the Guildpact Release event at Pat's, so we'll see how that turns out. Also, I got WoW installed. Let's see how it goes, too. ^_^
"...and if you're watching this on TiVo and you fast forwarded through the commercials, you just stole money from our advertisers. Go back and re-watch them. You'll sleep better."That's where TiVo stopped recording. It was so freaky I burst out laughing right there. This was also the episode where he interviewed the Congressman from the 8th district of New York. In reguards to who he would want to look over his email conversations, he said:
"It'd be okay if it were my wife or my girlfriend... Well, uh, I don't have a girlfriend, but."Can you say Freudian Slip? I'm sure his wife had some questions for HIM last night. Hehe.
I went to the mall tonight. Didn't do much, met some nice people though, and that was fun. And then, as I was leaving, the theme to Back to the Future came up. If you haven't heard it, here's a link. Anyway, I was all excited, cuz it's nice driving music. It's all like... whee!!! I dunno, but yeah, it makes you feel like you're going the 88 miles per hour and flying and everything. I have this thing about how my music ends up functioning like a soundtrack for my life. Like that old Starburst commercial... You ever get the feeling that sometimes, everything just comes together? Well yeah, I start the car to the music, and things are just synching up. It's going great. Each gear shift (cuz I'm driving stick) goes along with it's musical cue. and when I get to the stop light, the music turns really soft. Then things took a turn for the worse. The music went up again, but the light was still red, so I just had to sit there, wishing I was moving, but I wasn't. It was kinda akward. By the time I got moving again, Mariah Carey was singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
Well lessee... I got another day off tomorrow. It's the Guildpact Release event at Pat's, so we'll see how that turns out. Also, I got WoW installed. Let's see how it goes, too. ^_^
Random Quizzle
I found a random quizzle from Oni Momo's LJ, and I hadda fill it in for myself. Plus, I'm in a silly mood. Let's see what happens.
Edit: the placement of the pictures is kinda wonky. I'll fix it after dinner.
True and False:Okay. And I spiced it up with pictures too! I was just planning on the Jazz one, but the rest sorta called out and asked to be posted too. They should be clickable to find a larger image, if you want. ^_^
I am a cuddler. - True
I am a great dancer. - False
I am a morning person. - False, yet they make me...
I am a perfectionist. - Nah...
I am an only child. - False, two brothers.
I am Catholic. - False
I am currently in my PJs. - Sorta... I'm gonna take off my pants before I get into bed.
I am currently pregnant. - False
I am currently single. - False
I am currently suffering from a broken heart. - False
I am left handed. - Sorta; I'm ambidextrious.
I am married. - False
I am addicted to myspace. - False
I'm shy around the opposite sex. - True (but it's okay, I'm also shy around the same sex too, so....
I bite my nails. - True
I currently regret something I have done. - Lots, but not enough to be "currently regretting it.
When I get mad I curse. - True
I don't like anyone. - False
I enjoy country music. - FalseI enjoy Jazz. - True; who wouldn't like that guy?
I have a car. - More than one, depending on how you look at it.
I have a cell phone. - True
I have a pet. - True
I have a tendency to fall for the wrong guy/girl. - If by "wrong" you mean "more than one"
I have at least one brother or sister. - True (what did I JUST tell you?)
I have been to another country. - True, but not enough of them.
I have been told that I'm smart. - True
I have been told that I have a sense of humor. - True
I have had a broken bone. - False
I have caller ID on my phone. - True for my cell phone, duh.
I have changed a lot over the past year. - Who hasn't?
I have had surgery. - True; twice, even!
I have killed another person. - False... VERY false
I have had my hair cut within the last week. - False... just barely though.
I have had the cops called on me. - Maybe, not sure. I hope not!
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn't. - True
I have mood swings. - False
I have rejected someone before. - True
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy. - True
I have watched Sex and the City. - False
I like Shakesphere. - False
I love to cook. - False
I love Michael Jackson. - False
I love sleeping. - True
I love to shop. - Yeah, it runs in the family.
I miss someone right now. - True.
I own over 100 cds. - Not CD's, but I DO have over 10,000 songs on my hard disk.
I own over 100 dvds. - I'm not sure... prolly not, unless you combined my family together, and counted 2 disk sets as two seperate disks.
I own & use a library card. - Not any more.
I practice a religon that is not considered mainstream. - I suppose so. That or I'm making it up as I go along.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time. - I try too...
I sleep a lot during the day. - Not now that I have a job... ._.
I strongly dislike math. - FalseI think Britney Spears is pretty. - True, but that won't make up for her other flaws.
I was born in a country other than the US. - False
I watch Soap Operas on a regular basis. - False
I will try almost anyting once. - False... I'm such a prude / goody-two-shoes.
I work at a job that I enjoy. - Yeah! I get to work with the video games at Target! Score!
I would classify myself as ghetto. - False... many things I own are "Ghetto-rigged" to work, though, like my laptop.I can name all seven dwarfs from Snow White? - True: Dopey, Sneezy. Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful and Doc. Great Scott!!
I am currently wearing socks. - False
I am tired. - False
First best friend: Kathy Blau... (Technically my first girlfriend too... sorta x_x)
First Award: Meh, something from Kindergarten?
First Sport: Soccor! Our team got 2nd Place, because I did nothing at all! YAY!!!First pet: Kittens. My personal first pet (as in, not the family's): Houdini the Iguana.
First Real Vacation: Oh, well I've been visiting my grandparents in Amarillo (from NJ) since I was like 3 years old, and I think my mom was in Hawaii while I was in her tummy. ^_^
First Concert: MC CHRIS AT EMO'S! RAWK!
First Love: Still working on that...
___ Favorites___
Movie: Oh, there's lots, but if I hadda pick one, 'The Matrix'. Not the sequels though. They were shi'ite.TV Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Color: Silver
Rapper: MC Chris, again... I'm not a big rap fan.
Band: Varied... I don't like listening to the same group twice in a row if I can avoid it.
Song Right Now: 'Passion', the opening theme to Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm such a nerd.
Friend: I don't pick favorites like that. Shame on you if you do.
Candy: Meh... Milky Way bars I guess.
Sport to Play: babysitting; It's a full time work out!
Restuarant: ARBY'S!Favorite brand : Brand of what? Toilet paper? Tissues? Mouthwash? I'm gonna say Target as a shameless plug.
Store: <---- School Subject: Computer Science Animal: Bats. Dunno why, they're just cool. Also dinosaurs. Book: I don't read enough... 'God's Debris' was good though Magazine: Umm... Scrye, I guess. That or Wired. Shoes: Sandals year round. o_o ___Currently___ Feeling: Silly Single or Taken?: Taken Have a crush: Not especially Eating: Mexican food tonight! Drinking: I need water. Thanks for reminding me. Online?: Glub. Listening To: "Liu Vs. Reptile" from the Mortal Kombat Soundtrack Thinking About: Very little aside from making this quiz entertaining. Wanting To: Get Paid Watching: Flashing lights on a couple of monitors. Wearing: An MC Chris t-shirt, oddly enough. ___Your Future___ Want Kids?: Many Want to be Married?: Eventually. Careers in Mind: Video Game Designer Where do you want to live: Anywhere with Broadband Internet. Car: Toyota Celica.
___Have you ever______
Kissed a Stranger: No
Had Alcohol: Once or twice, not much though.
Smoked: No, it'll kill me!
Broken a bone: Didn't you already ask this?
Got an X-ray: Many times. MRI's too.
Been with someone: Uh huh...
Broken Someones Heart: Too many times. u_u
Broke Up With Someone: Same as above.
Cried When Someone Died: My kitty, actuallly
Cried At School: In kindergarten, when the substitute didn't let us finish "Sesame Street: Don't Eat The Pictures". I still don't know how it ended. u_u
___Do You Believe In___
God: In one form or another
Love At First sight: Maybe, but not for me.
Ghosts: Not per se...
Aliens: Those durned Mexicans... ET life though, sure, it's out there. Whether it's come here or not, I'm not so sure of.
Soul Mates: Maybe. That's something of a overly dramatic way of putting it, but I'm sure there's someone there for everyone.
Heaven: I believe you choose your own afterlife, be it heaven, hell, limbo, or nothingness.
Hell: (See above)
Angels: It's an oversimplification and a personification of something real, but beyond comprehension for most people.
Kissing on The First Date: And maybe more...
Horoscopes: Nope.
Edit: the placement of the pictures is kinda wonky. I'll fix it after dinner.
Happy Groundhog's Day
So I was going over it in my head. Today is February 1st. That's 14 days until Valentines day, and I already have something for a present for Jackie. I feel smart. ^_^ Also, tomorrow, the first day I have off work, is Groundhog's day. Apparently, it's a religious holiday for my people. My people being, so far, me. Anyway, YAAAY.
Another thing bouncing around my head right now - Tri-Color lands. Actually, what it started with the thought that there weren't enough true Dual lands (Cards that have the line "Land - Mountain Forest" and such for a type) out there. The originals, and now the Ravnica Shocklands. But I think there can be more. Obviously, not more than one kind per type two, but it's worth looking into. What I started with was somthing like this:
Also, when I came up with the name (a play on the old Nick show "Legends of the Hidden Temple", natch) the idea to make the lands Legendary, as another drawback. I need to get an R&D together to test this. Or, better yet, find the real one. It's too bad that I can't give these ideas to Wizards, what with the legal red tape and all.
Another thing bouncing around my head right now - Tri-Color lands. Actually, what it started with the thought that there weren't enough true Dual lands (Cards that have the line "Land - Mountain Forest" and such for a type) out there. The originals, and now the Ravnica Shocklands. But I think there can be more. Obviously, not more than one kind per type two, but it's worth looking into. What I started with was somthing like this:
Molten OrchardMy base thinking was from the card City of Brass, which taps to add a mana of any color, but hits you for a point of damage. So what you end up with in the Molton Orchard is a more limited version of the City, with the exception that the land types allow for the same tricky interactions you get with Ravnica's Shocklands. It just begged the question, how much is that extra bit worth? My mind quickly sprang to this card:
Land - Mountain Forest
Whenever ~this~ becomes tapped, it deals one damage to you.
Legendary Forbidden TempleSo there's a THREE color land, something never seen before. Out of idle curiosity, I wrote up all the combinations for tri-color lands there are:
Land - Plains Island Swamp
Whenever ~this~ becomes tapped, it deals you one damage.
Allied trios: WUB UBR BRG RGW GWUI probably wouldn't release all 10 at once, probably the allied 5 first, then the enemy in the last set of the block. Anyway, it came to my attention that at this point, they may be getting TOO powerful. I mean, aside from the Planeshift Dragon-Lairs, which were pretty not-good, I don't think tri-color lands have really been attempted in Magic. The idea I had after that was to change the ability to this:
Allies + enemy: WUR UBG BRW RGU GWB
~this~ comes into play tapped.Notice the subtle difference there? Aside from the comes into play tapped part, it's ALMOST the same card, except you have a slight delayed reaction to the mana you got. It could change a few interactions. I remember losing one game because I was at one, and couldn't pull the extra one mana I needed from a painland, so this ability would be pretty interesting I think.
Whenever ~this~ is untapped, it deals one damage to you.
Also, when I came up with the name (a play on the old Nick show "Legends of the Hidden Temple", natch) the idea to make the lands Legendary, as another drawback. I need to get an R&D together to test this. Or, better yet, find the real one. It's too bad that I can't give these ideas to Wizards, what with the legal red tape and all.
The Importance of Background Music
I've been bouncing the following thought around in my noggin lately: what would happen to a movie if you switched up the soundtrack? For example, playing the "Duel of Fates" song, the one from the lightsaber battle in The Phantom Menace, at the point where Anakin meets Padme for the first time. Or switching "Bring Me To Life" and "My Immortal" in Daredevil, with the faster song playing over the funeral, and the slow one happening during the scene where Elektra is slicing open sand bags (I do not envy the man who had to clean that up afterwards).
Anyway, for the main part of the thought, I'm gonna switch up the Top Gun soundtrack, just switching up, song for song, part for part. For instance, throwing "Take My Breath Away" to one of the big battles in the air, possibly the one where it's just Maverick and Ice Man. (Btw, if you haven't seen the movie, I don't have the time to explain it to you just now, but go see it, it's good. Actually, it'd make a good PSP movie...) One of the problems I came across was that there are two songs that are actually sung by the characters: "That Loving Feeling" and "Great Balls of Fire" I think for that I'll just switch those two, and watch the hilarity ensue. But yeah, throw "Mighty Wings" in the background of the volleyball scene. That or "Take my Breath Away", which would be even more inappropriate...
I need to actually sit down and write out a list, and now I just don't have the time. I'll think about it at work, maybe. Later.
Anyway, for the main part of the thought, I'm gonna switch up the Top Gun soundtrack, just switching up, song for song, part for part. For instance, throwing "Take My Breath Away" to one of the big battles in the air, possibly the one where it's just Maverick and Ice Man. (Btw, if you haven't seen the movie, I don't have the time to explain it to you just now, but go see it, it's good. Actually, it'd make a good PSP movie...) One of the problems I came across was that there are two songs that are actually sung by the characters: "That Loving Feeling" and "Great Balls of Fire" I think for that I'll just switch those two, and watch the hilarity ensue. But yeah, throw "Mighty Wings" in the background of the volleyball scene. That or "Take my Breath Away", which would be even more inappropriate...
I need to actually sit down and write out a list, and now I just don't have the time. I'll think about it at work, maybe. Later.
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