True and False:Okay. And I spiced it up with pictures too! I was just planning on the Jazz one, but the rest sorta called out and asked to be posted too. They should be clickable to find a larger image, if you want. ^_^
I am a cuddler. - True
I am a great dancer. - False
I am a morning person. - False, yet they make me...
I am a perfectionist. - Nah...
I am an only child. - False, two brothers.
I am Catholic. - False
I am currently in my PJs. - Sorta... I'm gonna take off my pants before I get into bed.
I am currently pregnant. - False
I am currently single. - False
I am currently suffering from a broken heart. - False
I am left handed. - Sorta; I'm ambidextrious.
I am married. - False
I am addicted to myspace. - False
I'm shy around the opposite sex. - True (but it's okay, I'm also shy around the same sex too, so....
I bite my nails. - True
I currently regret something I have done. - Lots, but not enough to be "currently regretting it.
When I get mad I curse. - True
I don't like anyone. - False
I enjoy country music. - FalseI enjoy Jazz. - True; who wouldn't like that guy?
I have a car. - More than one, depending on how you look at it.
I have a cell phone. - True
I have a pet. - True
I have a tendency to fall for the wrong guy/girl. - If by "wrong" you mean "more than one"
I have at least one brother or sister. - True (what did I JUST tell you?)
I have been to another country. - True, but not enough of them.
I have been told that I'm smart. - True
I have been told that I have a sense of humor. - True
I have had a broken bone. - False
I have caller ID on my phone. - True for my cell phone, duh.
I have changed a lot over the past year. - Who hasn't?
I have had surgery. - True; twice, even!
I have killed another person. - False... VERY false
I have had my hair cut within the last week. - False... just barely though.
I have had the cops called on me. - Maybe, not sure. I hope not!
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn't. - True
I have mood swings. - False
I have rejected someone before. - True
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy. - True
I have watched Sex and the City. - False
I like Shakesphere. - False
I love to cook. - False
I love Michael Jackson. - False
I love sleeping. - True
I love to shop. - Yeah, it runs in the family.
I miss someone right now. - True.
I own over 100 cds. - Not CD's, but I DO have over 10,000 songs on my hard disk.
I own over 100 dvds. - I'm not sure... prolly not, unless you combined my family together, and counted 2 disk sets as two seperate disks.
I own & use a library card. - Not any more.
I practice a religon that is not considered mainstream. - I suppose so. That or I'm making it up as I go along.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time. - I try too...
I sleep a lot during the day. - Not now that I have a job... ._.
I strongly dislike math. - FalseI think Britney Spears is pretty. - True, but that won't make up for her other flaws.
I was born in a country other than the US. - False
I watch Soap Operas on a regular basis. - False
I will try almost anyting once. - False... I'm such a prude / goody-two-shoes.
I work at a job that I enjoy. - Yeah! I get to work with the video games at Target! Score!
I would classify myself as ghetto. - False... many things I own are "Ghetto-rigged" to work, though, like my laptop.I can name all seven dwarfs from Snow White? - True: Dopey, Sneezy. Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful and Doc. Great Scott!!
I am currently wearing socks. - False
I am tired. - False
First best friend: Kathy Blau... (Technically my first girlfriend too... sorta x_x)
First Award: Meh, something from Kindergarten?
First Sport: Soccor! Our team got 2nd Place, because I did nothing at all! YAY!!!First pet: Kittens. My personal first pet (as in, not the family's): Houdini the Iguana.
First Real Vacation: Oh, well I've been visiting my grandparents in Amarillo (from NJ) since I was like 3 years old, and I think my mom was in Hawaii while I was in her tummy. ^_^
First Concert: MC CHRIS AT EMO'S! RAWK!
First Love: Still working on that...
___ Favorites___
Movie: Oh, there's lots, but if I hadda pick one, 'The Matrix'. Not the sequels though. They were shi'ite.TV Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Color: Silver
Rapper: MC Chris, again... I'm not a big rap fan.
Band: Varied... I don't like listening to the same group twice in a row if I can avoid it.
Song Right Now: 'Passion', the opening theme to Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm such a nerd.
Friend: I don't pick favorites like that. Shame on you if you do.
Candy: Meh... Milky Way bars I guess.
Sport to Play: babysitting; It's a full time work out!
Restuarant: ARBY'S!Favorite brand : Brand of what? Toilet paper? Tissues? Mouthwash? I'm gonna say Target as a shameless plug.
Store: <---- School Subject: Computer Science Animal: Bats. Dunno why, they're just cool. Also dinosaurs. Book: I don't read enough... 'God's Debris' was good though Magazine: Umm... Scrye, I guess. That or Wired. Shoes: Sandals year round. o_o ___Currently___ Feeling: Silly Single or Taken?: Taken Have a crush: Not especially Eating: Mexican food tonight! Drinking: I need water. Thanks for reminding me. Online?: Glub. Listening To: "Liu Vs. Reptile" from the Mortal Kombat Soundtrack Thinking About: Very little aside from making this quiz entertaining. Wanting To: Get Paid Watching: Flashing lights on a couple of monitors. Wearing: An MC Chris t-shirt, oddly enough. ___Your Future___ Want Kids?: Many Want to be Married?: Eventually. Careers in Mind: Video Game Designer Where do you want to live: Anywhere with Broadband Internet. Car: Toyota Celica.
___Have you ever______
Kissed a Stranger: No
Had Alcohol: Once or twice, not much though.
Smoked: No, it'll kill me!
Broken a bone: Didn't you already ask this?
Got an X-ray: Many times. MRI's too.
Been with someone: Uh huh...
Broken Someones Heart: Too many times. u_u
Broke Up With Someone: Same as above.
Cried When Someone Died: My kitty, actuallly
Cried At School: In kindergarten, when the substitute didn't let us finish "Sesame Street: Don't Eat The Pictures". I still don't know how it ended. u_u
___Do You Believe In___
God: In one form or another
Love At First sight: Maybe, but not for me.
Ghosts: Not per se...
Aliens: Those durned Mexicans... ET life though, sure, it's out there. Whether it's come here or not, I'm not so sure of.
Soul Mates: Maybe. That's something of a overly dramatic way of putting it, but I'm sure there's someone there for everyone.
Heaven: I believe you choose your own afterlife, be it heaven, hell, limbo, or nothingness.
Hell: (See above)
Angels: It's an oversimplification and a personification of something real, but beyond comprehension for most people.
Kissing on The First Date: And maybe more...
Horoscopes: Nope.
Edit: the placement of the pictures is kinda wonky. I'll fix it after dinner.
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