
Hand Held HIjinks

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged. Sorry about that... Geez, like a week. And I've had all this stuff bouncing around my head that needs talking about, and now it all seems to just slip by. Part of the problem is World Of Warcraft. I seem to be devoting a lot of my free time to it. You'll note, I'm not addicted to it. I've got a buncha other things going on, too. Its just that World of Warcraft is something I can tool around in for an unspecified time and always enjoy, especially when I'm with my friends. Speaking of which, if any of you guys wanna get on Runetotem and quest with me, feel free. It's not exactly lonesome, but the more the merrier, right?

Currently, Tareisa, my Night Elf Hunter (Huntress?) is just a few exp shy of level 20, at which point, I should be able to dual weild daggers, which will be fun. ^_^ It's still another 20 beyond that until I can use a mount, at which point I shall be unstoppable... Maybe. Anyway, I'm winding down the quests in Auberdine, about to head on into Asheton or something like that (I hate the random names x_x), and my next step into a larger world.

The big news for this past week, though, isn't about WOW. I got some new tech on my hands, literally. A Nintendo DS, to be exact. I probably went a bit overboard, and got 4 games to go with it, too. Kirby: Canvas Curse, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars DS, and Animal Crossing: Wild World. Speaking of which, if you're looking for a town to visit, just send me your friend code. My house is Wi-Fi ready, so yay for that. ^_^ Mario Kart is more of the same classic goodness that is Mario Kart. I never got into the double dash stuff. Two drivers is just too complicated for me. I haven't done much in Advance Wars aside from a cursory glance at the multiplayer (why oh why isn't it online?), but I enjoyed the GBA iterations of the series. However, the current star of my DS collection has to be Kirby. It's great.
me: hes like
me: a little ball
me: that you poke with a rainbow
me: whats not to love?
Mel: that was the best description of anything ever
That's really the whole game. There were times where it almost felt like I was playing Sonic again, only with more whimsy. I'm talking Sonic as in the old-school Genesis and Game Gear Sonic, not the new 3D one... bleh.

I also picked up GTA: San Andreas. I'm not planning on playing it any time soon, but Target had it on sale for that week only ($15), so I hadda get it while the getting was good. (This is the same reason why I now own Spiderman 2 on DVD; it was $10.) Like I said, I don't plan on playing it now. I've got a lot on my gaming plate. Aside from World of Warcraft, I've still got to beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories before the 28th. At least, I've gotta beat Sora's story. I'll do the reverse/rebirth another time, maybe. *Sigh.* Can anyone help me make a deck that'll beat the last Riku battle? Or maybe just a killer deck that'll kill everyone in the rest of the game? Does anyone else even play the game? ^_^?

Also, I've been getting back into Pokemon, sorta. I haven't played the games since around Christmas time (I still can't beat the electric trainer in Emerald! x_x), but I've still been drawn by the allure of the franchise. Target sells a Game Cube Pokemon XD Bundle. That's the newest game in the series, for those of you paying attention. And the whole package is just $100. I swear, I'll clean up my room soon enough, and buy a TV, Slim PS2, and one of those G'cubes to put in it, and then I'll be able to sit here and never have to leave for anything, EVER! o_o... Course, it'll cost about $500, but it'll be worth it.

As if buying a Game Cube for the Pokemon games wasn't enough, I've got another level of the odd obsession. Despite having vastly inferior Pokemon, I wanna go to one of the local (as local as Dallas and Houstin are, anyway) Pokemon tour dates next month. I'll have to double check the days, but the chance to get a Celebi on one of my carts is too much to pass up. *Drool.* I've never been to one of these gatherings intentionally. The closest was when I randomly showed up at the mall with my family to find that the place was full of Poke-fans, and me without my Game Boy. This time, though, I'll be prepared. Hyah! o_o

Okay, I think that's about as far as I can go on that route... I'm looking forward to next month also because it means that there will be a different preview DVD at work. Hopefully, it'll be less annoying. *Prays for an English KH-2 preview...*

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