
Strange Goings-On

For whatever reason, this discussion has taken up way too much of my time and effort. It shouldn't have been that much of an issue. I quoted the Lion King, and he should have said something about the Lion King being stupid, and I would have agreed, but said that the quote still applied. He instead decided to escalate it by deleting the quote outright and insulting me for "liking Disney movies" too much and being immature. See, if you ask me, there is a time and place for maturity, and the Internet is rarely it. So yeah, I go around being immature online. Is that a crime? Is that so bad? *Sighs*

James feels that people should simply forget their childhood when they enter high school. Okay, good for him. I don't want to. He seems to feel that the world is divided into things for children, and things for adults, and past a certain age you should switch. I think that he should know better than anyone that this field is blurred far more than that, especially since he loves video games, and has a GameCube, unarguably the one system of the big three targeted to the youngest market. In any case, I need to move past this. He's right, some things are more imporant than others. Right now, for instance, a lot of things are more important than that issue. I just hope James realizes that we WILL have to interact several times over in the future, and I'm not the one with a problem. I didn't mind ferrying around someone and talking about issues like religion and politics and things, but if he's going to attack me and the things I enjoy, I simply don't want to be in the car with him if I can avoid it. And, as luck would have it, I can for the most part in this case. ^_^

Lessee, in other news, I've started school, and I think it's a good thing that I'm enjoying them all so far. I have a really kick-ass schedule, with plenty of time to hang ou- I mean get my work done. *Nods* Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons are completely open for me, along with the weekends. I've decided to set those afternoons apart for doing my homework. Gasp! You heard right, I've scheduled time for my home work! O_O And that's not all: I'm going to be doing it EARLY if I can. Blasphemy! But yeah, this afternoon I still need to go and get my books. I waited until I'd seen all my classes and listened to what they needed, and now I know. Thankfully, I managed to get all the information my Aunt needed to her so she could get all my financial issues straightened out. I probably got more money than I'll need for my books, and as much as I'd like to keep the money for myself, I'll probably have to at least TELL her about it, and probably go to the trouble of sending it back so it can be invested. With any luck, it will be some amount that is too small to be worth returning to my college fund, but big enough that I can use it to buy food or something cool.

Anyway, that's my plan. I'll probably give an outline of all my classes or something later... And do some serious writing (or as serious as I get, anyway) to take my mind off this James thing and get some of my pent up aggression out. Yeah, that's right, I do get angry, but unlike some people, I know how to deal with it. Anyway, That's later. Calc is now. And again, James, if you're reading this, you seriously need to unblock me. I don't want to discuss things ad infinitum in your Journal any more than you do. That's something we can at least both agree on.



Random thought for the day: I'm planning on having children some day. Not myself, but through the vessel of purity that is Jackie. Anyway, this came up on TV just now, and it hit a chord with me, but if my son/daughter is born with a tail, I'm not sure I'd remove it. It might be cute or something. I dunno. No ears, of course, but still. Ah, who'm I kidding, I'd love it.

I've been bitten by the writers bug lately. When I'm in college, I'll prolly settle up and do write. And you can read it, if you're lucky. O_O

Anyway, I'm back in Austin tomorrow, for about 3 days, then Lubbock! Whee. No time for posting now, it seems. Talk again when I'm on CST.


Back In The Swing O' Things

Well, I'm sure you're all wondering just what I've been doing here. Or asked me and I told you. Why the fuck do I write this thing again? Oh yeah: I'm a fool. Ah well. A fool's life be a merry one, and not full of the fret or worry that has a king.

So yeah, I've been here in New Jersey. It's not bad. My dad's nearly constantly away for work, since he works in Philly, and would rather make the 1.5 hour commute at night, then sleep and be rested in the morning; than to wake up 2 hours earlier and drive half groggily through heavy traffic. Wendy thinks this is "weird." She thinks a lot of things are "weird", and though she doesn't say it outright, the way she uses it gives you the implication that she thinks its wrong or bad or something. It makes me kinda sad, that she sees things that are different as being "weird". It also makes me angry that she talks for hours on end about all the things she doesnt like about my dad. His drinking, his staying in another place. Meanwhile I never hear him complain about her once, and I do the same, not wanting to make any waves in their already precarious relationship. I'm sorry, though, Wendy, if you're trying to make me see you as the 'victim' here or something, it's not happening. My mom talks bad about my dad, and I'm kinda torn. They're both my parents. Wendy, you are not. You're a nice lady, and I'm glad my dad is so happy with you that he married you. If he's happy, then that's great. But if it comes down to you or him, don't think I'm going to take your side.

*Sigh* I'm glad I got that outta my system. Lets see.... I had one more thing to say while I was ranting. Oh well... It'll come to me. Meanwhile: Isn't it bizzare that Matt Damon was in Eurotrip? I still can't get that through my head. You know that song "Scotty Doesn't Know", that they're playing at the party? The guy in the band... That's Matt Damon. Tell me if that makes sense.
Yeah, we're making a random comedy movie, and we've got a part for a guitarist on stage for about 4 minutes in a montage concert scene. Lets make it Matt Damon. That seems like a good use of our money.

So anyway, what have I been doing here? What HAVE I been doing? Well... I helped my dad fix the steps on his porch at the shore house. That was somewhat interesting. And I get to drive his van a lot of the time, so I can go get James and Dylan from their sundry adventures. Which leads me to:


Don't worry, I'll try to be brief about it: Friday night I went to the gamers realm for their Friday Night Magic draft. Champions, Betrayers, Saviors. I lost 3nd round, and my opponant was apparently the only one undefeated after that, some how, so he pretty much automatically won. Yay me. X_X Anyway, I got a few nifty trades out of it, Including the FOIL Sword of Fire and Ice I got off James for driving him to his gf's house, traded away for Kokusho!!! I have Mom's Xmas present all wrapped up. ^_^

Saturday was free day though. As in... free booster draft. Randomly, it was Betrayers only, but some library in Mt. Holly was paying for boxes, and I wasn't about to start asking questions. I had a blast though, so that was good. ^_^ I made a pretty solid Gr/w deck, and then proceded to draw my one of nine forests every game.... X_X Sigh... So I was out of that. Then I lost in a Type 2 tournament by simply refusing to win. I don't know what came over me. I had the win in hand. Duplicant on the Hokori, survive a turn to play Tooth and Nail for Triskellion and Vampire. Sigh... Oh well. Now that Tooth's going out of Type 2, I'll prolly never play it again. I dunno. Maybe I'll make it extended or something, and run Bojisu main. *Sighs* What could have been... On the way back, I got a Grimlock alternator, though, so it wasn't a total bust for the day. And plus, free magic cards. I can't say no to that. Ever.

I've also been fiddling with the old interface again. Yeah, I reskinned my computer. Again. And now it looks nifty. You wanna see? It looks all macish! Seriously, you guys!

I've also got my background on rotation, every 30 minutes, or whenever I get bored. I just flipped to this Homestar one cuz it seemed appropriate. Anyway, I'll catch you all later. Have I talked about Superman Vs Batman yet? If not, I should. Ok, bye.

Oh, not by, thanks to editing! I almost forgot to put up this link to the page I was viewing when I took the screenshot. In it, Jack Thompson (Anti-videogame Lawyer) goes crazy in front of the author of VGCats. It's great.


Random Quiz

I took a quiz. I feel so ashamed. Oh well. Consider this filler till I tell you all about the week I've had:

SUPA UKE!You are -100% seme!
Image hosted byPhotobucket.com
You are cute, loveable and huggable, everything a
seme would ever want! You either have very
mediocre skills/powers or have no skills at
all. But that doesn't matter, You exist only
for your seme's pleasure. And if you are lucky,
you will be protected for the rest of your
life! I wish you luck my little one.. for you
are doommmedd doooomed for eternaty.

Most compatible with: Any seme actually!

Ultimate Yaoi-level selector!
brought to you by Quizilla

Apparently, thats me. I like being cute, but I'm ashamed to say I'd never heard the terms Seme or Uke before today. U_U


Made It

Well, I made it. I'm in New Jersey. Whee. I've spent about one full day here, and it was actually rather full. After arriving at about 6:30 (my flight was delayed somewhat,) Dad took me to TGIFridays for dinner with Wendy and James. It was odd, considering that apparently everyone except for me already ate. So I got a sandwich, I think Dad got something interesting, and Wendy got a brownie dessert. (Interesting side-note, there is no Chinese word for dessert, because they don't have dessert after meals.) James, meanwhile, just had a Coke, didn't eat. I don't know why, and I won't speculate. Anyway, after a semi-akward dinner of catching up, we went to Barnes and Noble's, and I feel like a failure, because I didn't find anything. Oh well. We came back, and I quickly did my best to set up an Internet connection. I'm on some guy named Hector's connection, so thanks Hector.

That night, James' listened to his headphones when I went to sleep.

Next day, at like 9am, we got a call from James' girlfriend Kaylee. He was supposed to meet her at the mall asap. So, way too early for my tastes, and I thought James' too, we went to Freehold. I always loved that mall. Two Kaybee Toystores, two gaming stores (at least), and quite frankly its HUGE. THERE'S A FUCKING CAROSEL IN THE FOOD COURT! Anyway, so I get there yesterday, and its not quite as big as I remember. I guess the Carosel is still there, but there was only one KayBee. In the good side of things, though, I found a place selling used PSP's for $200. I don't think that's too bad of a price, honestly, and pointed that out to my dad. He said he'd "think about it." Semi-good sign. Otherwise, I've got to save my money, but I think it's worth it for a tiny wireless web browser.

Then we went to the shore and worked on a collapsing porch. Did you know that the Home Depot rents tools? I didn't, until my dad rented a diamond tipped electric rotary saw and blade, so that was cool. We cut a hole into the side of the concrete porch, and found that it was entirely hollow. That was weird. Apparently it's not really collapsing, though, so that's good. So after we finished pouring a layer of concrete to help level out the hole, we went to the beach. That was fun, tho there was a layer of some weird tiny-jellyfish-thingies... Soam? I can't recall what they were called. But it was nice to take a dip in the water, which was just great aside from the floaty things.

So that's what I've been up to. I've spent most of today fiddling with my computer, trying to make it work on the local network, despite the continual failures which are no fun at all. x_x. I've also got other things to occupy me. I have my entire (though largely deminished) Magic collection which needs sorting, plus a number of PS2 games to work on. I suppose I should get off the Internet now. Yes. That's what I shall do. *Nods.* Okay, later. Or now, if I get my Internet more stable. Just a tip though, if you need to say something, and I'm not online, you can either email me, or, if you know my cell number, call that, if its REALLY urgent. Okay, so long.


Leaving for NJ

Yeah, tomorrow I go to NJ. In like 8 hours, actually. So why am I writing this now? Shouldn't I be sleeping and resting for all the flying I'm doing tomorrow? Or packing? Probably. But I can sleep on the plane. And all I have left to pack is my laptop bag. So everything's cool.

First, a few random thoughts. One: If I ever make a cure for a venerial disease, I will make sure that one of the side effects is sexual in nature. The only dilemma is which way to go with it. I could punish them for their lustful ways by giving them an inability to be sexually active while on the stuff, which would help control the spread of their condition. Or, on the other hand, I could go the cruelly evil path of giving them an increased sex drive, a larger penis / breasts, sort of like a cross between Viagra and Enzyte. That would probably be bad, though, because then whatever STD I was "treating" would spread like wildfire... And then more people would have to buy my medicine! It's Brilliant!!!

Okay, no more thoughts now. I need to be sure everything is in place for tomorrow. I'll post when I get a conn up on the East Coast


Random Thought

This needed to be written down:

I need a t-shirt that has a picture of two untapped Islands on the back, and on the front, in plain text: "Do you feel lucky, punk?" Yay Counterspells.

Also, stay tuned, I need to write one about the origin of Ham, as well as something about the similarities of a firefighter to a knight in shining armour. So that'll be fun.

Oh yeah, and Wednesday August 3rd, 6:30 PM: Draft at my house. Lemme know if you're in.