
Mario Runs From Bellhop

It's-a MAAArio! ^_^

I think it's CGI, but it may possibly be a guy in a foam suit. *shrug*

Also, I just bought Burnout Paradise for 360. Seriously, if you have a 360 and like driving games at all, you should at least check it out. It's a totally open world to drive in, mess around, run races, blow stuff up... its like GTA without the guy; just cars. It's really really fun. ^_^


Good Weather

Sorry I haven't been posting recently. ALL YEAR LONG, in fact. Just haven't really had anything worth saying.

I do have to say though, this was the PERFECT time of year to let my kittens out for the first time. My perennial laziness kept them from getting any sort of shots or other medical treatment until just recently, with them about 6 months old. (Maybe more, I dunno.) So, before then, I knew I couldn't let them out, even though they obviously wanted to.

Now, with their immune systems immunized and their who-hah's and what's'its fixed (which is to say, broken), they are free to explore nature in all its grandeur. And, as I have said, I couldn't have picked a better time to procrastinate to. For the past few days, it has been absolutely miserable outside. Of course, it's all new to them, but as they're exploring something new, I'm glad they have a clear contrast in their heads. My house is dry and warm, and very nice; outside is wet and cold and miserable. I also have a litter box and readily available food, though I can't necessarily promise that they couldn't find similar facilities outside.

Indeed, even with the outdoors being so terrible of late, trying to coax them back into my house when I wanted has been quite a chore. So instead, I've taken to letting them out when I leave for work in the morning, and then, 9 or so hours later, letting them back in, once they've gotten that out of their system.