Here's what you do. Get in a car, and make sure you've got some cash. Head to the South East corner of the island (this is Vice City, btw), and stop next to the sidewalk. Eventually, a good looking young woman will walk up, and say something in the language of the Sims, and get in the car. drive her to a secluded spot (I usually went to a dune on the beach). The car will start to shake, your money will go down, and your health will go up. I'm not gonna say what exactly is supposed to be going on, but I guess that the hooker doesn't do rough stuff. *Shrugs.*
So, now you're healthy, and out a chunck of change. What next? Well, wait for the hooker to get out, then pull a U-turn to run the bitch over. Take her money, and you'll end up with more than you started out with. Yay capitolism!
In other news, I don't have work tomorrow until 4, and by morning (or sooner), I should have all the RVB videos availiable to mankind. w00t!
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