
Late Night Musings

I read Issac Asimov's story "Franchise" earlier tonite. It basically is story of the one man who is chosen by computer to be the sole voter in all the national elections. Basically, the Computer "Multivac", Asimov's ultimate computational device, narrowed down all the relevant issues to one state, then one county, city, and eventually to one specific person who would determine every election issue for those four years. Kinda scary, huh? I though about how rediculous it was, and then I though about how all the major news organizations figured out that Ohio was going to be the sole "swing state" for the year, way in advance, and how much I felt like no vote in Texas mattered because everyone knew we were going to vote for Bush no matter what. *Sigh.* Politics get me depressed sometimes. On the bright side, its fun to see just how wrong Asimov was 50 years ago. Multivac, the all powerful supercomputer, is half a mile long, and 3 stories tall. People walk around inside it. How rediculous is that? And the story takes place in 2008, and Multivac's been deciding elections for the past 20 years at least. It also claims that the New York Times and St. Louis Post have their own computers, like it's some great big deal. Hmmm... Asimov wrote some good fiction, but he missed on a lot of his science by a long shot. Ah well...

I was about to rant on about Ward Churchhill, but I've already done that. So, aside from the Asimov thing, uh... Oh! I finished Metroid: Zero Mission. Go me! Now I'm going through it again to see if I can beat my old six hour mark. *Sigh* I did manage to unlock the original Metroid, which seems to be just like the one I played, stylistically, except she can't crouch, and shooting diagonally is a bit of a challenge. Anyway, now I should move on to completing my other games. I think I'm like 15 minutes away from the Final Boss in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, and I'm near the last level in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, as well. I've also got a bit left to do in Final Fantasy I, and don't get me started on all my other games I've left on hiatus. I need to beat the Elite Four in both Pokemon Ruby and Fire Red, and some guy named "Red", I think, in Pokemon Silver. Sigh... I need to schedule GBA time or something I think.

Matt and I were looking at wallpapers instead of sleeping. Some of them are very, uh, "vivid". It makes me wonder why the best I could come up with for my current desktop is Devastator vs Superion, though in my defence, they are two sweet giant fighting robots. I'm too tired to post the picture right now, but its a sweeeeet battle scene, trust me. Night.

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